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Reviews for "Ge.ne.sis"


I can't believe i spent almost 5 hours playing this game.
You my dear friend have created an excellent game worthy of critical acclaim.
My only complaint is the rise in difficulty in the later stages.
In retrospect excellent job and good luck on future creations


GUYS READ THE DAMN AUTHORS COMMENTS JEEBUS! Says to push space bar when its fully loaded, and you don't have to keep pushing it.

Its a really good game, I played the version on kongregate and beat it (for the medals!). Fix that bug, sure its okay after pushing the button but make sure it doesn't happen again.

Its a cool battle system to use but I think I've seen it before, its still good though. The only thing that bothers me is that if you want to summon a tarot you have to click on the window above the playing field. Can you make it optional to click on the playing field ( I can understand if its so you don't make a mistake.)

Also the special abilities for the tarot. Make an option to do just push the button then select the enemy because pushing the next phase button is kind of annoying.\

Some guy over at kongregate said that the dialog was bad. I didn't mind but maybe you should fix it up.

Post up some character art like "Yggdra: we'll never fight alone" because your characters could pull off the style and look awesome.

For the next episode keep the play style the same please, you can add more cool things as long as it fits.

Add a time bar like in ffX (Final Fantasy 10 for those who still don't know about it and roman numerals), cause sometimes we forget who comes next.

Now I know I hogged a lot of space, but this game does have what it takes. Like Mardek, its possible.

The final battle better be epic, and I mean EPIC! (Seriously some games I played were very anti-climactic. BREAK THE CHAIN!)

*** A wonderful game ***

This is by far one of the best flash games out there... if not the best. Everything about this game is beautiful... from the eye soothing graphics and the slick interface to the challenging gameplay with a very interesting storyline. Every aspect of the game is so fresh and attractive. It was quite enjoyable to play. I love how the game actually have a real interesting story behind it. Its fun to see the story unfold as you play. It adds a new experience to the game instead of simply just tactics, and the in-depth character development doesnt hurt. I especially love visual aspect of the game. There is alot of gorgeous details thru out the game like the perk screen, the environment, when a tarot is summoned( love it when the high priestess is summoned), and tons more.
I am surprised that this game doesnt get a full 10. There is even an extentive strategy guide out there and some people are still complaining about the difficulty of the game. So far i have not found any bug except when i got the Death tarot, the music is gone, dont know if thats a problem on my end.
I have played the demo for this game some time ago, really glad to see the game is finally out and i see that you have taken out how we could vary the power of a skill when casting, i thought that was helpful.
Anyway, i really had alot of fun playing the game, and i'm sure many of us would love to see how the story progresses in the sequel. I cant wait... and Thank You for making such a great game.


The game was overall amazing, loved the story, battle system, characters, everything. Only thing that threw me was that the lizard boss could poison you. Not sure if I missed it in game but, didn't realize it until looking at the guide later


very nice game as a fan of rpg styleing its nice to see one this good to bad its only flash wouldnt mind playing a full console verison of this. On a side note i have a very anoying glich with the battle with Saber (#23) where my units are giting no action phase and its imposable to beat him anyone know why this is?