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Reviews for "Ge.ne.sis"



Good but...

Amazing graphics and fun game but the tutoral could be more indepth, like explaining the special abilites. The dialoge was a little annoying, too much pointless banter that takes away from the gaming experence. All in all it's still a decent game, keep up the good work!

It seemed like you gave up working on this game.

Good stuff first. The story and setting just sucked me into the game. It was pretty wonderful and I actually got daydreams of those places. Creepy xD Of all things, the environment is probably the most notable element of this game! The foundation of the theory you introduce in this game (multiple reality timelines, Genesis, Apocalypse, yada) is also very believable, and there's no sense of "this came out of nowhere" after the initial explanation. And by that, the final bad guy's logic (not necessarily his motive) could be seen beforehand by the player.

Now for the bad stuff, because I'm picky. Stop reading if you don't like waves of criticism.

After about twenty minutes of playing it, it is starting to scream at me "I'm unpolished and I've got aesthetic holes everywhere!" I'm not talking about the game being glitchy, I'm talking about how battling characters warp around, characters moving through trees and rocks when you tell them to move, and choppy animation. Holy crap! They're eyesores compared to the beautiful places you've made for this game, which, btw, is also lacking, seeing how it's really only 18-ish rooms large through 2-3 main areas (subjective) with battlefields littered all over the place.

The difficulty of the game also spikes quite dramatically once you have the option to do the sidequests. I appreciate that you meant for this game to be challenging and all, but I kinda find it ridiculous that there are plenty of enemies that can potentially kill your "tanks" in one turn, let alone everyone else. It was basically blitz when killing Cerebus. Probably the most notorious example is the Shadow Master.

In terms of progression, I find it a bit stupid that you had to fight people in a specific order to get all the moonshards. I found them to be of approximately the same difficulty (actually I beat the tree and vine duo without anyone going below 40% HP). Character stat development also felt fairly linear and not very RPG-ish, and combining arbitrary lvl ups as you go through the story makes it a lot like an enclosed hallway; no going left or right, just follow the path!

Other stuff to point out:
--When Neraine gets the Death tarot, when attempting to summon both tarots at once, you get some error saying that it is already summoned. Wait no that's not right... Death is out there, yes, but the High Priestess isn't.
--When selecting field abilities, it would be much more convenient to click on the characters rather than little boxes in the prompt window. It's just so much more natural, especially when you want to heal somebody or move The Fool.
--You should be more descriptive about what benefits you get when you up a stat. Just how much defense would you get if you upped endurance, for example.
--How to win battles: Summon High Priestess, then use her scan ability. Restart. Adopt appropriate strategy. I frown on this kind of meta-gaming, although I suppose it's hard to prevent. You did quite well with the Holy Egg however. Kudos!
--I don't know if this was an oversight or the key to beating the final bad guy, but blue damage does not trigger damage reflection.
--Gely's slow shot acted as if it were black element instead of white when fighting the Holy Egg. The same cannot be said for Soul Pact.
--When fighting Gold Feeder for the first time, I noticed the heart at turn 2, but I didn't realize it was floating really high in the air. Thus I thought my guys were just standing on top of it and something else had to be done, when in reality it was in the square just below it.
--Marking whether the character/monster in question can "fly" or not would be quite helpful in making decisions.
--On a similar note, friendlies shouldn't really blockade someone else when they're passing through. Ridiculous.
--Have you even tried to kill the last optional boss on the highest difficulty setting?

I anticipate seeing what more you can do for this game when you produce Part 2. But at least you've come this far, and it sure is something to present!

Fun but horrible balance

The game is fun. Caracters are interesting, even if stereotyped. Combat system is very good and allows for a lot of different strategies. The problem is that your progression is awful! I mean the caracters gain very little from each battle while the enemies became sooooo much more powerful from a battle to the very next. The same monster you just fought will have a mich higher HP and its stats will be buffed while your the same. To me the progression is not good at all. I didn't play the second yet and hope this was fixed. But it is a good game.

At first look it's great game - interesting plot, nice gameplay, nothing to say there. But then I noticed some not so good things, althrough they cant break game greatness, they damaged it

Aside from few flows in plot and in how game was made (constantly lagging when in combat), there one thing called incompleteness. At my first attemt to get 100% completion I was sad that I cant even unlock any level 3 even before ultimate battle with Tale. This content is nit used, why? why? Officical walkthrough also contains info about character level we cannot reach.

Other bad thing I noticed is 'Free-to-play, Pay-to-win'. While we can beat game (and even get 100%) on Easy, we cant do this on Insane... unless we pay money. And for money we can get items that are very useful, and most video walkthroughs I saw included thst buyable tarot called Lovers. Missing this tarot inreases feeling of game incompleteness.

Result you can see. And play. Nothing to say more

P.S. about The Lovers tarot: seems that it is unlocked by sort of password. Would be nice if someone writes this password