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Reviews for "Cosmic Crush 2"


All hail the great big 10 overlapping planets that form the gravity well of doom...

A bit unrealistic, a bit annoying.

Yes, the game is better overall than the first, but it is still a bit annoying. Firstly, if two stars or galaxies collided, wouldnt they either destroy each other or create a massive black hole? Secondly, I am annoyed by the placement of multiple large objects in one area. It becomes extremely hard to get away and you end up losing. The other thing, the moons can become helpful, but mostly they are the EXACT opposite. I keep trying to get a rock, planet, etc., and the moons do two things: (1)knock it away and make it smaller, (2)reducing the overall size you gain IF you can touch it without destroying it WITH YOUR FREAKIN MOONS(!!!!!!!!!!). Plus, its very repeteive and gets boring, along with the long amount of time you spend floating around trying to find something smaller than you. The odds of this seem to be about... 30-40 to 100.
The being able to move the screen is better(which also seems pointless because if you stop to look around, you will probably end up being sucked into something bigger), and the lesser effect of gravity is better, but neither really seem to make up for the bad parts. A MINIMAP WOULD REALLY HELP.

Try fixing these, and pay attention to what the players want. If you do, your games will be more popular and will have a better score.

I know you probably dont like what Im saying, but thats what I feel is wrong. Its called criticism.

Anybody else agree? Also, dont note this as an "abusive" review. Most of you very well agree with me and know these can be fixed.


It start fun but after a while it's just boring and hard. And the end is just a big black circle? why? lol. It's beautifull but too hard to control.

Could use improvement

This is an interesting concept for a game, but sadly, you didn't do it full justice.
For one, it's glitchy. As a galaxy, i went to eat a red giant, which then proceeded to drain me of all my mass instead of being absorbed into my galaxy.
Second, the controls suck. I like being able to look around with the mouse, but I would still prefer to use the arrow keys to move.
Third, the ending was seriously anticlimactic.
Fourth, it makes no sense. Red giant stars are nowhere near the size of galaxies, planets are nowhere near the size of stars, etc. About the only size relationship that made sense was the one between space rocks and planets. And another thing, galaxies don't turn into black holes, stars do. Galaxies are larger than black holes.
Fifth, as solidus said, the moons harm more than help. You should make it so that moons won't damage and push away potential food.
Sixth, the music, when there is any, is insanely repetitive and annoying.
Seventh, I'm pretty sure everybody would like to play longer after the black hole stage.
Like I said, this could have been a really great game, but instead, you made an annoying, frustrating, and disappointing one.

Worse than the 1st one

Sorry, but it is worse than the first one.
It is more frustrating as moons are more of a nuisance than a help; they blow away all the smaller rocks you want to eat, and inadequately push away and shrink the rocks that are bigger than you.
Besides that, the sense of gravitational pull from bigger rocks in space around you is far more confusing, as well as a lot more frustrating, because you put in the random generator (or at least a formula for it), which at times, puts you into a trap, where big fat clusters of big fat rocks surround you on almost all sides, pulling you in more than you can escape from, forcing you to start over.

I suggest for a sequel that moons go away or made so that they do the opposite for big ones and small ones; that they shoot away the big ones, and keep the small ones close.
Also, perhaps some dust flying off of your own rock, indicating a big gravity cluster in that direction