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Reviews for "Eridani RTS"


A good concept, but intolerably buggy.

The pace was good (while it lasted) and the unit types were clearly designated and well thought out, the missions were also quite fun, to a point.


1. I found the controls to be sluggish, and often wholly unresponsive.

2. Unit pathfinding was, to be completely honest, atrocious:

a) Units were constantly finding themselves stuck on the surfaces of planets.

b) Units frequently ignored commands and went in whatever direction they deemed fit, usually directly forwards, often for the entire length of the battlefield before finally turning and heading where i sent them.

c) Units flying past buildings instead of stopping to fire at them.

d) Units randomly deciding whether or not they wanted to fly through other units (i'm not entirely sure which instance of this you intended)

3. The game became VERY sluggish once more than a few units had been built, i rarely even needed to reach half of my unit allowance before the game slowed to a crawl, i know my computer isn't top-end anymore, but i see very little in this game to explain the slow down, other than inefficient coding.

DJStatika responds:

try adjusting the perfomance setting in the options menu to boost performance


It was alright... i really think that some of the ships move annoyingly slow.. that was a killer just waiting for this to get in position... plus you have some bugs like sometimes the ships dont do what you tell them to do... tell them to destroy a building right next to them and the go ALL the way around the planet to do it... and then some just sit there and dont do anything at all.. i dont know just play through your own game a few more times and work out all those bugs... i stopped at 4 because the game was moving way to slow for me... i didnt want to destroy ALL the resource mines and power station while dealing with these bugs. i want to see this game come out better though then ill beat it

5 for effort and good idea

But the AI was atrocious. For some reason half of my ships felt the need to completely circle enemy planets before attacking a building... that was right next to them from the beginning. Good job, but needs much more fine tuning.

5/10 for now

as whenever I press play it seems to go to the game for a second or two before it just says game over and goes back to the loading screen but as soon as I play I shall alter my score accordingly.

Rushing FTL

Great game but I hate the enemy AI. The only tactic they seem to know is rushing which I resent. If you can survive their initial attack, you can plough through them with ease later on; they don't even seem to bother building more units. But other than that it's great, just please do something about the AI's tactics.