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Reviews for "Katar II"

Mixed feelings.

I can't say that it was good or that it was bad. There was a very strange mix of an interesting style and poor animation. Sometimes the characters moved fluently and other times it was very uneven (i.e. lip syncing). The voice acting and music were great (even if some of the music wasn't original) but there were moments of silence where there should have been sound. Like when the swords clashed or when there was an explosion, there should have been some sort of SFX there. Now about the story, it seems to me to be very drawn out and this series could last a long while. But you need to present your story in a way that's more engaging. Most of it is told through a flashback through a voice over, so it's more like being told about the story than actually watching it happen. It was also a bit confusing, but I haven't seen the first episode so that could be partly to blame. I think this has a lot of potential, but you need to try harder to bring this story to life.

A gr5eat concept but...

Honestly, the epic presentation of chapter one is lost here in a flood of backstory. Not only that, but the pacing is, to be blunt, absolute shit. You need snatches of these scenes, flashbacks, something to break them up into something more than a sombre march of memories, this piece needs the action the previous installment had by the horns.

That, and I'm really dissapointed that massive explosion/beam didn't have some kind of epic SFX... honestly I could dot hat kind of stuff so it shouldn't be that hard. Also, the final fantasy music, although well composed, is VERY dated for this sort of piece.

I only say this sort of thing because I REALLY want this piece to see its full potential. Hopefully it can be done.

If you want to tell a story...

Tell a story. All in all, the actual story in this episode, is only about 1/3 of the flash.

1. Starting a story with an extended exposition - lazy and unforgivable. If you have to tell a backstory, make it a seperate flash or an optional chapter. Any information you can't get out while advancing the main plot doesn't need to be in there.
2. Using a long flashback for your character development before you've really advanced the plot - very naughty. Try getting that information out with dialogue, inner monologues, and such.

Right nice and pretty, though. You just need some work making the storytelling interesting.

