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Reviews for "Filtered Reality"


This was awesome on so many levels.
1. Great visuals
2. Weird story (most dreams are weird)
3. All of the analogies were really good.

All in all, great flash.


Okay. So I have interpreted many dreams before and I am pretty sure I can provide some insight. I think that when others say the darkness is uncertainty they are wrong. The darkness stands for the path you are on. The NETS stand for UNCERTAINTY. Have you ever done something that you knew was wrong and you keep doing it anyway. It seems to have a hold on you. So much of a hold that when you slow down uncertainty arises and you decide to keep doing that thing you are doing. You find COMFORT in that darkness but you know it is not what you want. The building would seem to be your life, empty, vacant, but alive. Does that make sense? You dont feel like your life has meaning and in this place you are living, in your position you are in life, you feel like you dont have to turn back and feel uncertain, but you still feel empty.

Every time you see yourself in a dream you must look at it objectively. As is God is watching you. In my opinion I think whatever you are doing (It may be drugs, smoking, drinking, sex, pornography, etc...) you are hurting yourself and God in the process. You want to turn back and get away from the vacancy and emptiness, but you know that when you do, you do not know where you are going and fear that loss of control. What I would say is to look to God for grace and trust in his plan for you. It may feel tough, but in the end your life will feel full of meaning and you will no longer run into darkness but have strength to slow down and eventually stop and turn around to a more meaningful life that God desires for you.

Now I understand that some people here do not believe in Christianity or God's Grace and I do not wish to step on your toes intentionally. Do not flame me for this. It is my heartfelt response to this dream. I have been experiencing the same thing lately. My girlfriend recently left me even though she promised to stay with me and I did everything I could for her. I know I was wrong though because we fell into sin. But the hardest thing for me to do is to not turn back. I could so easily quit my college career at Drexel and go back home to Pittsburgh and be with this girl. It is because of the uncertainty of my fate, God's plan if you will, that I feel the want to go back into that sinful life. It has been hard for me to do, but I have found MEANING in my life. I have many people who need care and prayer and help. Loving these people unconditionally through God's Grace has led me to meaning.

This is what I think about your dream. I would definitely look into a church and seek counsel there if you wish to find some more insight into this dream.


first off, I would like to congradulate you on a job well done. As for a meaning behind your dream here is my interpretation: The red sky is defenatly an overbearing presents like a bad thing with a velvet lining. The rain is a gloomy fealing you have gotten used to over time. The flat trees are an obstical you can overcome easily, but it seems impossible (or vise-virsa). The third person vew is how you see yourself. The blurred light image means you see yourself in a good way or position, but your not shure. When you start running it means your regular work. You are getting tired and want to stop but every time you do mundane things that are harmless by themselves but become dangerous when stacked (the voly ball nets). You run (work) harder to get rid of these things untill you are exasted. The hills mean you see the end of a long day and race tword it. The totem polls represent your arrival at home, but once you get there, you relize your home sucks and you can see that (no offence). My recommendation is to manage your money better.

nice dream

that means you must get over your fears and find a path of your own instead of following someone else path .. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN HUH ? ^^


Ok, i too had dreams like that and they did bug me. My opinion is that maybe the image of yourself was running through the road of your own life. The nets were obstacles, and if you stood, the came up. The reason everything looked fake was because maybe, like the guy before me said you were living a lie. The darkness was probably there as an obstacle to obstruct your path. And when you finally reach the safe part, your life ends. Don't take this the wrong way but, maybe you die with only the neceseties and nothing extra, symbolizing the house. Meaning you could end up in a place with no pleasure or goodness which could be both a good thing and a bad thing. And that feeling in the end just is there to tell you that there is a message within your dream.


Anyway, great flash and concept. Loved the art.