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Reviews for "Filtered Reality"


could mean "keep trying or keep working at it" what ever it is. if you dont you will be captured (nets) the ting maby hard to get but work throgh it (siberlised by the pain) once your there you now youve done it

basicly work at it it may look as if you are going nowere ( semless trees) but you are dont stop


running from the chains of society?

Very interesting

I used to keep a dream journal on a yahoo geocities site. Every night I could remember my dream, I'd write down as much of it as I could. Because I had no medium other than text to describe my dream, I'd occasioanlly change the color of the text to match whatever was the color in the dream at the time. It lasted a month before I forgot about it completely.

Your animation reminded me of it. And I'm glad I got to see someone do what I did, (basically describe a dream) but in a more visible form. If I had any flash talent I'd go about recreating the dreams I wrote down, because I purposely made sure to describe them as vividly as possible.

I liked it. I'm giving you high marks because you went and did something more for the reason of sharing the idea than anything else. Plus it was a decent animation. Keep it up. It was quite interesting.

Not bad, Nice openness to it,

The flash itself wasn't badly done. As for the interpretation there are multiple ways to look at it.
-The positive way would be that you realize that you have to keep moving, prevent the complacency that the nets cause you and hope to reach some goal that you must reach regardless of what pain it brings, even if familiar.
-The negative way is that you feel restrained by everyday actions and are trying to run away from something important or necessary, but you still seem to be going through life in some regular way. It seems more like the house that has itself exposed with the totem pole next to it is your safe haven. The totem pole itself might be some signal carved in wood that signifies a safe place. So thus you might be more relaxed, more open in your home than anywhere else.
-As for the nuetral interpretation, you might be rushing through you life if anything, despite what pain comes at you from the experiences of life. The nets are most likely your self restraint, probably something from childhood where you liked to play volleyball or the like. The fact that they dissapear signfies that you feel relaxed in your own home. Like you don't feel the need to restrain yourself anymore.

Of course all of this is interpretation and nothing more, to truly understand you we would have to take your personal history into account, your behaviors, and how your current situation is to assess what the dream actually means.

Very cool flash!

First, I loved this flash! I thought it was really unique and had a certain depth to it that made me want to keep watching.

As for an explanation I'm no doctor or psychologist, but I have read a few dream interpretation books so I will add my 2 cents.


Nets in dreams can symbolize catching and/or stopping. So perhaps something is out to catch or stop you from doing something.

The building:

I believe that this building represents something like a half-comfort. Like this building with it's front wall missing sort of represents a form of shelter, but no protection bceause somebody could clearly see you inside of it. It could also be seen as a temporary solution to a problem. It's raining outside so it would provide relief from the rain, but it wouldn't suffice as a place to live.


I trees that line the road could be seen as something designed to stop you from losing focus by keeping you moving down a predetermined path of some sort. These would be seen as more of a guide than a hinderance as if they had been suddenly placed in front of you, or all around you.

All in all this is a very interesting dream. If you want some real help analyzing it you should consult some books on dream analysis; you can find tons of them at bookstores such as Borders or on Amazon. Good luck!

TheMillz responds:

The part about the building was particularly wise, thank you for your insight :)