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Reviews for "Rythm Tetris"


well i suppose it would have been good if you gave it working controls that u didn't haev to hold down for 4 sconds then have it speed to the otherside tapping doesn't wor but aside from that i usppose its good.

Good Game

I liked your game, very original. Maybe that could have a thing to change the beatmeter speed or something (should be cool! XD). My highscore was 9444.
Oh, and don't feel bad with these arrhythmical people XP, your game is awesome!

Music good, controls bad!

that sums it up!

i really enjoyed it

i consider myself a tetris pro and hardly ever loos at the game. this finnally set me back to average status.

for those who dont really understand, you have to push a button AT THE SAME TIME as its a beat, no matter the soing the rythme is the same, tapping your foot helps alot

my high school was 7590

Is this thing broke

Couldn't play it!Controls didn't work!Redo this one!