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Reviews for "AUTOMATON Prt 1"

Needs some work...

The story is good and the puzzle element is great but it should be harder, and a little more interesting. I hope the other ones will be 'cause it seemed to bore me a little, but good job anyway.

good game...

good game great graphics but i'm stuck on level 2 can you give me a walkthrough


Can't figure out what to do in the Library :O I got the superglue and saw the Gov't book and the Fnord (lulz) book... what do?

6/10 for art
2/10 for music (annoying/repetitive)
0/10 for grammar. L2Engrish
4/10 for dialogue, events and humour

Overall I give this a 7/10.

What the fuck is steam punk?

Rather Boring.

littleNorwegians responds:

Look it up at wikipedia.
And please the next time you give reviews tell people what they should change to improve.

Thanks for your review
Have a nice day


I couldn't figure out what to do in the library, and I quit right away anyway cause the music is real depressing and I just couldn't take it. Good to play when your in the mood for something sad, but otherwise...yeah.