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Reviews for "Mario's Revenge: SE"

It's LAME, Nothing new, nothing exceptionnal

So where to begin
Graphics : Wow you know how to overdraw common logos

Animation : Mario's walking motion is awful

3D : Good, but nothing like "DucktalesZ", draw over your 3D figures, it gives more texture. And for bullet time circular panning, try to draw more faces of the trees, it will get the thing better.

Style : Except being a copy of about EVERYTHING you have style... not much... try to develop it... you obviously master Flash basics, but don't hold your creativity in copying fads... when Sasuke's cursed seal jumped in, i closed my eyes saying "No".

Violence : yep pretty violent, but the blood looked just like brushes strokes... no bubbles, no round spilling

Humor : not funny, maybe the punchline at the end for the shallow mind.

So you have 14 minutes of bad fighting scenes in this movie, the clock fighting at the end while flying looked like being done by a 3 years old, no shades of blue, no coulds, just bland boring raindrops with tweening clocks...

You need to experiment more than with fads kid, you master flash, you have potential, but this movie has no creativity in it.


wow that story line sucked i find better story lines on the back of milk cartens i know u did not make it but remaking it did not make it any better i just loved the part where peach was revived and she just knew automaticly where mario was... the graphics where not that great nice 3d but it did not go with the animation at all the sound well could of been alot better lots-o-violence, it was pointless violence but violence know the less, the songs where well placed. But man what a shitty story line and mario turning into a clock that was lame to obviously the person who oraginly made this did it as a joke..... i hope..


The graphics are decent, although it doesn't matter if you don't have anything interesting to show. Like ~3/4 of the reviewers who have already chimed in, I think your combination of Mario/clock/dbz was terrible. It reminded me a lot of "Is this what you want", except you didn't seem to realize everything you were doing was incredibly overdone. I will give you credit though, I watched the whole thing. I thought since it was on the front page, it must eventually have some redeeming value. It didn't. I'm disappointed to see this on the front page, although I take consolation in the fact that it's score is steadily dropping.


I really tried to like this, I really did, since you spent so much time on it, But no. What makes you think that quantity rules over quality? The story itself was crap, Some of the things you put in there has already been done too many fucking times! I couldn't even bear to sit and watch the whole damn thing you call a "movie", when you make a movie or write a book, you have to keep the people interested in it, don't be afraid to show it around a bit, give people a sneak peak and if they don't like it, make some changes. Don't just show it to your friends, parents, forum friends, etc. Because you are showing this movie to complete strangers with different tastes, But don't let that stop you from putting stuff you were wanting to put in there, But as I said before, make some changes to the movie, Toss away old stuff and parts that just seem like crap. I know that the script isn't meant to be taken seriously, But that doesn't mean it has to suck. You have a fuckload of potential (Honestly who doesn't?) The Graphics were alright, considering it is fourteen minutes long, But the story itself just sucked, when you dive into your next project remember to edit, A guy could make a movie in a few months but spend a year and a half editing it, taking out old scenes from the movie, and putting new stuff in. I'm not trying to make you "see the light" or any of that bullshit, But before you submit a movie, ask yourself "Will people like my movie because of this? Or because I put *insert character here* and *insert group of people here*?" Graphics won't make the movie better if the story just looks like it was slapped together at the last minute. I'm done now.

Bad spelling...

...gets an automatic blam. I spent more time watching the "preloader" than I did on the movie itself, but I just couldn't make myself sit through those speech balloons. Sorry.