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Reviews for "The Bar Pick-Up"

No savepoints?

Think about user friendliness. Let us skip through the dialogue and cut scenes if we want. If you designed this aspect better, you would get a much better score.

Your flash game was decent, and so was your game.

As far as the flash went:
Pretty simplistic game. Graphics and sound were pretty good, and so was the interactivity. I liked how you always called the UG a 'Behemoth'. Your style, however, was not so great.

Your pick-up game:
A lot of cliche lines. If you're trying to pick up an HB, you have to at least neg her. And if you just talk with the HB instead of the UG, it'll seem like an obvious attempt that you're trying to hit on her. Talk with the UG to make it seem like you're interested in her rather than the HB. The HB will be thinking, "Why isn't this guy acting like all the others that hit on me? Is he not interested in me?". I'd say you're pretty good at picking up woman because of your confident, cocky attitude. You also had shown kino (making up an excuse to get closer to her and touch her on the back) which btw, should not be done so early on.

So many more tips and rules...I may be just an AFC, but I still know that Newgrounds is not the place for this.

Anyways, the flash (which is what everyone should be rating) was pretty well done. The choices were obvious though.

Dude.. you need help...

Honestly... most of the options were killing me!! can't you be more cliche? dude... believe me! they were no good options in there... may be a few were ok, but it was pretty lame. Dude your game (and im not talking the flash game) is cheap and weak... im pretty sure any hot babe used to being approched by morons like you would say "no, thanks... ive had enough losers today"

Not too bad...

First up, decent graphics, but there is much room for improvement. Did run a bit slow, sound was average, your voice really wasn't needed. UI was ok, point and click, nothing much too it really, but this is a 'think thoughtfully' sorta game (love hina-esk choose an answer stuff). Game content was ok, original? Not really, but this isn't an overdone genre. Q & A was too easy, like in many a dating game, all you gotta do is be honest, genuine, and a nice guy.... not completely true to life. Advice was like telling hitler how to date, I mean, this is elementry stuff, and some of it really wouldn't work, but being a simulation, don't expect 100% Real life. For that, you need to LIVE life.... anyway,
CONCLUSION: Decent game, decent amount of effort put in, OK result, play if your really bored or have an interest in this non-rewarding non-perverted G rated 'game'. (Pre-teen grade schoolers beginners guide) :P


Valuptuous women, plump women etc. may be disgusting to you, but need I remind you that big women are sexy to some men and it's not a God damn fetish and the guy isn't mental if he likes a big girl. To generalize your taste and apply that every guy is just like your shallow butt is repusling. Now, on critiquing this game, that was one of my BIG issues, second, I noticed the blonde girl had some "joint" problems. Her wrists were like the wooden model figures artists use in class to draw the body. Also, I agree with another guy, these questions were a bit cheesy, but I don't agree with going after a stupid girl. Take responsibility and if you know you're being down right dishonest and manipulating the situation and that girl just to sleep with her, I do NOT agree with that AT ALL. Don't use this on ANY girl. If she likes you and the feeling is mutual, fine, go ahead and do what you want at HER discretion. Also, the sound was low. I couldn't hear what the guy was saying and try explaining why the questions are red, yellow or green. I didn't catch the fact if they wer already mentioned, but so that they're clear, make sure you edit that. I understand that this game is nothing but sexual intentions and goals, but why not add some variety; direction. What do you want? Do you want a girl friend, a one night stand or a friend? It's up to you to do whatever you want with the sequal, but I am really disappointed in what words you used towards the chunky person and let me point out, the big girls facial features were way out of proportion with how you had her body. The double chin should have not been there because she's a reasonable size. Just let me get something straight, okay, some great girls are big woman and they're fantastic lovers, friends and just an over all great people. I really am disappointed. Treating big women, or any one or women for that matter, like they're less than human or like they're just plain, unfeeling animals is (even if it is a just a game) wrong.

You could have done such a wonderful job with this, but you lost my appeal.