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Reviews for "The Bar Pick-Up"


these dating walkthroughs are funny, especially when a girll plays them to see how men think we think. and this game is right! keep this up. oh and what was the guy before me on when he submitted his comment? you cant read that! no sense what-so-ever...


Was dissapointed that there were no scenes when you made the wrong choices... made fucking up on purpose kind of boring.

Also, where you pull the pull the girl closer and say "what was that? ITs loud as shit in here!"

The majority of women I know would not..exactly like that..

In fact they would be wondering why you were grabbing them and pulling them closer when you just met them..in my opinion that would be a red flag move.

Also... i see a few other flaws in your reasonin.. most of the lines used in the flash would never actually work on women in a real situation.. most likley they would laugh at you...other than that.. it was entertaining..
good job

Nice peace of advise :)

sinds its based on REAL things,i should think it would work for real.
and if it does'nt.. welll... at least it contains very good advise on how to NOT do it (or do...whatever).
About the 99% of the guys things. what if you would like to, but ar a real peace of lumber when it gets to it ?
know what... ill ask that sorta stuff with the NG-mail...

anyway..good game .. its more a date-training thing.
5 outa 5

The flash is good

Yes, the flash is good, the story isn't.
The "game" you play in there would work about 5% of the time in real life, no more. Those money moves were crap to be honest.

Basically you keep pushing her to come to your apartment, get some cocktails TONS of times and you keep reminding her you do NOT want to nail her.
No, that's not a good thing. Every girl knows you want to fuck her when you take her home, and every girl knowingly wants to be fucked when she comes with you. You promising her straight to her face, without blinking you have no intentions will just make her think of you as a cooked out liar. Or plain annoying for constantly nagging her to come to her apartment.

Also, what some people (especially you) seem to be forgetting is that the apartment is the LAST move.
By the time you offer her to come to your apartment she must already be drunk/horny/completely into you. In the game you buy her a drink, dance for a minute and already force the choice of "apartment or nothing" onto her.

Get out there into the game bro, nail some girls for real, if your cute and got a decent game you can get laid every night. It's not hard, i can know :)

NOTE: You do have some of the basics laid out nicely though, like the follow me shit, you do have to mark your territory ;)


Are you kiddin me? This was a alright game, and it has awesome potential to be a good remake, maybe try making a new one, but just a checkpoint because it sucks going back and forth... Overall great and those guys who said the other stuff dont no jack shit.