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Reviews for "Our World {durn}"


I love me a good house track. And what really wins me over is the uptempo but ambient house tracks, like a club or something. This is really nice, a lot of good points. The bass is excellent, it is very tough to get a good bass for a house song. The percussion is good too, very light but still carries the song along. I like the main melody that is present, it sort of slides around and sounds pretty sweet!

The whole song is just crazy good man! 10/10 and 5/5, for sure!

durn responds:

:) thanks man, the bass riff is actually something I came up with an octave higher on the wurlitzer. when I transposed everything in reason I was shifting through organ patches, trying to find one that accurately represented it and accidentally went to an alternate patch folder and ended up on a muted bass patch that just... well... fit. :) glad you thought the result was a smash. :D

Decent Beat

Pretty Funky and the beat i what gives the song its awesomeness
There aint much House songs like this, they just make it like Trance or techno so it aint as smooth as a house song should be
Time to groove all night :DD
Maybe you do a loop from this ?

durn responds:

It -is- a loop, my man :D download it and play in itunes, loops perfectly. won't even know it's repeating. ;)

:D thanks for the kind review, dude. glad it got ya groovin'. :)

Good as it gets

Great... just great...

durn responds:

As good as it gets? I hope not! I wanna get even better! :D lol, thanks for the pleasant remarks. :)

Mastered Version

The Link doesnt appear to work.... Either im not doing it correctly or its broken. Can you please give me the link? Anyway very nice song cant wait to here the mastered version! If I can't get the mastered version I'll download this one. 5/5 10/10!!! <3

durn responds:

ya, newgrounds adds spaces and does weird things like drop the .mp3 to the next line. :P heh, have to remove whatever spaces are in it and add the .mp3 to the end and the link'll fire. :)

glad you liked it, man. :)

I'm a fan =]

This is pretty damn good, and I'll have to agree with the other's that said you've got Daft Punk-esque sounds. Your bassline is prettymuch a dead ringer for a Daft Punk song, and your overall melody sorta reminds me of their song Aerodynamic a bit. Granted, it's also very different from what they've done, it's slower paced, and your drum beat doesn't sound much like what they'd, but that's not a bad thing =P

Enough with the comparison. The song itself is solid. It seems a little boring and repetetive at the end, but the overall song is good enough to cover that. I like your drum beat, what with the lack of a 4 on the floor beat in liu of a more unconventional beat. The bassline is just awesome. The overall melody, as I said, get's repetetive and boring, perhaps a bit more variation, or adding some other patterns in would help, but it's not something that absolutely must be done =P I like the melody-ish thing you introduced at 2 minutes quite a bit, it adds to the funky feel of the song =D Overall, good job. 10/10 from me =]

Keep up the good work =D

durn responds:

well, thanks dude. though I gotta correct ya on one thing. a 4 to/on the floor beat is exactly what I -did- use in this song. :) the shuffle from the rhythm was coming from the hi-hat samples & loops I was using coupled with the fact that I was side-chaining the loops against the kick.

glad you liked the bridge! :) thanks for the review!