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Reviews for "BattleMage"


I don't mean to be harsh because it looks like you put a lot of work into this but I have to say its possible the most boring thing I've played in a long time................sorry

Arclite83 responds:

Well, thank you for your... candor. Can't please everyone.

:~> LOOKS Nice...

...but I can't really tell, since I was unable to play it properly.

Look, you've got something that feels like a very nice game, but it's kinda slow for its kind. Games like this used to play in old Nintendo, small consoles with a processor so much slower than a 486 66MHz. I don't mean your game is cheap or boring, I'm saying that this concept of platform gaming should not require so much from my PC! (which is a 1.3GHz and not that slow)

Well, maybe I wouldn't be complaining about that if you hadn't hidden the Flash menu. I do you guys do that? Why don't you allow us to toogle the quality?

I'd like to review your game but first I gotta be able to play it!

# Poirot #


this game suck real hard man... monster never stop to apear... the game is slow.. sry that suck

look down there ^_^

You gave this entry a 1, lowering its score from 3.5782 to 3.5773!
I gave overall a 2 because at least it's something.
(I'm a dark aura so don't ask)


I couldnt play the game... i waited 30 minutes at a white screen before i gave up on it lol soooo yeah Great game lots of fun blah blah blah lol. Sorry but you really need to fix that white screen thing