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Reviews for "BattleMage"


Pretty solid. I had the same problem with my preloader too. I had lots of sounds and graphics, and the screen stays white until all the sounds are loaded. Weird.


The game was a bit choppy. I couldnt get used to the changing of the weapons so frequently. The gameplay was generally fun though.
Armor games are always fun

Arclite83 responds:

You shouldn't have to change weapons much at all; generally, the most powerful weapon is the right one. And on a load, it should equip your most powerful automatically. If you mean changing spells, then yes, it can get a bit tough especially in the heat of battle, but you should be able to pick it up fairly quickly. The problem is there's no easy way to do it; if I do two buttons that just cycle, it can also get tough with players having to 'search' for the spell they want. Not sure how I'll fix that.

Not bad

But not original. The whole fantasy thing has been done so many times it's boring. The gameplay was also a little boring. Jump. slsh twice. Move.

But OK.

A nice, long platformer with kinda dodgy gameplay.

Graphics: Yes, we do recognize rockman's walk when we see it. Backgrounds are nice-looking, everything's animated well, but a lot of the animations reminded me of other game sprites just traced using Flash's drawing tools. Because of this, different game elements each seem illustrated in a different drawing style.

Style: The opening theme and cinema scenes were done well, though a bit simplistic, it tells the story well. The characters don't look like they all came from or belong in the same world together, I suspect because they were all traced from different sprite sheets. Nothing really jumps out as being extremely well-done or original. I think a personal, unique drawing style (I.E. all characters drawn by the Flash artist from scratch,) might have made a lot of difference.

Gameplay: True to the Rockman/Megaman theme, there's lots of persnickety jumping where hitting your head on a ledge will make you start all over again if you don't do it exactly perfect. Enemies move a bit more like Castlevania, appearing far outside your attack range and then gravitating towards the ground where you are.

Unlike Castlevania, though, these bad guys aren't confined to their own limited areas, which means you're constantly surrounded and often have no choice but to take a hit in order to progress. They'll be swarming around on a ledge beneath you where you need to jump, and you have no way to hit them or take them out. If the enemies dropped random health powerups, maybe this wouldn't be an issue, but the way things stand, they only drop money, so every hit you take is permenent.

The boss moves in odd ways and you can't duck or stab upwards, so I was at a loss as to how to beat him. The only way I could ever hurt him was by trading hits when he cross the screen, and of course, I had been softened up by all the enemies underfoot in the first stage, so I died first. Maybe there's a trick to it. I dunno. You only get one life, then you have to start over, so I didn't have the patience to play through it again. That was a nice thing about Rockman. If you got to the boss with half health and then died, you could always call it a practice fight and try it again with FULL health.

Overall: I liked this game, but the gameplay was frustrating in some ways. I absolutely commend the author for actually telling a story! THAT aspect of the game RULED! I look forward to his next release. Hopefully something with more original graphics, and perhaps a more solid visual theme tying everything together. He's taking the gameplay in a good direction, and he's made a more competent action/platformer than I've seen in Flash. The health/lives mechanism kills it, though. A health meter is better than one hit, you're dead, yes, but a health meter with a limited number of lives that lets you continue right at the boss, is even better. That's just my opinion, though. There's a lot to like here, if you're not as easily frustrated as me.

To the author: Keep up the good work, and I hope to see more games of this caliber from you, perhaps with a bit more diversity and polish and a less severe margin of error.

Arclite83 responds:

Thanks for the great review; you make a lot of good points, and you've given me a lot to consider for BM2 in terms of mechanics. I did take shortcuts with the artwork, and while the originals were from different areas I feel the final style was my own (simplistic) interpretation of the sprites. It's hard to make something this bulky wihtout using more complex graphics, and I was seriously hindered to simplicity because of the engine (I already have a fix in mind for this).

All in all, you've made some great points, and I will definitely take some of this and run with it. I'm glad you like the story; I have the jyst of the next one complete, once I fill in the details and iron out all I hope to accomplish with my next engine revision, I should be on my way to making BM2.

Not great, not awful.

The field graphics were... okay... but as soon as it entered a cutscene it didn't look all that great. the dialogue was annoyingly softer than the music, so I had to turn up and down my speakers to adjust. It also would be less annoying if when you jumped you could turn without rocketing off in that direction. I died a couple times at the swamp plant because of this. Not a lot to do in this game, unfortunatly, and not a lot of character customization (even in stats would be nice). All in all, a game that fell short of its potential.