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Reviews for "Project: Monochrome"

What... the...

FUCK! You bastard, you made the absolute shittiest space-shooter of all time. You give a crappy name to Games of Gondor. There are oh-so-many things that need to be fixed. Where to start?
Reward money: Too damn little! I'd rather be a spice miner on Kessel than a mercenary with this military. They give $2 for each enemy destroyed? What the hell!!!
Missions: Too repetitive. Every single one has the objective "survive." What kinda military says, "Don't worry, just don't die"? And then I look just below it and it says "Goals." An objective and a goal are the exact same thing!
Weapons: I'd like to see the engineers who thought up this equipment. What was going through their minds? "I have an idea. Let's make a set of guns that go everywhere except where you aim and another that actually goes around the enemy." And they're too expensive! Yeah, you say to save up, but I probably can't buy another weapon until level 45 (another money issue).
Final comment: How the fuck do you sleep at night, you prick? You just made my entire day miserable. And I'm on the West coast, and our day has just started!

Glaiel-Gamer responds:

Ok, I understand you didn't play past level 4. Reward money picks up gradualy. There's 14 enemies, later on you'll be getting like 1000 per mission and higher.

Missions. PLAY THE FREAKING GAME!!!!!!!!!

Weapons. By level 70 you'll have every weapon and every life. God, if you even played to level, oh lets say 20, you'd realize that you'll get a new weapon about every 5 levels

This needs work

First problem, seeing the damn text. Second problem upgrades? what are they what do they do? i got 4 and all that happened was my weapon no longer fired in a straight line.

Due to the poor quality of the upgrades and what they do being unreadble. This gets a very low rating.

Glaiel-Gamer responds:

you can only select 1 weapon at a time, you pick it before each level.


i got so bored it was soooo sooo easy!
All you have to do is hold space and go left and right over and over aign so i was so easy!!!!

Glaiel-Gamer responds:

Then you obviously didn't play that far as it gets really hard later. Arent the first levels supposed to be ease in a 70-level game?


This is really really pathetic....... theres like no info on the weap power ups, the gfx are so old it worse that playing an 80's game.

the power ups ya buy dont "stack"
each time ya buy a new one ya lose ur current one.....

i agree with the other person....
you've done the quantity....now try for some quality.....

definite second for blamming this rubbish.......front page...pfft....
how the heck ........
was someone either really happy or off their face when the put this to front page or what?

Glaiel-Gamer responds:

the power ups ya buy dont "stack"
each time ya buy a new one ya lose ur current one.....
Of course, when you buy a new one, it equips that one. If you looked at the instructions it would tell you that you have to click on the old one to reselect it.

I knew this would be front page. It's OBVIOUS.

Flash by oldholden:
- none -

Make something better and I'll vote 0 on my stuff every day and give you $100

Much too hard

I enjoy playing hard games, but not beyond reason. Starting at level 3 with the M-turrets, the laser projectiles simply become impossible to dodge with the bulky, slow aircraft. I finally gave up on the game at level 12, where I could never reach my quota because the W fighters would all go from the top of the screen and swerve off the side of the screen, never to be seen again, before it became physically possible to kill them via my uber-laser. I don't even want to know what the other 58 levels are like.