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Reviews for "One Ring to Rule ThemAll3"


Here is the best example I can think of to explain my score. You know how Eminem came out with another CD? Yeah, well, this flash reminds me of that.

I remember, back in the day, when Eminem used to put forth a quality effort into his work. Then, after the 2nd CD he just kinda gave up on trying hard. He knew he was famous, he knew he had enough of a following, so he just tossed out a couple more albums to milk whatever little respect he still had.

If he were a smart man, he would've kept putting out more than just abismal efforts. If he were a humble man, he would've quit rapping all together. But he didn't.

This is a perfect example of what we are seeing here.

First of all, we have the audio:
Personally, I'm surprised that LF has not yet listened to his recordings and said to himself, "Hmm...that sounds like shit. For the fact that I am the most well known author on NewGrounds, it's funny how I haven't really learned to go out and buy a mic worth more than 5 dollars."

Second, there's the story:
Wow, how original. "One Ring to Rule Them All" hey? Haven't heard that one yet. Oh my god, an Orc goes on a date with an Elf?!? This HAS to be good...right guys?


Then, there's the writing...if you want to call it that:
Oh wow, "The one laundry detergent, TO RULE THEM ALL (Mic Crackle)." Witty. The humor in this thing is about as predictable as it gets. You can see the "punchline" before the setup is even delivered. We all knew the Elf would want a salad. SHE'S A FUCKING DOUCHEBAG ELF for Gods sake! Of course she wants a fucking salad.

Ok, finally, we have the animation...which, by the way, is the highlight of this movie (which isn't really saying much, because it would still be the highlight even if it were drawn by a 2 year old retarded monkey):
Oh, and in case you didn't know, Legendary Frog doesn't even animate in this one. How much lazier can a person get? A guy by the name of Chris Boe did the animation for it. Apparently, LF thinks too highly of himself to do anything for his fans anymore.

I feel bad for the hangers-on who still love LF, even though he has completely abandoned them all. Hasn't anyone noticed how he never, ever writes responses to your reviews. You take the time to write them, the least he can do is say "thanks for the review" or "glad you liked it" or even "lick my balls, asswipe", because anything would be more sufficiant than nothing. He doesn't care about the fans anymore. People used to be inspired by his talent, and now he just spits in your faces and you just stand there and accept it. I mean, Tom And Wade and the guys from Newgrounds get it. Did anyone else notice how the score is about 4.25, yet it still isn't number one on the front page?

I've jumped off the Legendary Train.

When will everyone else?

LegendaryFrog responds:

How One Ring 3 came to be:
Chris: Hey Joey, what'cha doing
Joey: Nothng , just chatting with fans.
C: Cool.. hye, are you going to make a One Ring 3?
J: Well, I have a script, but I'm to busy with other things right now.
C: Thats to bad... hey maybe I can animate it for you?
J: Really?! Cool!

Normaly I wouldn't respond ot this but meh. All your points arn't good ones anyway.
Don't respond to reviews? To many of them.
Don't talk to fans? I chat with them all the time on AIM.
Not #1 on the front page? There's no ranking on the front page anyway, it's just a list.
Didn't animate it? So what? I was to busy, and I was animating things myself.
Not a orginal title? Thats because I already made 2 of them.
Overused the "RULE THEM ALL" joke? I said it twice, and one wasn't serious anyway.

And lastly, this review isn't going to change the way I do things at all.

that was boring

probaly one of the most boring flashs ive ever seen, in other words it is bad



My god, the jokes were sooo lame! You used to be good, but now you suck.

Good day sir!


Smooth and well animated, as always only good thing about your flash
Oh a LOTR movie with unoriginal jokes! Never seen that before.
I understood it, but that was it.
---------------Violence and Interactivity------------------
God I want to give this -10. Only thing funny was how badly you tried to be original, but failed miserably and making something that is probably the most unoriginal piece of shit on Newgrounds. Yes you did cut out of the 10 "ONE RING TO RULLLLET EM ALL HAHAHAHA" but you still couldn't get past without adding two. Entire movie scene was unoriginal, as was everything, most unoriginal and unfunny/sad was the mail scene, which shows very well, how you couldnt think up an original joke if your life depended on it.

sucks balls

due sauron voice is sooo fucking annyoing.... and u made it so loud compared to the others....