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Reviews for "ChronoTriggerLegends"


actually a pretty good intro could be a great series. gets a 3

Average, but with potential

This is the sort of thing i see on NG all the time... Talented flash artists who have a good idea, and refuse to run with it. a good concept, interesting if a little short, but you really could make that much better

SquareHard responds:

thx for the confidence, dont worry tho, the story and animation will pick up in the next episode by a lot

oh gosh..

not another sprite movie.. good choice of music for a game movie i guess.. but it really gave me a headache. At least this one isn't over-rated. You should really learn to use the drawing tools that flash provides, they seriously help make movies look good.

it didnt intrest

it was like a build up to nothing nice animation though


Well this was notbad, the sprite work was cool, could have some faster moving action i thought though

add more faster scenes but with more action

Good sprites nice flash. keep it up
