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Reviews for "p4c-Midnight"

it nice

Im not a Big fan of untis, but this is tight, like dirty vagus shit, man. i really dig it
the brake down at 1:20 odd but it was tight, really good job. keep at it man.

p4c responds:

if i knew what untis were, i would comment on that haha. ill keep goin, peace :)

Very Clean!

The synths are very clean and sound great! (Listening to the song with a $150 pair of headphones is awesome! ;) )

Although the song was more ambient-trance, I felt it could have used a bit more layering. For being an ambient song, it also felt a bit short (though each second was sweet).

Great music, I've added you as a favorite artist. You're very ... not-mainstream. :P I love how all your music is completely different from the norm. Keep it that way!

Lacking in a few ways, but above-average overall.

I'll get right down to things...

The beginning (minus the crash intro, you could have gone without those) is great, quite original-sounding, especially your fill. :D You say you were trying to sound stock, and your sounds do remind me of FL samples... if they were, bravo, I didn't recognize them at all!

Your clipping/crackling is probably coming from your filters, so play around with those a bit. Lowering the Master Volume, and then raising it on the MP3 post-render might do it some good too.

Drums come in, they sound nice. I'd like to hear some more complexity to your hihat line than just one big open hihat and a smaller closed hihat sample. I'd like to hear a fuller, rounder kick sound - there's less response in a small area out of the bass frequencies (you have punch and sub, but very little in between), for example, which gives the kick a hollow sound. Clap sounds good, no comments there.

Your bass synth is a bit too distorted, I'd smooth it out so that it's a bit closer to the bass you had in the beginning.

The transition into the guitar sounded ok to me, what didn't sound good were a few clashing notes I heard in your chords, look through those again and make sure they all stay in the key signature. I'd also suggest making the guitar a bit more central and less panned-out, just so the song's a bit nicer to listen to.

Overall this is some of the better Trance I've heard on Newgrounds, but it doesn't measure up to label-quality, which should be your next goal from here (note I said label-quality, not getting signed - that part's up to you ;D). Having detailed my biggest points, I'll end the review here, as I've got other things to do - but check out my article at http://karcoreviewalt.newgrounds.com if you haven't already, there's a lot of advice there that could do you some good. :)

p4c responds:

ya that crash intro was kinda unnecessary but i thought it was cool with the outro echoing the same thing i.e. recurrent theme. if i expand it thatll change.

i played aroudn wth filters more and crackling is going down wooo wooo! ill also do that mp3 business, and ill spend more time balancing out frequencies now hehe. your review alt. is pretty sweet! il see what i can do about hats, too, though this song is pretty inherently simple, so i think that throwing a convoluted hat line might be a good or bad idea depending on how it turns out... also, the strumming of the guitar already complicates that section with the strumming, so maybe that's enough? ill see.

im glad you liked it, and i guess im getting better than before :D akkkhhh yahhh! thanks for the in depth review and the link, it srsly does help.

Sounds good

A good mix of beat, rhythm and melody all thrown in there, with a good amount of variation to boot. I think that it's a reasonably easy going dance tune, so I would recommend that you add a little vocal sample or two into it, to spice the whole piece up. Something by a woman, singing something along the lines of 'Rhythms of my mind, dance to new beats.' That would just give it an extra nice addition.

It's not a bad tune at all and I look forward to more of your work.

[Review Request Club]

p4c responds:

hehe, or whispering it--that would work too :D nice lyrical suggestions! if i had some good recording equipment, then i would... maybe i can borrow my friend's stuff? hehe

yeah its pretty chill so far as dance songs go, but definately thanks for your feedback!


I was almost going to say it didn't belong in the 'house' genre.. Luckily I double-checked, haha!

It's a nice song to listen to, but it's a bit, well.., soft?, to be a song to dance to. The intro caught me right away, but the song doesn't build up from there, and I really would've liked to see the beat burst into something a bit faster. Also, let the guitar play louder! A guitar should add depth and structure to a song, whereas here it sounds like a side-instrument.. and it sounds well bad as a side-instrument.

Still, it's a nice song - just not to dance to. It's more " chillin' ". :p


~ La_Yinn, --'
[Review Request Club]

p4c responds:

haha ill think about it. i meant that plucky synth at the front to be the lead, not the guitar, but i dont think it sounds very bad--its a complex texture for the song and it serves as part of the percussion at teh same time. maybe, maybe.

though i guess its good you thought it was soft--haha i was going for that. just at night, chillin and watchin the world go by.... i guess with that note maybei should change the genre so it isnt labeled as dance haha. thanks for takin a look!