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Reviews for "REBORN (final version)"


awesome not to short ether

Goatchrist responds:

thank you!

Great Metal

I was hooked as it loaded in to my ears from the main audio page. This is the kind of metal that defines what exactly metal IS, this is what all metal should strive to go for.

Goatchrist responds:

Really cool review and I'm glad you appreciate this kind of metal ;)

Thank you!

It's alright...

Nothing crazy going on, and the vocals are weak. Feel like it's a little repetitive. Keep working at it though. Metal

Goatchrist responds:

well, thanks

Yea, that voice

Its a great song but the vocals absolutely ruin it. I'm not even saying that because its deep, I listen to Cannibal Corpse and Behemoth and I just really think you should know that upon first listening the vocals sound absolutely ridiculous. I thought this was really cool until the ultra-lame voice came in.

Aside from that its pretty tight, keep it comin!

Goatchrist responds:

well, I'd have liked to know WHAT exactly the problem is with them, but you can't have it all I guess.

Thanks for the review


The guitar was kinda boring and repetitive. But the vocals were cool. I liked the low and high together. It's better than any metal I've heard on here. It reminds me of viking metal.

Goatchrist responds:

thanks man, it's supposed to be kind of repetitive, to me it's just part of the style.