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Reviews for "REBORN (final version)"

Love some good metal

From what I know of metal, it's really easy to screw it up. This, however, was sheer beauty, a wonderful concoction of riffs and decibels.

Only reason I give a 9, is because the growling seemed awfully quiet. I have a friend who's a metal growler, and she (yes, she, for all the nonbelievers out there) can belt it out like Armaggedon is already here and signing autographs. Other than that, I loved it. Great work.

Goatchrist responds:

It's always awesome when girls can growl like hell :)

I don't think it sounds awfully quiet (I actually disturbed my neighbors with it ^^) but that's also because I don't want vocals to be too high in the mix either way. I wanted some rather even mixing.

Thanks for the nice review, though!

This was very good

It was good, but i wanna pull you for one thing, the one thing that really seperates all music from being perfect. Perfect rythm and i dont know the english word, but so that everyone is able to play in the same tempo perfectly, i heard that the guitar and the drums were a little off from eachother, and just kinda disturbed the song =/

I like the vocals, growling can be real bad or real good, i liked your vocalists growling =)

all in all a great song though, gz on top 5, but it just kinda misses that little top of perfection ;-)

finally some heavy metal!!!


Goatchrist responds:

Thank you for your detailed review!

There is no individual members here, though. It's all done by myself alone.

I'll keep in mind what you said, thanks!

thats awesome just totally awesome.

besides the screamo, it was awesome.


needs more heavy ness none of that smooth stuff thats lame more duhdudhudh i made no sence did i

Goatchrist responds:

You didn't, actually.

Thanks for the review


The lyrics are like everything opposite of what I've learned from Sunday School. The nerve.

Anyways...I likey. It's good, but not good ENOUGH to earn the #1 spot. Sorry.

Goatchrist responds:

Dude, I'm surprised that I got #1 as well, but I'm still glad that I did, you know? Who wouldn't be?

Thank you