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Reviews for "16Bit Star Wars"


Had to shut it off in the middle. Almost died of bordem. Good effort though. Way to text heavy.

DeadByDawn responds:

That's fine. Everyone has their own opinion. Which is great. Some like a good read. Others want to cut straight to the action. I am glad you reviewed my movie. Thanks

Spoiled by Darkside ending.

I enjoyed this movie but the Darkside ending spoiled it so I lowered the score.

Without the darkside ending I would give it overall 9.


yu spelt it sentate, its supposed to be senate(at the start)...anywayz it was decent but kinda iffy...


That was annoying. Sorry, but it was nice for a whole two minutes. It dragged on. The openning and ending credits just made it worse. I chose light at first... liked the ending somewhat... waited for the long, long, and slow credits to finish rolling and thank God! I didn't have to watch it again to find out what happens if I choose the other side. Well, I chose dark and was utterly disapointed. It was pretty lame and the whole Han and Chewy in the Millienum Falcon but yet to be seen was annoying. I mean, all it was was dialouge. The same screen was seen over and over. I was nearly tempted to just end it cause I knew it wouldn't get any better. And sadly, I was right.

Nice try. You have some real potential but... you just didn't try hard enough. I thought this was going to be funny... then I thought it was going to be cool... then I thought... this isn't such a great animation. Sorry man. Nice SW tribute though.

DeadByDawn responds:

Thanks for the constructive critism. I know how hard it is when you don't like an animation to really dis the author and you were absolutely cool about it. You even gave me some complements and some ideas. What I love about Newgrounds is the fact that everyone is different. Some like to see a good story unfold. Some don't have the patience and want to jump straight to the action. That is cool. I knew that getting into this project. I tried my absolute best to make something that was true to the genre. Some loved it some hated it some in between. Thanks for the review.

Ummm, It's ok.

Well this is just my opinion. The sound was repeditive, the style was to old for my liking. Also the plot wasn't to good either.