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Reviews for "16Bit Star Wars"

Good but...

I thought it was good but it was long and drawn out, you said that you would have made it longer if it werent for the size restraints...bad idea. I love StarWars to death so I understand what you are going for but remember action is the key not storyline.

DeadByDawn responds:

Thanks for your review. I agree that some people don't like the story of Star Wars. Everyone I know hated episode 1. They all wanted to see Darth Maul kick ass. However, I was the one who was interested in the fact that Darth Vader, destroyer of planets and murderer of the Jedi, was once just as innocent as a person could be. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. And I thank you for yours.

tooooooo long......

too long man. I was well animated and put together but the plot was just terrible and went on for ages past the point where I stopped caring.

you also need to learn the diffrence between the words Were and Where. "Were did that get him" is not a a well formed sentace young man!!

bit more action and a lot less talking would help but a decent enough entry

DeadByDawn responds:

Hey thanks for spotting that for me. I actually have problems with There and their too. I agree the way I was forced to put this together made me cut corners on story. I will be making a full length movie one day using sprites with a complete unfolding story. I thank you for your review.

watse of time...

i thought this was going to be funny, but it was ok. Maybe if there were voices

There was a LOT of talking....

Dude... episode 7 is Return of the Jedi. And you know as well as I that they DID form the thing or Coruscant.

It quickly grew very boring, what will all the TEXT...

Edit for spelling and content at some point next time, please.

By the way, the philisophical rhetoric the Force generates is REALLY boring.

DeadByDawn responds:

That's cool. A lot of people get their episodes mixed up. Lets count together shall we. Episode 1, the Phantom Menace
episode 2, attack of the clones, episode 3, to be named, episode 4, a new hope, episode 5, the empire strikes back, episode 6, return of the jedi. Episode seven never happened. Also, if you want to go trivial on me you would know that the Jedi Academy was not formed on Coruscaunt after the fall of the Empire. It was actually formed on the outer rim like I said. The planet Dantooine was one of their original sites but their was a problem with it being in the Huts teritory. I understand that Star Wars isn't for everyone. I knew that going into this project, but I love it and wanted to honor it as best I can. I thank you for your review and may the force be with you.

Oh... my god.

That was quite possibly... the gayest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. Quite frankly however, souly my opinion.

... Work more on improving your storyline and not so much on the graphics. ... umm okay... graphics need a little work too... but do it one step at a time. And not all at once.