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Reviews for "Pro-War Rally"

Good job

You can be patriotic and at the same time against George W. I see nothing against America. This is an artist with something to say. Keep up the good work.

NewEvolution responds:

Precisely. People here have forgotten that the president is just a man we put in power...not the country itself. This particular man has utterly abused this power and it's about time people realized it and got pissed off. Thanks for the praise...expect to see more from me.

I am deeply sorry...

...that this flash wakeup call will get blammed by the majority of american NG population. I fully agree with some of the reasons behind it, even if the euro/dollar competition is only part of the true reason US invades and will continue to invade other countries and steal their resources. I won't get deeper into discussions, I gave your work 5, which is the only thing I can do so far with my 1,50 vote power. Please keep the good work.

NewEvolution responds:

Yeah, the mindless hordes are in the majority unfortunately. Thanks for your support. Yes, there are a wealth of reasons we invaded Iraq, but the majority of them were monetary. While that is indeed sad, it's the blatant use of fear of terrorism and post 9/11 trauma to manipulate the public into supporting a war that wasn't concerned with either that really bothers me.

Hopefully Americans can come to their senses and realize they've been had...but it doesn't look good so far. According to an editorial published in the Washington Times in June "86 percent of Americans continue to be certain, or at least believe it is likely, that before the war Iraq not only had the facilities to develop weapons of mass destruction, but that it also possessed biological or chemical weapons."

This persistence of belief in an atmosphere where these "facts" have been proven false is a sad statement both on the American public's ability to reason, and the hold our mass media has over our people.


Well I must admit that you have provided all the anti war folks out there with exactly what they want to hear. Fact is though, War is not good for economy. Hell, unless you are watching the S&P 500 you really aren't getting a good representation of how good or bad the economy is doing anyway. As for you comment on Fox News, do you believe they are not fair because you have some proof of their biased, or because they do not tell you what you want to hear by bashing Bush every time his name is mentioned. I mean, their owner was at a Kerry fund raiser just a few weeks back. But hey facts don’t mean anything right, just as long as you make Bush look bad. After all, if we where looking at facts why does it seem everyone forgets the mass graves in Iraq, or the two wars Saddam started, along with the fact that the many members UN where in bed with the guy. Could it be a matter of convenience? That’s what I would bet. The oil deal isn’t working for you either, since Iraq is hardly pumping out any oil at all right now, that is why it cost me $2.50 a gallon to fill up my car. Also every dollar maid on Iraq oil sales goes to Iraq, not the US.

Your faith in the U.N. astonishes me as well. Since when do we take orders from the UN? And the fact that Saddam was working with people in the Oil for Food to pocket most of the money shows that the UN isn’t the grand perfect agency that you have probably convinced yourself it is. And Iraq did have connections to Al Queda, just not 9/11. The Bush administration never claimed it had any connection with 9/11, that is something anit-Bush people dreamed up. Also this is a war on all terrorism everywhere, and Saddam was a strong supporter of terrorist. You can dream up all the reason why 9/11 is America’s fault, but you can never justify the outright murder of 3,000 people. I wonder if you’re one of those people who blames a girl who gets raped because she acts ‘provocatively’, and thus ‘brought it upon herself’.

Yours facts about why Al Queda attacked us is wrong as well. They aren’t attacking us over Israel, they are attacking us because when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, the CIA pour resources into the Rebels there, but then pulled their support because relations with the Soviet Union began to improve. They became angry with the US and it started to grow after that. May I suggest a History book. Mostly you go off assumptions, not facts, and I assure you that that is very dangerous. As Israel goes, I think it is only fair to say both sides are at fault there. Maybe you should try looking these thinks up from now on. But what do I know, I guess I’m just ‘brainwashed’ as well since I work off facts and not assumptions.

NewEvolution responds:

War may not be good for the economy in general, but as I said. The day we declared that all UN inspectors should pull out of Iraq, I watched the stock tickers for a solid half hour, and not a single one displayed anything other than an upward pointing green arrow. I challenge you to observe that on any normal day.

Fox news announces the coming election as "X # of days until Bush is reelected." I would consider that biased.

Pick a country in Africa, and chances are you'll find rampant civil war, callous dictators, genocide, and mass graves. However, we invaded Iraq. Clearly something other than the rule of a megalomaniacal dictator was the impetus for our actions.

At $2.50 a gallon, I wonder how much money the oil giants in the US are making in profit. I wonder if the Bush family, with their ample and well documented connections with both the US oil conglomerates and the Saudis, are seeing any of that money in the form of campaign contributions?

It's rather hard to pump oil out of a country when the populace is trying to vehemently reject an invading army. And while the money for their oil does go "to Iraq" it goes to the companies we've put in place to oversee their reconstruction.

The UN is not perfect. No organization of humans can ever be. But their decision to stand up against unprovoked, unilateral war against a sovereign nation was, and still is, the only correct stance in the face of the facts we had then, and even have now at hand. Our war on Iraq was unjust, and the security of every American has suffered due to it.

3,000 US civilians died in 9/11. 11487 Iraqi civilians have died in our current war. Neither group of people had anything to do with those actions which brought about their deaths. You cannot justify blood with blood.

Yes, there was the war with the Soviets, there is also Israel, a third is the western influence on their culture, undercutting their fundamentalist beliefs. The exact reasons for the Al Qaeda's hatred of America are many and varied. The point is, our invading Iraq does nothing to suppress, restrict, or limit their actions. All it does is create another reason for them to turn themselves and their vehicles into bombs. Terrorism is an idea, and you cannot fight a war against an idea. Our actions have only added fuel to the already heightening fire, reduced budgets for legitimate homeland defense, and turned those allies we had into wary observers.

I have indeed taken your criticism to heart, and I am in the midst of a full revision of my website and all the included works. I am only one person however, and fact checking is tedious and sometimes expensive. You can rest assured that as soon as I have the pertinent facts verified by a third party, I will update this movie's info as well, and provide notations where possible.

While you are not as brainwashed as some, I would suggest spending an entire week watching foreign news with an open mind. Our media is becoming ever more partisan, and I feel it is perhaps the greatest threat to American democracy we have ever faced.


you really have something against america dont you? .... but anyway, ur animation is real good

NewEvolution responds:

Nah, I really like this country...It's just this current administration. It has consistently lied to the public, distorted its claims, and generally made a total disgrace of American politics.


The whole "war improves the economy" theory is commonly accepted with little proof. Take a look at the stock ticker for an hour after news that 30 Marines were killed in Fallujah. Take a look at the stocks when the terror level is increased.

NewEvolution responds:

This is true, but this is hardly your typical war. Our economy did very well during the first portions of the war as we mobilized and increased production. Once we realized we were in for the long haul in a country that vehemently wanted us out, things began to change.

That does not change the fact that the stock market took a sharp upturn immediately after we announced that all UN inspectors should pull out of Iraq. War itself may not be good for the economy, but the prospect thereof certainly convinces investors to dump more money into stocks.