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Reviews for "Pro-War Rally"

A respected point of view

I think this will stay on regardless of it's lack of bloody teeth and huge massive breasts. There are many point of views about this war but no matter how someone feels it's a fact that human lives are being lost unnecessarily. Thank you. Funniest thing was trying to rate this movie. There isn't a political category where I could of put a 10 on. So I used interactivity. Because it makes you think and hopefully encourage a youth to interact with the future of politics.

NewEvolution responds:

Very cool interpretation of "interactivity." I like that. It IS rather odd there's no "political" or "message" category for voting, yet there is the choice of political when you submit to the portal. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement. I hope my work has the effect both you and I envision for it...the kids need to get involved, get the facts, and decide how they want to be represented. Hopefully before the current administration sinks their media meat hooks into them too deeply.


"Modern globalization, Coupled with condemnations, Unnecessary death, Matador corporations, Puppeting your frustrations, With the blinded flag, Manufacturing consent, Is the name of the game, The bottom line is money,
Nobody gives a fuck. 4000 hungry children leave us per hour, From starvation, While billions are spent on bombs, Creating death showers" SOAD
I agree with every messages in each of your movies. I just am not that much informed about politics. I can not just watch all these news about war knowing that I can't do a thing to stop them. But I still am awaiting for your next movie and hoping it will inform me about recent events.

NewEvolution responds:

Thanks, glad you appreciate them. My next movie is going to take a while...planning something a bit more epic. In the meantime check out takebackthemedia.com and indymedia.org I know I'm not supposed to plug other sites in here, but these have some non-corporate media that will give you a clearer picture of what's going on in the world.


First of all, the dude who just typed "fuck america" must be the dumbest sack of shit ever. Enough about pricks like him. The movie was great. It was simple and to the point. It revealed something about war that is not known very well, the fact that war speeds up the economy. I am completely against this war in Iraq and any every bit of evidence to prove (if it isn't obvious already) that President Bush's (I am deep in regret to call him the president of my country) actions are unwarranted and greedy. I also like the fact that you respond to everybody's reviews (even Mr. sack of shit's "fuck america" review) to acquire feedback from your viewers. I hope you continue to make flash movies like this one.

NewEvolution responds:

Thanks. A true democracy requires respect for all viewpoints, contrary to our own though they may be. I can't really hold it against people who are woefully misinformed...FOX "news" is the #1 "news" supplier in the nation after all.
Anyway, I'm glad my message gets through to some people...that's been the point of this series of animations. Simple, direct, and hopefully powerful statements about the world we're living in. My inspiration has dried up a bit as of late, but I will surely continue this series as inspiration hits me.


Hmm... I have to address something; Pretzellogic88, you are a worthless sack of castrated rams. Just because someone takes a liberal stand point doesn't mean they're anti-American or anarchists or something. Please. Stop being so narrow minded.

Now, for the actual review. Very good. I like the addition of the sound effects as the camera works it's way up the graph. Very Michael Moore-esque.

NewEvolution responds:

Ah, don't beat up on him...he's allowed to have his views just as I'm allowed to have mine. At least he reviewed the flash independent of his personal views. That's more than I can say for y2kh8r...but then again he's wildly misinformed, so I pity him more than anything else.

Pretty good.

I realize that most of the reviews of this movie are real long and well-worded, but I just wanted tosay that as a Bush supporter, or at very least a conservative, I appreciate this movie. I probably don't agree with many of your political views, but I like your method of presentation. I can't stand Michael Moore. All he does is preach half-thruths as fact, but your movie makes only claims from what is obvious to anyone with half a brain. Keep up the good work.

NewEvolution responds:

Thanks, I appreciate an open mind from the opposite side. Without people like you, us commies have no way to refine our viewpoints ;)

I happen to like Michael Moore, but mainly because he gives the right a taste of their own medicine. In that case, he's one filmmaker against all of Fox "News" and their ilk. I think it's a fair touché.

As for your half brain comment, that's what I feel about my work too. But judging from the current sociopolitical climate and the responses from the average "man on the street," it would appear that a surprising number of Americans are operating with less than half a brain...