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Reviews for "_-={Garden of Memories}=-_"

I said I would review this one!

And it's been a while since I have, too! I've been waiting for Authority of Darkness so I could leave a monster review on that one, but seeing as that you haven't submitted it yet, I'll review this instead. ;D

First off, your woodwinds, in the front. For the most part, nice job with them, though personally I don't like those long held notes (more than a measure or so) - it feels like more composition could have been added there with a bit more effort. It would have been pretty neat if you could have added a simple harmony part for the section of the song with the most energy, perhaps with a different woodwind instrument? It would have added more detail, and perhaps have better captured the harmony of the environment you've made this song for? ;) But other than that, the instruments chosen and melody are both great. :D

As for the guitar (which is what that plucked instrument is, right?), it's great - though I don't like the second base of the mellow strumming progression - for example, what plays during the second beat of the song (the whole song, that is) at 0:02. It doesn't quite fit with the rest of the song in my opinion... it's a nice attempt at dissonance, but I don't like the sound of it for some reason. :\ Also, I don't really like the fourth base of the progression - the 1st in the scale, the home tone - it fits just fine, but I like to hear things other than the home tone for the concluding base note, as an extra melodic effort. ;) It fits just fine as is, but I think there were more melodic and enjoyable possibilities for that point. Last, praise! :D The dissonance I hear, for example, between 0:37 and 0:40 (it goes off the scale here, doesn't it?) was pulled off nicely - I've heard similar things done before in songs like this, but it hasn't gotten old with me yet. ;D

Strings are nice, no complaints, but I'd like to bring something up - having listened to your music for a while, I'm beginning to recognize the "East West" sound, here it mainly shows up (to me) with the strings, and more the lower they go. They just have a recognizable sound I've heard before, which is a bit of a disappointment - rather than having your own, "MaestroRage" sound, which is always present in your composition (though LadyArsenic did some of it with this song, right?, you have an "East West" sound, made present by the sound of the instruments you use. Try to have an original sound, it's great - I don't really know how the East West instruments work apart from what you've written in your reviews for them and in your definitions (Key Changes and such), so I don't think I can suggest anything, but keep an original sound in mind. You want to sound like yourself, not like your instruments. ;)

That aside, I have to say, the higher strings are awesome when they play along with the woodwinds! :D I only wish they were a bit more audible, in places, they become hard to hear. :\

I didn't really like the ending, considering this was a peaceful night theme, I would have enjoyed something more based in the mid to high ranges, rather than with low strings in the low end and the guitar in the middle area. :\

As for my story, I'm drawing a blank this time. I've been running on an irregluar sleep schedule lately - sleep late, wake up kinda early, sleep early, then sleep in again - and I'm kinda wiped out right now. :P I do get a landscape but it's nothing special and I probably wouldn't do it much good describing it now. ;) If I think of something good later, I'll be sure to send you a PM, but I'll have to skip it this time, sorry. D:

But other than that, I really enjoyed this song! 5/5, and 9/10, keep it up, both of you! I'll be watching your website... >:) (And refreshing, too. Staring at a screen and doing nothing wouldn't do anyone any good. XD)

MaestroRage responds:

All good points Karco.

Though i'd like to state that I can do nothing about the East West sounds XD. I mean I could easily go buy a new library, but money is really tight and doing that is going to blow future plans into the water for years.

I should probably do some research and see how I can modify the sounds... perhaps blend in different strings of various sections? Who knows, there are many things I havn't tried yet.

LadyArsenic lay down most of the melody, in fact the first half is pretty much entirely her. The later half is my take on that melody with some twists. We discovered later there was a reason this song sounded so familiar to us. As you may be aware now, the melody comes from Dark Cloud 2. Though we didn't realize it, we went ahead with it anyways. So I guess this song is now classified as "Remix"

The ending was thrown in kinda last second. The song originally was meant to loop, however due to reverb levels, cutting it off at the end to loop, made it sound very... ugh.

I guess i'll have to find a way around that first.

No need to apologize Karco, I greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into your words, i'm thankful for anything you put down ^^.

Thank you for the review, and the support, we're glad you liked it!


Dude! That's the song from Garden of Memories from Dark Cloud 2!! It's the Final georama map! I really like this song but it does differ a bit in some of the notes. but if you say it's from an MMORPG from Nyran, I guess they may have a legal battle to fight with the makers of Dark Cloud 2 regarding the music. Either way around, it sounds good.

MaestroRage responds:

Thank you Da-Chibi! You've totally shown us where this melody was from! We had a sneaking suspicion, a twinge of unrest while making it. Something told us it was so familiar, yet we could not seem to put our fingers on it.

This was not from the MMO, but FOR the MMO. Knowing where it is from, we will pull it, and replace it with something else.

Thank you for the review, really, we are glad you liked it!


This is a nice piece, but the guitar sounds pretty synthesized. You should do it with a real guitar.

MaestroRage responds:

hey JaredW!

True enough the guitar is synth, with a bit more practice it may have been more realistic. However we don't really have a guitar, and neither of us know how to play it, so i'm afraid for now real life guitar performances are out of the question.

That and we wouldn't have the recording equipment necessary to record a decent acoustic guitar track.

Thank you for the review, we're glad you liked it!


I didn't like it as much as in some of your songs, but it's still amazing. And I think the reason it may sound similar is because it has the same mood to it.

Very nice

I think I will now have to check out that song from dark Cloud 2. Great melody.