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Reviews for "Bush Bash 8"


I didnĀ“t watch this *shit* because of trasher02:s comment....


.... I must say that i watched it anyway... and im sorry but it sucked.....

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

So far, the only negative review that I can respect!

Sorry that it wasn't your cup of tea.

I liked this one's style,

although, as always, your message is horrible one-sided. You mention the good things Clinton did. What about the bad ones, such as selling China much of our ICBM technology, but you probably don't care that another country (one with little regard for human rights btw) can now reach YOU and your family with it's weapons.

Also, you can't be a doormat to the world. Would you have America do nothing after the likes of the 9/11 WTC disaster?

And, though Al-quada wasn't really buddy buddy with Saddam, he still defied the U.N. for over a decade, how long would you have the world wait to make good on it's threats?

Advice: Move to France. You will find more "like minded" people there.

Sorry buddy

I am a republican and I also know my " sh*t " ( as so you said in one of your responses. ) I strongly dis-agree with your libral acts of ignorant idiocy, and if you dont like our counrty so much, move to Denmark. The title of your movie was a mere trap into luring people to your illogical dis agreements of our governing system. If you have probloms with Regan, keep them to yourself. if you have probloms with Rush, kindly keep them to yourself, and so on and so forth. I would have much more enjoyed this movie if it was actually relevant to its title. ( pardon my spelling so far, I am rushing, and I am currently only 15 years of age. ) As a side note... you seem to be an anti war person I would say? ( judging by respones you have placed and thoughts you have spread ) You seem to follow clinton also! Lets see how hipacritical that is. Did you know that during the tragic events at collombine high school, president clinton launched more bombs on Cosovo than ever in his pathetic reign of stupidity on our country? Did you know that deaths per year by guns while clinton was president, raise to a toll of 11,200, while in countries like Japan, deaths per year by guns were at a mere 39? UK was at 74. Australia 45. Get it strait! You have been lied to. I am sorry if I have been offensive, I am very dissapointed and that is all. May you not be an extremest and hang yourself off of the Golden Gate Bridge in protest of our country, just continue to bask in your idiocy. To you I bid a good marrow, and may the days be fair in your pitifull beliefs.

- Warm Regards!
- Kizbo Xian, Republican

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

...but why did you bother? You are 15 years old? You know nothing about Reagan. You didn't live through him, like I did. YOU DIDN"T EVEN VOTE FOR HIM, LIKE I DID IN 1984.

Yep, shock to all of you, I voted for Reagan in 1984.

In reading your review, it is clear that you DO NOT know your sh*t and, more than likely, your parents are the ones telling you how to think.

You first STUPID statement, move to Denmark if you don't like it here... That is the dumbest thing I hear people say. In a free society, we are given the opportunity to complain and even vote for change.

Your statement suggests that if leaders are bad, that we should accept them blindly because they are our leaders.

There is a word for that. SHEEP!


As for the rest of what you said, there were no facts or substance. Oh, and by the way, when I was 15 I never spelled that poorly.

Wean yourself from the orb of your parents and find the truth.

Because, my friend, your comments are at least as extremist as you think mine are.


Audio and graphics sucked... cant really say anything about this cuz it was so bad.. Does it get any worse than this? I submit that it does not.

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

I am baffled by the comments about the sound. The sound seems just fine on my end. Can you elaborate? Was it crackling, dropped in and out, or something else all together?

y did the gay clock win?

u shouldve killed strawberry clock. tisk tisk. we ALL no clocks are the scum of the earth. and in my op pico rules the portal for eva. straw beryy clock just thinks he does. cause hes a fag.
anyone who likes clocks are fags.

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

Ignorant as is was! Think about the utter stupidity in your review.

Strawberry clock is merely an iconic, every character who everybody knows and can relate to.

THEN...people like you (ignorant sods who think that "fag" is a word that needs to be used to bolster your deficient vocabulary) blow a rod because there was a clock in a movie.

By the way, did you even realize that the movie had a message...probably not.

Pull your head out of your ass, get over your clock and "fag" phobias, and get a life. THEN...actually make a flash and submit it so that I may observe your brilliance first hand.

I'm sure your work would be stellar.