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Reviews for "Bush Bash 8"

See, this was funny...

Your dictionary thing is a bunch of lies put together in a flash where you claim you got it from some magazine called NON-PARTION GAO, if you said some Soviet Union/communist supporting magazine I would belive your sources more (Russia and the former Soviet Union have very good spies)

Right now, I will talk about the flash, it is a little funny, even I like rupublican jokes as long as they're funny, but I enjoy democrat jokes better. The nuclear bomb thing was funny.

Though a few things to point out:

1. Why is Strawberryclock in there? In my opinion, it is just a way to gain support for your dying series known as Bush Bash, but then again, he is going to get re-elected again, and, of course, I know why, all your little democrat friends don't care to or can't vote.

2. When will you stop this series? Will you make one on the next president, (if he leaves) whatever if he is democrat or republican, that would show your true moderate side because beliving you is just like beliving CNN or MSNBC, one (CNN) is republican controlled and the other (MSNBC) is controlled by the democrats

Now I must talk to you about the response from the last Bush Bash,

1. Yes 9-11 made the economy go in to the crapper, my family lost thousands when stocks (GM, for example) went from $60 U.S. to $30 U.S. in a day (9-11). Yes it has got better, but not by much (+$10)

2. I never denied that a 450 billion dollar debt is bad...for the U.S. anyway, the Canadian dollar is growing because of your growing debt and your shitty dollar.

3. You're right on what you said with the leak, he doesn't want it resolved, but then again, Clinton never really wanted to resolve the Palistine/Isreal conflict, and don't throw shit at me about the Oslo Accord, it was his little boost in popularity, it never worked, that accord was a waste of paper. Bush steps in and actually gets involved in the peace plan known as 'The Road Map for Peace' and yes it failed but at least he tried to put a modest effort in to it, unlike Clinton, which he was busy with someone in the Oval Office...

4. Favor (or in Canada it is spelled favour) Have these companies ever been hired by the government? Have these companies completed their contract within the cash limit? Will these companies do thier job in time? If the answer is yes to all three, fine, start an investigion, those questions will end it right there, and since those are public companies, the money goes to the creation of more jobs as well as a boost in profits in the markets.

5. Liberal, since you put Jesus as a "non-judgemental" person means that YOU aren't a liberal, you are judgemental against republicans and don't say you are a moderate since you post all of your opinions and lies on here. Canada is liberal, you know why? We spend billions of dollars in to a FREE Health Care System, rich or poor, you will get the care you need for free. All the money comes from the government and of course, you Americans don't really know what free means: Not having to be paid for. Now that means that Canada loses money every year on health care alone, but we also have free Hydro (electricty) here that is well maintained and upgraded as well as Free Press which also must be a new word for Americans, the list goes on. For some reason though, with all of our social programs and free health care and stuff, the Canadian government makes money, how? Good question, I still don't know.

I also see something different from you, you say ONLY a republican would use Jesus to get votes, that is strange, since you were using Jesus to take away votes from the republicans to the democrats.

Do us all a FAVOR, stop making this crap and make something a little more orginal, like something along the lines about MENSA man IQ test, or something else.

P.S. Good job Arnold for taking over California off of that corrupt Grey Davis!

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

Boy, I am never quite sure where to start where your reviews are concerned....let me just touch on a couple ideas.

1. The GAO is not a liberal magazine...It is the non-partisan GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE of the United States government. So, the concerns over our monetary strain are valid.

2. 9/11 may have made some of the economy go bad, but it was already going there on its own and was NOT the cause of the economic slowdown.

and finally (yep, keeping it short tonight)

The Bush government had LESS interest in resolving the Middle East situation that did Clinton. (That might be something that got more press in the states than it did in Canada)

President Bush was intentionally avoiding doing anything about the Middle East and was highly criticized for that stand. He only took up the "road map" when his advisors told him that he would have to, or that his credibility would be nil.

As far as wanting me to stop making crap...well, oddly enough people like the dictionary stuff.

Also,"crap" is, of course, highly subjective. The Bush Bash stuff is very popular, so I will probably continue to make it as long as Bush keeps up his nonsense. The truth is that I make it for myself and not anybody else as it helps me relieve the stress that Bush puts me under.

I do have several other odds and ends ideas in the hopper that would have universal appeal, but you probably already know that I am somewhat limited in my artistic ability. This makes me pick and choose more carefully.

If I ever get around to it, I have a "chinese restaurant" idea that I am working on, but I am not sure the best way to make it work.

Thanks again for your review.

You Hippie Liberals...

Haha. Far as I'm concerned, you can Bush bash all you want, because you're the going to have to be deal with him for another four years. The joke's on you.

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

But since I am neither a hippie or a liberal, I am not sure who you are talking about!


Has 2300...... wagers 2300...... Wins...... Ends up with 5600? hmmmmm 2300+2300=4600..... Good addition mate.

some funny parts.

but did you know that you are correct clinton did balance the BUDGET, not the debt, we have always been in debt.
F.Y.I better Bush than Kerry, he'll invite the terroists in to smite us literally, he has voted against any law that would improve our military. i like making fun of politics but not when its onesided, so try to look at both sides of the story not just thru socialists.

nice try but...

nice try but it was a bit dry....
but i support you in making fun of Bush cause that guy is a fucking idiot. omg!
...WAY TO STICK IT TO THE MAN.....(lol).