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Reviews for "Bush Bash 8"

What is...

A calculator? I guess you don't know that one either.

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

Calculators are for the WEAK!

couldn't even finish it

well after watching about a minute i realized there was no way for the end to be funny enough to make it worth watching... Reasons why this wasn't funny: 1)just because a clock will get you a good rating on newgrounds doesn't mean you should put it in, because it's still gay 2) we've all already heard shitty george bush impressions for 3 fucking years... either come up with something new to make fun of him for or ignore politics and stick with what your good at, thinking about the elderly and whacking off into a sock, or playing counterstrike 3) snl can do funny jeopardy shit, you can't... in conclusion, be sure to eat bleach before you put out more flash

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

Reasons your review means nothing to me:

1. You require RITALIN to help you watch a 4 1/2 minute movie. Check with your doctor for the correct dosage.

2. Another person who thinks using the word "gay" is a cool thing. Thank you for expressing yourself in the most intellectual way possible. Well, for you anyway. :)

3. SNL....let's see Alex Trebek and Sean Connery. Nope, didn't do that here. It could have been any game show, but a guy like you can't even wait 4 1/2 minutes before he is finished.


A comment to your reply

in one of your replys you mentioned something about spending 200 mil, money that we dont have, on a war. If you do your research, you'll find out that without debt, our country would be in big confusion. Our money system is basicly based on Nothing. After you break it down, you'll find that without a debt (not a humungus debt, just a decent one (what is decent?...dunno)). I dunno if you also dont relize this, but without some kind of war, we become too idle, and start doing stuff to cause noise, to bring more color to our lives. I also will never understand why people praise the clintons. They literally stole stuff from the white house. He did lie, doesn't matter what you think on that matter, because you just wont look at it without thinking hard about it. It's not as complicating as people make it out to be. Simple answers. It is how it is. And i wish people would respect the office more then they do the man. As a president, yes, i respect Clinton. Simple. As a person... i wouldn't pull over to help him with a flat tire, i'd point, laugh, then get on with my day. Bush is a good guy, so what if he drove drunk. The only reason that's an issue, sometimes, is because it's easy to hit at. That's not him anymore. Plus, what does everyone have against the war?... the day after 911, everyone was ready to shoot down some east-indians. But soon as someone could find a angle on "how to make bush look dumb", they dwelled on it. And everyone is human, they'll look stupid sometimes, it's hard to avoid that. meh....im done. I dont expect a response, but i would like to see what you have to say to my politically driven response.

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

Of course you will get a response because you went to the trouble to think.

Yes, the movie is just taking shots at Bush and Rush and you can take it or leave it at whatever value that you care to assess to it.

However, I think you are missing the point BIGTIME. Where to start?

First, I guess most people just shoot from the hip about politics and don't know much. NOT ME. I know my sh*t.

Second, I am liberal on social issues and very conservative on economics. So does that make me liberal or conservative. I would say neither. I try to take everything at face value.

The Bush family, in general, is corrupt to the bone. If you look at the family history from Neil Bush and the savings and loan scandal, through Iran Contra and what George W. is doing now, it is deplorable.

Nobody in that family is respectable. (maybe Barbara is).

I don't ever want to hear anybody bring up Bill Clinton's sex life as an important issue. It isn't! A lot of people don't realize that all but a few presidents had "extra-marital affairs"

For George Herbert Walker Bush, it was Jennifer Fitzgerald, but we didn't hear much of her.

As far as the 200 million dollars, it is GOD AWFUL for our ecomony, and that is why Bush is trying to get Europe on board.

A certain amount of debt is good? That is one of the biggest lies in Washington. As an individual or small business are you in a better position if you have debt or if you don't. It is obvious to economists and many others that LACK OF DEBT, or at least a reasonable debt puts us in a stronger economic situation. (this requires a longer discussion than there is room for)

I was against the war from day one. I am against the war because it was ill conceived, ill managed, and too bloody expensive without support and we are paying for it now.

Finally, the fact that Bush is a moron is not the real problem. The problem with this administration is that they are putting as much money in their own pockets as possible, stripping us of our rights, and basically spitting on our brains. I am always shocked that when scandals come up in the press with this adminstration that it disappears the next day. No investigation, No further questioning of the principles. Just blind, sheep like agreement.
We'll see where this CIA leak goes. I can assure you that this does go as high as Karl Rove, but will they make it stick.

I know I have just scratched the surface of my complaints, and I don't have enough space to launch into a full fledged explanation.

This is the most corrupt administration in recent memory and that I can't tolerate.

Yes, Clinton was corrupt too. He just wasn't corrupt to the extreme that W. is.

Wow I hate your movies!

The only thing that was good about this is that bush said "What Is Nucleah" and then said "Hey he stole my ansuh".. everything else was pretty dumb. You had poor graphics and the girls voice was annoying as hell, also a very bad imitation of Bush.

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your reveiw.

You should feel fortunate mappy, THE CLOWN WAS GOING TO BE YOU!

I changed it at the last minute when Rush was making a buffoon of himself.

Keep hating movies! It shows your ignorance.

man do you not have a life or something

come on that movie was the most retarded thing i have ever seen in my life. you know it brings me back to what i said before you are a jerk. all you do is is crack jokes about our president that i think is doing a good job and if i get a response to this and you tell me i dont know what i am talking about cuz i am 18 or i am mis guided by my parents you can kiss my white american ass cuz aperantly you ARE NOT AMERICAN why dont you go to canada or something like you said you would anyone that makes fun of some one cuz they cant speak right is a complete jackass.

TheOtherTruth responds:

My response to this can be read on my Bush Bash 10 responses.

However, I have to comment that the move to Canada statements are the most Unamerican statements that somebody can make.