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Reviews for "Bush Bash 8"

God damn, that as hilarious!

Yes, I know i probably spelled hilarious wrong.

That was great, it's nice to finnaly see somebody esle in God forsaken country that hates G.W.B. For me its an extreme pleasure to see anybody that can find fault with the man considering I live in Alabama were Republicans make up 99.9% of the population. I'm saveing this link.

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

...and I think you spelled it right!

I don't know how much I hate him, but he certainly has no business being president!

If you liked this one, check out the rest of the Bush Bash series including "permission slip". You will probably find them equally enjoyable!

Thank you again for the kind review.

Very funny flash

It reminded me of celebrity jeopardy on Saturday Night Live. Very funny and full of original jokes. Good work.

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review

"I'll take (the rapists) for $100, Trebek"

Oddly enough, I never gave thought to the comparison....There ya go, making me think too hard!

It is always exciting when you get a positive review, especially when the topic matter can be volatile.

Thank you again for the review.


great movie and an original concept :D i have laughed my ass off several times and bush is stupid indeed . You coul improve the graphics a bit on the jeopardy host and on strawberry clock
anyway can't wait for aonther episode off newgrounds jeopardy.

Liked it alot ^_^

That was a great. Really funny. A really good and original idea you got there. Graphics could have used some work, e.g. the host looked a bit pale. Maybe she could have had some different skin tones in her face. Also I wish you could have some more scenes, different angels of the characters, have zooming and other effects to make it more interesting for the viewer. Starberry also looks a bit wierd, would be cooler if you drew him as he often looks in the clockscrew movies, like with a smoother shape, and with different brightness.

Your jokes though are high class, I must admit I chuckled lots. :)

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

...but I am wounded! After reading your last review of my movies I thought that I would put a few tweens and clown exploding in there just for you!!

Oh wait, I think you gave the last one a 7.

I got a 9 for the clown exploding, right?!?!?

Thanks again for the review! :)


hahahah, kizbo is a spaz!!! its a freaking flash movie, not a commandment written in stone. its people like him that cant handle jokes in life and end up shooting themselves..or we can hope. good movie, i'm a republican but i'm not offended and i know my shit as well, fuck it, i thought it was really well done.

TheOtherTruth responds:

Thank you for your review.

I really appreciate that a republican responded this way.

I show all of my friends the work that I do. I would describe 4 of them as VERY conservative republicans (including my business partner)and they all have a good laugh at the work.

So, thank you for pointing out that you don't have to be a "bleeding heart liberal" to appreciate work like this.

Thanks again.