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Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List

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Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-07-26 22:49:59

At 7/26/08 09:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Pentalist Update #3 is up!!

Hello all and welcome to my third Pentalist update. Here, I've added a shitload of users to the spreadsheet and damn, I still have more to find. Hopefully I can get almost everyone once gfoxcook gives me the damn Top 2000 EXP list from 17th July 2007.


At least you didn't act quite so impatient in your wording on the actual site as you did in the above post segment:

"So apologies to those users who were missed out until now. I know there are still more users to find and hopefully I'll be able to get most of them whenever I receive the Top 2000 EXP list on 17th July 2007 from gfoxcook."

Still, though, do you have to mention at every opportunity to anyone who'll listen that I was being a procrastinating bastard? I'm pretty sure people already knew that. #;-}>

ANYWAY. You have it now. 1 day late, but... better than never.

Anyway, welcome to the six new 2x10k entries for this update, who are Fleischmond, Joshiwa, Major-Blood, MessiaH, Mrputter and Sonucaus! Fleischmond and MessiaH entered with a combination of 10k EXP and 10k blams; Major-Blood, Mrputter and Sonucaus entered with 10k EXP and 10k saves, while Joshiwa entered with 10k blams and 10k saves.

We didn't have Joshiwa?!?! No fucking way.

I can't believe that, really. Wait, did he actually HIT 2x10k, or was he one of the ones you just found? Surely the former.

There was only one status changer for this update. pwroftheseagoat moved to triplelisted after reaching 10k EXP.

Enjoy my third 2x10k Pentalist update!

Just one status change? LAME, GUYS. Come on now, pick up the pace!

Thanks for the update, Bahamut. LESS DRAMA NEXT MONTH, and you'd better thank my fucking ass in the next update for digging up that fucking top 2000 update for you. And hell, for being OCD enough to save it in the first place a year ago, for that matter. THAT was the brilliant part. #;-}>

Now, as to the list:

Huh. So MetalMaverick FINALLY hit 10k exp, eh? And yeah, it doesn't surprise me that he's got less than 1k on all the other stats. He always struck me as an exp-only kinda user. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It is fucking primary, after all.

Omega-2, your "real life friend."

I get what you're saying here, dude, but... the term can be misconstrued so easily... cause... you know, all your non-real life friends online? We're ACTUALLY REALLY ALIVE. #;-}>

14 5star 18,610 21,407 23,958 17,384 18,199 99,558 +_504 XwaynecoltX
15 2star 19,815 00,093 76,599 02,537 00,024 99,068 +1890 Toocool100 (+1)
16 3star 13,910 49,720 32,134 01,761 00,147 97,672 +_278 schneelocke (-1)
17 4star 21,030 36,000 28,398 11,390 00,733 97,551 +1113 gfoxcook
18 3star 11,640 29,633 44,445 05,775 00,303 91,796 +2933 Basspro55
19 3star 12,610 21,490 47,458 05,576 00,260 87,394 +1358 Rule (+1)

OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY. I was always so concerned with being stuck at #17 for my last update and all of your udpates so far... 2 at the time... so 3 total updates.... and only looking ahead to Toocool at #16... and trying in vain to increase my stataccumulationspeeds to catch him... that I had really lost track of the OVERALL PICTURE.

Clearly, my REAL targets should be schnee and X. Sorry guys, but YOU IZ GONNA GO DOWWWWWWWWWWN! :::points and laughs, real nice and hearty-like, like... uh... I dunno, the Heavy from TF2:::

Fun! I just hope I can take down at least one of them before Basspro or Rule take me down. MUST GO UP OR STAY EVEN. NO FALLING UNTIL I RETIRE FROM SAVING AGAIN, AT LEAST!

At 7/17/08 12:17 PM, Bahamut wrote: Amount of times I typed 'fuck' in this post (besides the one just then): 18


Massive snip times.

EMA is teh blow

That's the way it goes, man. Your country does it better than a whooooole lotta other countries, so take some relief in that.

But yeah, that's one thing I'm gonna hate about getting a job: Having to lose money for taxes when part of it gets fucking wasted on this trash. Seriously, even if I lose just a penny for EMA or Eurovision, I still find it appalling.

Well, it's also going to medical and scientific research, so relax a little.

I applied to a few more places today and surprisingly enough, one called back today. I guess they got back to me so quickly since their closing date for applications is tomorrow. If they ring back again today, I should get an interview from them tomorrow morning. :)

Awesome. I HATE INTERVIEWS, though. Worse than actually working. O_O

I know, but I hated to think about myself being in there and not being with my friends. I'm not always with my friends whenever they go, however. On 1st July, they all paid a visit to the High School we all went to, but I didn't go since I never want to visit that shithole ever again.

Awww... but your high school looked like a lot of fun in that one flash you made about the Dr. Pepper machine. ;_;

If they were all killed like that, then I'd rather be killed as well than staying alive in that terrible course.

... ._.

How could Maiden leave Flight of Icarus off the Somewhere Back in Time World Tour setlist?
When was that tour?

This year!!

Oh. The way you were talking about them leaving the song off during some tour made me think it happened a ways back.

They've left it out for most tours they do these days, but for a tour that focuses on their first seven albums, leaving out Flight of Icarus is not cool.

I see. So it's nothing new (hence the impression I got from you it happened awhile ago, most likely), but it REALLY blows that they've left it off a "classics tour" specifically. Gotcha.

Uh. He said FROM London. Meaning he is saying it takes 6 hours on the train from London to Liverpool, clearly.
Actually, that's if you go by coach. By train, it only takes around 2 and a half hours.

I had a friend back in the 90s online who I did meet in person in Chicago once... who grew up in Ohio, went to college in both Chicago and England, and half his family was from England.... and he told me once about a horror story where the train from London to somewhere up north broke down... and then sat in the train for hours... then a bus took 'em part of the way... then they got another train, and then they had to wait AGAIN...

So at BEST the train from London to Liverpool might take 2.5 hours, but I've heard what England's transit system can be like at worst. #;-}>

An all day affair, to sum it up.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-07-26 22:51:01

Your goddamn "18fuck" post was too fucking epic to combine with my reply to the 3rd pentalist update, man. I don't feel like massive editing as I'd already snipped or just not replied to a lot, so... DOUBLE BAHAMUT REPLY TIME FTW.

Hey, it's your list now, so it's only fitting I single you out while replying in this topic specifically. It wouldn't make sense in LUL, though. #;-}>

At 7/17/08 12:17 PM, Bahamut wrote:
I am impartial as I don't fucking know their music, as I've told either you or Haggard before at least once, if not more often.
You once mentioned about how silly their band name was.

Yeah, but I'm open-minded enough to realise their music could be much better than their name.

It's not such a big deal, as LittleWashu would say. XP

ramagi will remind you just how big the deal is, methinks.

Why am I being called Captain Fantastic?

It's your new name.
ERROR - No user "captainfantastic" exists in our system.


If Koreaman was a Star Wars fan, too, then my respect for him has grown since I told you I didn't give a shit about him last week or whenever the fuck that was, so... yeah, thanks.
He might be a Star Wars fan.

WTF? You made it sound like he DEFINITELY was. YOU LIAR! #;-}>


Well, there's a whole bunch of 'em.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgqxQmAbT Bc

Huh. Link didn't work at first, but reloading fixed it... weird youtubeness.

Anyway, it's decent. Nowhere near as good as the 5 songs I like from Powerslave or the 3 songs I like from Number of the Beast, though. Sorries.

And no, I don't think I knew it before. The guitar near the start sounded familiar, but none of the lyrics did at all.

So it's kinda an "oldschool army" ode to go along with the World War pilot ode of Aces High, eh? They could make a nice pair. If I get that album, I'll make sure to work it into my setlist and get more used to it, really feel it out, see how I like it after a few listens.

Well, in the time since we last spoke... I have played about 30 hours of TF2. What the hell is the Skyscraper map, though?
It's a custom map. Reaching the top is almost impossible.

I'm cautious when it comes to custom servers as I've heard horror stories of people going on servers where medics heal 1 mil health points a second and shit, and I don't want to screw up my character stats on Steam, but I have found one server that's custom only in that the party-hats mod is on, and it's got tons of custom maps in the maplist along with some regular CP/CTF/etc. maps from TF2...

... such as the Roswell map (nice little sleepy Western town with an "A" and "B" base... with a nearby big ol' crashed flying saucer holding the RED "C" base.... really fun and different), and a few others I can't remember the names of.

Maybe it'll play the skyscraper map sometime. I'll keep going to it in hopes of seeing it someday.

I'm fine with anyone calling me bahamut or BAHAMUT, but Bahamut is even better.

But what about "bahamut"?

Then how come there's at least one FF with a red Bahamut, and one with a grey Bahamut?
You mean Neo Bahamut and Bahamut ZERO?! Fuck those clones!

Hell if I remember the specific names of the ones I'm talking about, I just remember there being a red and gray one. Looks like my memory wasn't faulty, too. Thanks for confirming that. #;-}>


Oh well.

OK, you win. FFIII DS Bahamut looks green-ish. However, the rest of the Bahamuts are NOT GREEN!

He is? Cool, I've only played like 2 hours of that version of FFIII, I'll have to get deeper in sometime.

I can't remember what colour Bahamut from the NES/famicon FFIII is....

Tenacious D. Most don't consider them as metal.

Well of course THEY aren't. But "The Metal" specificially is to ACTUALLY Metal what Flight of the Conchord's music is to Rock 'n' Roll. #;-}>

And it's a fun song.

Are you hurt?

I require a medic.

The only ones that would disagree are Afro_Stud and General douchebags.

Those Neutral-hating bastards!

Should I buy Piece of Mind for you? :P
Does that have both Flight of Icarus AND The Trooper on it or something?
Yeah, it has both tracks, hence why it's a must for every Maiden fan. However, my favourite track on the album is Revelations. You can see a video of them playing that song at the concert I was at right here:

Where did it rank on your top IM album listing?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TMFv1awY O4

Don't know that song, either. And I'd rather get to know it from an album/studio recording than a live one, so I just skipped around in it a bit.

Iron Maiden was just in Houston a month or so ago. They're really getting around. UNLESS THERE'S TWO OF THEM.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Maiden _(hard_rock_band)

Maybe it was them. :P

"Years active 1966-1967, 1968-1970"

I've heard of there being a second IM, actually. But as the above info from that wiki page you linked me to clearly shows.... I DON'T believe they performed in Houston in 2008, no. O_o

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-07-26 22:58:18

At 7/17/08 07:31 AM, Corky52 wrote:
At 7/16/08 08:06 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
checks "NW corner bullseye" for graphical smiley... no smiley found... CHECK:::

... ?

Any reason you congratulated him through replying to my congrats of him? Very strange. #;-}>
That was just because I wanted to quote the rest of your text too. I just found it easier this way.

I gotcha. But then why did you leave that stuff up there about me jokingly checking for graphical smileys but not reply to it, EH? Got an answer for THAT one, too? #;-}>

Alright, I wasn't too sure about that stuff. I don't see much that I could contribute to most of the time any way, but it's nice to know that posting in threads like this are acceptable even to people who aren't on them yet.

Yeah, relax. It's cool.... real.... mellow... just... take a hit off that hookah in the corner. Don't worry about it, man. Just... flow... into the walls and floors... just melt, man. Yeah. Real heavy.

(and I don't think you'd be doing any of the above)
I use to be. Not anymore though.


Well, happy future 10k posts to you, then. #;-}>
Hopefully it's not too far away.

You will get from 6k to 10k far faster than I did, trust me.

Took me like... 2 years or maybe 3.

After taking less than 1 year to go from 0 to 6k.

"slowed down to 30 per day" <---- statements like that... they make me FEAR.
Ha, well I'm sure you find this fearful. I posted around 200 times one day and there were several days where I posted 100 times or so. That's when I had those short one liners though. That's what general can do to a new user.


It never did that to me, man. O_o

I can count the times I posted over 50 in a day on... one or two hands. 100-200.... makes my brain bleed in pain at just the THOUGHT...

At 7/19/08 06:07 PM, Idiot-Finder wrote: I'm 17 posts away from making a joke about Tiki Barber.

I think I missed something....

At 7/22/08 10:23 PM, Idiot-Finder wrote: Finished ZZ Top's version, currently working on NSYNC version though it's a cover by Johnny Kemp. The one by ZZ Top's easy due to the length of the lyrics.

Yeah. Just Got Paid has an awesome riff and overall feel.... but it doesn't have much lyrical depth or variety. Still, one rockin' tune.

So where the heck is it, man? Post it or link it!

At 7/21/08 07:42 AM, Coop83 wrote: In compliance with the demands of my master, I must post here.


A belated thanks to Bahamut for the update. Can't think why I missed it...

Also a spot of news from me - we won a cricket match yesterday :)

Congratulations, Mr. Igor! #;-}>


or, well... Mr. Vader, otherwise. "My master" could really go one of two ways depending on how it's spoken aloud. #;-}>

At 7/22/08 06:06 PM, iscrulz wrote:
At 5/1/08 11:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote: You know... you can plug a USB keyboard into the Wii so you can use a keyboard with Wii Opera. You should try it out.
the cord isnt long enough. PS3 keypad is easier too use.

Wireless USB keyboard FTW.

I got VC, SA, IV, unknown about the stories because I didnt know the release dates.


Well you better get Chinatown Wars for the DS on the release date, also V and VI too.

I didn't even know a GTA was coming out for the DS, but hell yeah... I'll be all over that mofo.

Who knews when and on what systems V and VI are coming out on, so I won't speak to that.

I have been ponder that the whole time of my absence. It maybe blurred to hide Bahamuts secret closet love for the GTA IV. Underneath it read "The best fucking game of all time" in latin so if some decompiles it his secret is safe.


I should be given a newgrounds paycheck each for 250 each day for bashing and disrespecting FF. I almost left this joint, you would have been unintenionally my heir to my account and alt accts. Yeah most people are serious, I have fun and lie, expect for my obession with gta.


That's what an BOD atheist would say. There is no link because BOD is to holy and sacred to be on the internet: www or ftp and everything between.

BOD.... uh... that stands for so many things. Which one are you meaning by it?

Fuck off fuck you fuck this fuck that fuck me fucking fucker. Thanks for the update I am saddened I am at 83K I knew I would regret this.


Coop's happy about your 83k, I'll bet.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-07-27 11:42:08

Fuck counter: 18

At 7/19/08 03:30 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/19/08 03:15 PM, Phantom wrote: I should be triple listed now, isn't/shouldn't there be some sort of update ever?
Bahamut should do the next update later this month.

People really need to have a look around on the last few pages of this thread and see that I'm doing the Pentalist updates now. I mean, they all do it for the B/P thread, so why not this thread? ;)

At 7/21/08 07:42 AM, Coop83 wrote: Also a spot of news from me - we won a cricket match yesterday :)


At 7/22/08 06:06 PM, iscrulz wrote:
At 5/11/08 01:53 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Keep it as is, then. iscrulz would probably think you'd secretly replaced it with something far worse if you blurred it.
I have been ponder that the whole time of my absence. It maybe blurred to hide Bahamuts secret closet love for the GTA IV. Underneath it read "The best fucking game of all time" in latin so if some decompiles it his secret is safe.


At 5/4/08 12:22 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 4/30/08 09:46 AM, iscrulz wrote:
You should be perma IP banned for not respecting FF...Nah, we can't lose iscrulz forever. Without you, who else would be making hilarious multi-quote posts?
I should be given a newgrounds paycheck each for 250 each day for bashing and disrespecting FF.

And I should be given £1000 a day for bashing GTA. :D

Yeah most people are serious, I have fun and lie, expect for my obession with gta.

Of course, but the rest is for fun. :)

There's no such thing as The Beatles of Dragons. GIVE ME A LINK DAMMIT!
That's what an BOD atheist would say. There is no link because BOD is to holy and sacred to be on the internet: www or ftp and everything between.

Results 1 - 2 of about 1 for "The Beatles of Dragons"

Damn! Then again, aren't I the Beatle (it should be singular here) of Dragons? :P

At 5/14/08 08:49 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/13/08 06:40 PM, iscrulz wrote: R.I.P. 666BahamutPyro69XXX
Damn, I knew this was going to happen eventually. I mean, another alt going around acting like another betty (that or the picture the alt had)? I guess Wade didn't like that at all. Oh well, at least he didn't go and wipe out most of the 'Bahamut' accounts like he once did when deleting some of Afro_Stud's alts. :(
I would of been shocked if it wasn't deleted, but I still wish the alt was still alive. Wade probably didnt care some person must of narc because I dont Wade found the account and care enough to delete on his own will.

If 666BahamutPyro69XXX got deleted for spamming news posts, then what about darknessdweller with his retarded "darknessdweller wuz here" comments? To me, they're as bad as betty's "FUCK YOU" comments. At least betty was funny.

Trivium are an innovative metal band from Orlando, Florida that formed in 2000 and is one of the most notable bands in the New Wave of American Heavy Metal. The band comprises vocalist and guitarist Matt Heafy(god), guitarist Corey Beaulieu, bassist Paolo Gregoletto, and drummer Travis Smith.

Since its inception, Trivium has released three studio albums, nine singles, and is set to release its fourth studio album, entitled Shogun, on September 30, 2008. Signed to Roadrunner Records, the band has attended major music festivals, including Ozzfest and the Download Festival.

Oh god, NO!

At 7/17/08 12:17 PM, Bahamut wrote: Amount of times I typed 'fuck' in this post (besides the one just then): 18
Fuck off fuck you fuck this fuck that fuck me fucking fucker. Thanks for the update I am saddened I am at 83K I knew I would regret this.

FUCK x 1,217

At 7/26/08 10:49 PM, gfoxcook wrote: ANYWAY. You have it now. 1 day late, but... better than never.

I know, I know.

At 7/26/08 09:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: Anyway, welcome to the six new 2x10k entries for this update, who are Fleischmond, Joshiwa, Major-Blood, MessiaH, Mrputter and Sonucaus! Fleischmond and MessiaH entered with a combination of 10k EXP and 10k blams; Major-Blood, Mrputter and Sonucaus entered with 10k EXP and 10k saves, while Joshiwa entered with 10k blams and 10k saves.
We didn't have Joshiwa?!?! No fucking way.

Nope, he only had one 10k stat on the previous update. Don't worry, he was added to the spreadsheet ages ago, so I didn't just find him all of sudden.

Thanks for the update, Bahamut. LESS DRAMA NEXT MONTH, and you'd better thank my fucking ass in the next update for digging up that fucking top 2000 update for you.

Of course I will.

Now, as to the list:

Omega-2, your "real life friend."

I get what you're saying here, dude, but... the term can be misconstrued so easily... cause... you know, all your non-real life friends online? We're ACTUALLY REALLY ALIVE. #;-}>

Everyone should know that "real life friend" means friends you know in real life, and I know Omega in real life.

At 7/17/08 12:17 PM, Bahamut wrote: Amount of times I typed 'fuck' in this post (besides the one just then): 18


EMA is teh blow
That's the way it goes, man. Your country does it better than a whooooole lotta other countries, so take some relief in that.

I highly doubt that. The only way other countries would do worse is giving these cunts £1000 a fucking week. Luckily the British Government aren't that fucking stupid.

But you know what, despite all this bullshit, I'd rather live here than in Cuba, China or Burma. I do not like communism one bit.

But yeah, that's one thing I'm gonna hate about getting a job: Having to lose money for taxes when part of it gets fucking wasted on this trash. Seriously, even if I lose just a penny for EMA or Eurovision, I still find it appalling.
Well, it's also going to medical and scientific research, so relax a little.

Now those are acceptable for tax payings. I wouldn't mind paying tax for them, but NOT FUCKING TRASH LIKE EMA AND EUROVISION!

I applied to a few more places today and surprisingly enough, one called back today. I guess they got back to me so quickly since their closing date for applications is tomorrow. If they ring back again today, I should get an interview from them tomorrow morning. :)
Awesome. I HATE INTERVIEWS, though. Worse than actually working. O_O

They didn't call back, but things in general are looking good right now. But do you know what I hate more than interviews?

Application forms!

I find them so awkward, especially if you have to write it down on paper rather than typing it up on the computer. My handwriting sucks, so the employers could reject my application form JUST by my fucking writing style. At least there was a place I applied to that didn't require an application form. All I did was email them my CV and a few days later, they gave me a date for an interview.

Sadly, not all jobs are like that and I will have to fill in application forms for some places, such as the Mersey travel service. But hey, assuming I do get the job, the trouble will be worth it. However, when I do complete the application form and don't hear shit from them, that's when I feel all my effort put into applying to the job goes to fucking waste.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-07-27 11:43:25

At 7/26/08 10:49 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/26/08 09:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: I know, but I hated to think about myself being in there and not being with my friends. I'm not always with my friends whenever they go, however. On 1st July, they all paid a visit to the High School we all went to, but I didn't go since I never want to visit that shithole ever again.
Awww... but your high school looked like a lot of fun in that one flash you made about the Dr. Pepper machine. ;_;

Uhh, that was based on the college I went to, NOT my fucking high school. I could actually find a picture or two of the college I was in and you'd be able to spot the similarities between college in real life and on my flash.

I wouldn't even think of making a flash taking place in my high school, unless it was about hating the school, which isn't something I plan on doing. College, while I had problems there and it ended up where I am now, it wasn't as bad as high school. The teachers there were much better and weren't fucking nazis like the ones from high school were. The next time the support staff from my high school see me in town or wherever, I'll be giving them a big fuck you. Infact, I hope I never accidentally bump into them.

They've left it out for most tours they do these days, but for a tour that focuses on their first seven albums, leaving out Flight of Icarus is not cool.
I see. So it's nothing new (hence the impression I got from you it happened awhile ago, most likely), but it REALLY blows that they've left it off a "classics tour" specifically. Gotcha.

EXACTLY! Another song they should have put on the tour is Caught Somewhere in Time, but I guess it's not that popular among the Maiden fans. It's a shame since it's such a fantastic song.

Oh yeah, I also strongly recommend their Somewhere in Time album.

Actually, that's if you go by coach. By train, it only takes around 2 and a half hours.
I had a friend back in the 90s online who I did meet in person in Chicago once... who grew up in Ohio, went to college in both Chicago and England, and half his family was from England.... and he told me once about a horror story where the train from London to somewhere up north broke down... and then sat in the train for hours... then a bus took 'em part of the way... then they got another train, and then they had to wait AGAIN...

Trains aren't that bad. OK, they might break down or something, but really, it's better than getting caught in traffic on motorways. Your friend was really unlucky that time. :(

At 7/26/08 10:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/17/08 12:17 PM, Bahamut wrote: You once mentioned about how silly their band name was.
Yeah, but I'm open-minded enough to realise their music could be much better than their name.

And they are. They have so much awesome stuff.

It's not such a big deal, as LittleWashu would say. XP
ramagi will remind you just how big the deal is, methinks.

We'll just have to wait and see.

He might be a Star Wars fan.
WTF? You made it sound like he DEFINITELY was. YOU LIAR! #;-}>

Oh well.

Well, there's a whole bunch of 'em.

Yeah, fuck it all.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgqxQmAbT Bc
Huh. Link didn't work at first, but reloading fixed it... weird youtubeness.

There are too many things wrong with YouTube. I bet I could make an essay on all the bullshit on YouTube.

Anyway, it's decent. Nowhere near as good as the 5 songs I like from Powerslave or the 3 songs I like from Number of the Beast, though. Sorries.

It's more than decent. IT'S FUCKING AWESOME!! And Andersson would agree with me.

If I get that album

You WILL get that album. :P

It's a custom map. Reaching the top is almost impossible.
I'm cautious when it comes to custom servers as I've heard horror stories of people going on servers where medics heal 1 mil health points a second and shit, and I don't want to screw up my character stats on Steam, but I have found one server that's custom only in that the party-hats mod is on, and it's got tons of custom maps in the maplist along with some regular CP/CTF/etc. maps from TF2...

One custom map I tried started off with playing Banana Phone sped-up. But for the stats, I dunno. I didn't pay attention to the Steam stats at all. I just wanted to have fun.

Maybe it'll play the skyscraper map sometime. I'll keep going to it in hopes of seeing it someday.

You should be able to find it on the list of custom maps. Believe me, once you make an attempt to get to the top, you might not stop until you make it. When I tried it, I was up from 10PM till 4AM just to get to the top of the fucking map.

Damn, just thinking about this makes me think I should get a laptop that's decent enough to play Team Fortress 2, but I've been told by one computer guy to forget getting a laptop to play games such as them because of the price. And yes, I was thinking of getting a laptop with my birthday money, but now that's not possible. The computer guy said to me that it would be better upgrading this computer rather than getting a new laptop/computer. On the bright side to that, I don't have to worry about Windows fucking Vista since that guy doesn't deal with Vista at all.

Infact, I wonder if Team Fortress 2 would actually work on this computer. OK, it can't play Spore, but this computer CAN play World of Warcraft! Plus, Team Fortress 2 was released last year rather than this year. My graphics card might tolerate it, but then there's possible lag issues. :(

*sigh* Decisions, decisions on what to do with my money.

I'm fine with anyone calling me bahamut or BAHAMUT, but Bahamut is even better.
But what about "bahamut"?

You mean "bahamut" with quotation marks?

You mean Neo Bahamut and Bahamut ZERO?! Fuck those clones!
Hell if I remember the specific names of the ones I'm talking about, I just remember there being a red and gray one. Looks like my memory wasn't faulty, too. Thanks for confirming that. #;-}>

Ah yes, there was a big red dragon on it. Also, wasn't the Evil Dragon King a green dragon? Damn, I really need to play through FFVII again, but the Wii games are a higher priority.

OK, you win. FFIII DS Bahamut looks green-ish. However, the rest of the Bahamuts are NOT GREEN!
He is? Cool, I've only played like 2 hours of that version of FFIII, I'll have to get deeper in sometime.

Yeah, you need to play more of FFIII. It's not the best FF game out there, but still damn good. Hmm, FFIV DS is out in America now, but we've still got two months to wait before it comes out here. Sure, an American version of the game will work on my European DS, but right now, I should try and complete Brawl.

I can't remember what colour Bahamut from the NES/famicon FFIII is....


Yellow? Gold?

The only ones that would disagree are Afro_Stud and General douchebags.
Those Neutral-hating bastards!

Actually, neutral is Afro_Stud's second favourite aura. He'd still be neutral if the NG staff didn't add that horrendous fab aura. Seriously, the aura colour is so horrible, I've had to adblock all fab icons.

Yeah, it has both tracks, hence why it's a must for every Maiden fan. However, my favourite track on the album is Revelations. You can see a video of them playing that song at the concert I was at right here:
Where did it rank on your top IM album listing?

4, since The Number of the Beast > Iron Maiden > Powerslave > Piece of Mind. The problem with Piece of Mind is that it's not as epic as Powerslave overall.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TMFv1awY O4
Don't know that song, either. And I'd rather get to know it from an album/studio recording than a live one, so I just skipped around in it a bit.

Ah, alright then.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-07-27 11:44:50

At 7/26/08 10:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/17/08 12:17 PM, Bahamut wrote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Maiden _(hard_rock_band)

Maybe it was them. :P
"Years active 1966-1967, 1968-1970"

I've heard of there being a second IM, actually. But as the above info from that wiki page you linked me to clearly shows.... I DON'T believe they performed in Houston in 2008, no. O_o

Don't worry, I know it wasn't them who performed in Houston this year. Heh, I'd check them out, but having all their albums combined with the Iron Maiden we know would be quite confusing.

At 7/26/08 10:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/22/08 06:06 PM, iscrulz wrote: That's what an BOD atheist would say. There is no link because BOD is to holy and sacred to be on the internet: www or ftp and everything between.
BOD.... uh... that stands for so many things. Which one are you meaning by it?

The Beatles of Dragons. iscrulz made that term up. Well, it came from the term God of Dragons.

And that ends my epic triplepost.

Please subscribe

"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"

.·´¯`·->YFIQ's collections of stories!<-·´¯`·.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-01 03:03:42

At 7/27/08 11:42 AM, Bahamut wrote: Fuck counter: 18

Are you counting recycled fucks from the old quoted bits, or just new fucks? #;-}>

At 7/26/08 10:49 PM, gfoxcook wrote: ANYWAY. You have it now. 1 day late, but... better than never.
I know, I know.

Well, you didn't reply within an hour or two of my second attempt at sending you the files, but they showed up along with a paperclip pic on that attempt, so I figgered I could rest easy. So anyway, just wanted there to be no doubt. Have you looked 'em over yet at all, or are you waiting for late August?

Nope, he only had one 10k stat on the previous update. Don't worry, he was added to the spreadsheet ages ago, so I didn't just find him all of sudden.

Yeah, by "had him" I only meant on the spreadsheet, not 2x10k.

Of course I will.


Everyone should know that "real life friend" means friends you know in real life, and I know Omega in real life.

THIS IS REAL LIFE, BITCH. I'll give you a good knock to the cheek right now and we'll see how it is.



Now those are acceptable for tax payings. I wouldn't mind paying tax for them, but NOT FUCKING TRASH LIKE EMA AND EUROVISION!

Calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean.

They didn't call back, but things in general are looking good right now. But do you know what I hate more than interviews?

Application forms!

Egad, man. If you do every interview in my life for me from now on, I'll do every application form in your life for you. DEAL?

At 7/27/08 11:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: Uhh, that was based on the college I went to, NOT my fucking high school. I could actually find a picture or two of the college I was in and you'd be able to spot the similarities between college in real life and on my flash.

Ooops. My bad, I totally forgot/didn't know/something. GOT YER COLLEGE AND YER HIGH SCHOOL CONFUSED. At least in a flash setting, not reality. #;-}>

EXACTLY! Another song they should have put on the tour is Caught Somewhere in Time, but I guess it's not that popular among the Maiden fans. It's a shame since it's such a fantastic song.

Oh yeah, I also strongly recommend their Somewhere in Time album.

We'll see, but I'm not as huge a Maiden fan as you, so I don't really NEED to have all their albums, yanno. #;-}>

Trains aren't that bad. OK, they might break down or something, but really, it's better than getting caught in traffic on motorways. Your friend was really unlucky that time. :(

Yes. Yes he was.

Hey, you're both in England, maybe you know him (because everyone in England knows each other, it's so tiny!)... Matthew Smith.


(he always complained how both his names are so common and ordinary, so I actually wouldn't be surprised if you did know a Matthew Smith, though he's the only one I know...)

Yeah, fuck it all.


There are too many things wrong with YouTube. I bet I could make an essay on all the bullshit on YouTube.

You should make a news post here on NG. I'd read it.

It's more than decent. IT'S FUCKING AWESOME!! And Andersson would agree with me.


You WILL get that album. :P

Okay... WHEN I get it, then, not "if." Better?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-01 03:05:33

Thought I could squeeze it all into one, but failed... so... two medium posts instead, then:

At 7/27/08 11:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: One custom map I tried started off with playing Banana Phone sped-up. But for the stats, I dunno. I didn't pay attention to the Steam stats at all. I just wanted to have fun.

The custom server I play on has random songs in between every map, yep.

You should be able to find it on the list of custom maps. Believe me, once you make an attempt to get to the top, you might not stop until you make it. When I tried it, I was up from 10PM till 4AM just to get to the top of the fucking map.


Well, I still haven't played it, but I've found two or three really awesome levels on that server. The one with three ramps for both BLU and RED to fly across the entire map (which is nothing but a huge gorge between the bases, with some huge stepping platforms up to a central control point) is the best map ever.

The rotating cube of death is fun, too, though sometimes it makes the server crash if there's too many people online.

And the Roswell/UFO one is good.

And so is Hall of Death, the small confined space with lots of fun for almost every class to enjoy!

Damn, just thinking about this makes me think I should get a laptop that's decent enough to play Team Fortress 2, but I've been told by one computer guy to forget getting a laptop to play games such as them because of the price. And yes, I was thinking of getting a laptop with my birthday money, but now that's not possible. The computer guy said to me that it would be better upgrading this computer rather than getting a new laptop/computer. On the bright side to that, I don't have to worry about Windows fucking Vista since that guy doesn't deal with Vista at all.

He thinks you should upgrade your current desktop?

Dude, just take my advice and buy a new desktop. It'll be 50% the cost of a laptop with the same shit in it.

Infact, I wonder if Team Fortress 2 would actually work on this computer. OK, it can't play Spore, but this computer CAN play World of Warcraft! Plus, Team Fortress 2 was released last year rather than this year. My graphics card might tolerate it, but then there's possible lag issues. :(

It's possible, I suppose. It'll run better on your computer than Bioshock will, even though it came out a bit after after Bioshock (October 2007 vs. August 2007 for Bioshock), that's for sure.

You mean "bahamut" with quotation marks?

Yes. I quoted around it to emphasise that it wasn't just Bahamut, but I was undercasing the first letter on purpose to turn you into ramagi and me. MWAHAHAAHAH.

So... not gonna actually react, eh?

Ah yes, there was a big red dragon on it. Also, wasn't the Evil Dragon King a green dragon? Damn, I really need to play through FFVII again, but the Wii games are a higher priority.


I don't remember an Evil Dragon King in FFVII, though...

OK, you win. FFIII DS Bahamut looks green-ish. However, the rest of the Bahamuts are NOT GREEN!
He is? Cool, I've only played like 2 hours of that version of FFIII, I'll have to get deeper in sometime.
Yeah, you need to play more of FFIII. It's not the best FF game out there, but still damn good.

:::points to part where I said "only played like 2 hours of *THAT* version of FFIII":::

I played some Japanese FFIII in Japan in 1991 at a friend's place, and then in the late 90s I played the translated ROM of the original FFIII. The entire game, full story, etc. etc.

So yeah, I know it's a damned good FF, man. I didn't need the DS version to know that. #;-}>

It's one of my fave two FFs, gameplay wise, in fact. FF1 and FF3 are the "purest" FFs to me, gameplay wise.

FFIV and VI have better characters and story, of course.

I can't remember what colour Bahamut from the NES/famicon FFIII is....
Yellow? Gold?

Ah. Thanks. Also, that page highlights the reason that there's only one FF that truly blows:

Bahamut (either the character or at least the name) has appeared in EVERY SINGLE FF GAME... except FFII.


Actually, neutral is Afro_Stud's second favourite aura. He'd still be neutral if the NG staff didn't add that horrendous fab aura. Seriously, the aura colour is so horrible, I've had to adblock all fab icons.

You took the time to adblock every single level icon in fab? Or did you *fab* them (I know they don't actually have fab in the title, but you know what I mean)? #;-}>

Either way... Jesus Christ, man, that's dedication...

4, since The Number of the Beast > Iron Maiden > Powerslave > Piece of Mind. The problem with Piece of Mind is that it's not as epic as Powerslave overall.


You don't have to convince me POM isn't as epic as Powerslave overall, I can't imagine an IM album more epic than Powerslave (and that includes TNOTB, which of course I own). What is it about TNOTB that makes you rank it #1, BTW?

And also, what songs does the debut album have that makes you rank it #2 above the albums with Aces High and The Trooper on them?

At 7/27/08 11:44 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/26/08 10:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote: "Years active 1966-1967, 1968-1970"


Don't worry, I know it wasn't them who performed in Houston this year. Heh, I'd check them out, but having all their albums combined with the Iron Maiden we know would be quite confusing.

I wonder if they ever performed in the states between 66 and 70, though.

Yeah, it would be weird on a mp3 player to glance at the display and see Iron Maiden but then... eh... it isn't Iron Maiden. #;-}>

At 7/27/08 11:58 AM, Idiot-Finder wrote: http://www.amiright.com/parody/70s/zztop 14.shtml

LOL! Epic filk right there.

And special extra-LOLs at the "blood test" footnote, too.

http://www.amiright.com/parody/misc/free creditreportcommercial0.shtml

Was Tom Brady really MVP of two of their SB wins? I guess the kicker was the MVP of the other one. I coulda sworn someone else was, too, though.

Anyway, I never would have thought to filk those free credit report dot com songs (possibly because I don't think of them as "real" songs), but well done!

http://www.amiright.com/parody/60s/thebe atles2191.shtml


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-01 08:10:14

At 7/26/08 09:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's Pentalist Update #3 is up!!

Thanks for the update, Bahamut. Entered the top 40 this time, passing ouandyoi, Gooch and alexsmolik. Three giants of the stat-whoring world there and I'm not done yet! I've got some more places to gain... maybe I can be ranked #36 for the next update?

At 7/26/08 10:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/21/08 07:42 AM, Coop83 wrote: In compliance with the demands of my master, I must post here.

Like you ever doubted it :P

A belated thanks to Bahamut for the update. Can't think why I missed it...

Also a spot of news from me - we won a cricket match yesterday :)
Congratulations, Mr. Igor! #;-}>

or, well... Mr. Vader, otherwise. "My master" could really go one of two ways depending on how it's spoken aloud. #;-}>

This hunch back is annoying, plus it looks huge when shrouded in my black cloak.

Also, I refuse to do the lisp, as the spittle clogs up the voice projector part of my breathing apparatus.

Fuck off fuck you fuck this fuck that fuck me fucking fucker. Thanks for the update I am saddened I am at 83K I knew I would regret this.

Coop's happy about your 83k, I'll bet.

I'm not - it means he's ahead of me!

At 7/27/08 11:42 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/21/08 07:42 AM, Coop83 wrote: Also a spot of news from me - we won a cricket match yesterday :)

Ah, the beast with a billion backs. The funnier joke from that particular bit was Hattie and the Mayor gawping at the rift screaming, then having a cigarette break, then carrying on :P

Also, a local cricket match was cancelled last Saturday, as a motorcyclist hit a car and landed on the cricket pitch on the other side of the 6-8' high hedge. Cricketers were unable to resucitate him and he was pronounced dead at the scene.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-03 22:41:21

Well, since this is where I've been chiefly talking about Team Fortress 2, I thought I'd mention that I actually haven't played it in the past 3-4 days...

... because starting on Wednesday or Thursday night I went on a super Half-Life 2 binge where I just ran through Anticitizen One/Follow Freeman through Friday night... and then through Our Benefactors/Dark Energy on Saturday morning.


And I replayed it (with more of a haphazard quick style than I normally play games) for my gf Saturday night and we proceded to go through Lost Cost and then the first 4 chapters of Ep 1 into the wee hours of Sunday morning.

When she gets home from work we're gonna finish Ep 1 and Ep 2 should be done by next week, I'd wager. Can't wait for the ACHIEVEMENTS, which I really wish Valve would backcode into HL2 and Ep 1 to boot.

HL2 lagged in a few spots, and after leaving you apart from Alyx and others for so many long stretches, then burdened you with not-so-great-AI squadmates for much of Anticitizen One and Follow Freeman.... but for the most part, it (and especially the ending two chapters in the Citadel) was a great pageturner, and the Eps have proven to continue the pageturn-y spirit quite well, so... WE CAN'T PUT IT DOWN!

At 8/1/08 08:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: Like you ever doubted it :P

.... well, actually... I didn't know if anyone but me had been demanding you reply to Bahamut's list updates, so... I did doubt. #;-}>

This hunch back is annoying, plus it looks huge when shrouded in my black cloak.

You hybrid, you. Darth Igor, I shall call you, along with Coop Vader.

Also, I refuse to do the lisp, as the spittle clogs up the voice projector part of my breathing apparatus.

You need a spit valve in there, like trumpet and trombone and tuba players have in their instruments. :::nods:::

Coop's happy about your 83k, I'll bet.
I'm not - it means he's ahead of me!

Well, aside from that... "small" detail you are, right?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-03 23:57:01

Well, so much for my valient efforts. I think getting wiki-trapped for 1.5 hours in the middle of my post catch-up kinda derailed me...

But I put a dent in it this time, at least, unlike on 8/01 when I made 4 posts in 3 topics.

I'm all caught up to any thread that hasn't been posted in on 8/03. Heh. #;-}>

Meaning the biggest/most busy threads... still... need... my attention, of course. Which blows, but oh well.

Maybe I'll just quit LUL again since it's always such a chore.

Anyway, when I get home with my gf, it's HL2:Ep1-finishing time, so this is it for me tonight. GOODNIGHT, FOLKS!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-04 08:07:10

Fuck counter: 9

At 8/1/08 03:03 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/27/08 11:42 AM, Bahamut wrote: Fuck counter: 18
Are you counting recycled fucks from the old quoted bits, or just new fucks? #;-}>

New fucks. Of course by new fucks, I mean the newest uses of that word on the white text and not literally fucking anything.

At 7/26/08 10:49 PM, gfoxcook wrote: ANYWAY. You have it now. 1 day late, but... better than never.
I know, I know.
Well, you didn't reply within an hour or two of my second attempt at sending you the files, but they showed up along with a paperclip pic on that attempt, so I figgered I could rest easy. So anyway, just wanted there to be no doubt. Have you looked 'em over yet at all, or are you waiting for late August?

Already went through 750 - 2000. However, I might have to go through them again to find anymore users to add to the B/P spreadsheet.

Everyone should know that "real life friend" means friends you know in real life, and I know Omega in real life.
THIS IS REAL LIFE, BITCH. I'll give you a good knock to the cheek right now and we'll see how it is.



I didn't feel a thing. And besides, I've never seen you in real life.

Now those are acceptable for tax payings. I wouldn't mind paying tax for them, but NOT FUCKING TRASH LIKE EMA AND EUROVISION!
Calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean.

Not until the government make improvements to their country.

They didn't call back, but things in general are looking good right now. But do you know what I hate more than interviews?

Application forms!
Egad, man. If you do every interview in my life for me from now on, I'll do every application form in your life for you. DEAL?

Sure, sounds like a great deal. :D

At 7/27/08 11:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: Uhh, that was based on the college I went to, NOT my fucking high school. I could actually find a picture or two of the college I was in and you'd be able to spot the similarities between college in real life and on my flash.
Ooops. My bad, I totally forgot/didn't know/something. GOT YER COLLEGE AND YER HIGH SCHOOL CONFUSED. At least in a flash setting, not reality. #;-}>

Yes, and make sure it doesn't happen again. I won't be happy if you say crap like "I thought you enjoyed High School" again. Seriously, anyone who either says I enjoyed High School or didn't have any problems there are fucking mental. I mean, I was talking to my friend about the school two months ago and she reckoned I didn't have much problems in High School was I was like "WHAT THE FUCK?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!" If I didn't have much problems in High School, then why was I seeing a fucking psychiatrist?

I was even about to be convinced to visit there in July and really, I'd rather cut my fucking head off than going back to that shithole. What prevented an argument was saying how much it wasn't worth convincing me. Really, nothing would make me visit that place ever again.

Oh yeah, I also strongly recommend their Somewhere in Time album.
We'll see, but I'm not as huge a Maiden fan as you, so I don't really NEED to have all their albums, yanno. #;-}>

I never said to get all their albums, I'm recommending their best ones. But yeah, eventually, you should get all their albums. :P

Hey, you're both in England, maybe you know him (because everyone in England knows each other, it's so tiny!)... Matthew Smith.

I'm afraid I don't know him.



There are too many things wrong with YouTube. I bet I could make an essay on all the bullshit on YouTube.
You should make a news post here on NG. I'd read it.

I'd make rants on YouTube, but aren't I better off working on my 100th flash? Meh, I'll make some rants on YouTube anyway. Full focus on flash won't do me any good. I've got plenty of time.

You WILL get that album. :P
Okay... WHEN I get it, then, not "if." Better?


At 8/1/08 03:05 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/27/08 11:43 AM, Bahamut wrote: One custom map I tried started off with playing Banana Phone sped-up. But for the stats, I dunno. I didn't pay attention to the Steam stats at all. I just wanted to have fun.
The custom server I play on has random songs in between every map, yep.

Did any of them play awful music such as Disney songs and Knock-off Nigel?

You should be able to find it on the list of custom maps. Believe me, once you make an attempt to get to the top, you might not stop until you make it. When I tried it, I was up from 10PM till 4AM just to get to the top of the fucking map.

Indeed. Try it, it's fun.

Other custom maps

I'm afraid I don't know any of them. :(

He thinks you should upgrade your current desktop?

Dude, just take my advice and buy a new desktop. It'll be 50% the cost of a laptop with the same shit in it.

I'll see what my sister's boyfriend thinks.

You mean "bahamut" with quotation marks?
Yes. I quoted around it to emphasise that it wasn't just Bahamut, but I was undercasing the first letter on purpose to turn you into ramagi and me. MWAHAHAAHAH.

I said I didn't mind bahamut. I fucking said it when I was saying I don't mind people calling me BAHAMUT either. But really, Bahamut is the best.

Ah yes, there was a big red dragon on it. Also, wasn't the Evil Dragon King a green dragon? Damn, I really need to play through FFVII again, but the Wii games are a higher priority.
I don't remember an Evil Dragon King in FFVII, though...

From that play at the Gold Saucer?

FFIV and VI have better characters and story, of course.

Of course, they're the best of the old FF, but THE best old FF game has to be FFVI.

Bahamut (either the character or at least the name) has appeared in EVERY SINGLE FF GAME... except FFII.


Thanks, you just made me hate that game even more.

Actually, neutral is Afro_Stud's second favourite aura. He'd still be neutral if the NG staff didn't add that horrendous fab aura. Seriously, the aura colour is so horrible, I've had to adblock all fab icons.
You took the time to adblock every single level icon in fab? Or did you *fab* them (I know they don't actually have fab in the title, but you know what I mean)? #;-}>

Either way... Jesus Christ, man, that's dedication...

I just put this on adblock:


And then there was no more shitty fab auras being displayed on this computer, besides retarded sigs and banners. Damn, I really need to change that Bahamut level avatar and replace fab with mod aura. I'd do that, but I'll replace it with a drawn Bahamut level icon instead. :)

...There! You can see the new avatar now. However, that's the only preview anyone (besides my real life friends) will get.

And also, what songs does the debut album have that makes you rank it #2 above the albums with Aces High and The Trooper on them?

Remember Tomorrow
Running Free
Phantom of the Opera
Strange World
Iron Maiden

I just named every track on the album besides Charlotte the Harlot.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-04 08:33:50

At 8/3/08 10:41 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/1/08 08:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: Like you ever doubted it :P
.... well, actually... I didn't know if anyone but me had been demanding you reply to Bahamut's list updates, so... I did doubt. #;-}>

You dare to doubt the efficiency of Coop? I will, just not within normal timescales!

This hunch back is annoying, plus it looks huge when shrouded in my black cloak.
You hybrid, you. Darth Igor, I shall call you, along with Coop Vader.

Better than Duck Wader, I suppose :P

Also, I refuse to do the lisp, as the spittle clogs up the voice projector part of my breathing apparatus.
You need a spit valve in there, like trumpet and trombone and tuba players have in their instruments. :::nods:::

That would look somewhat disturbing, considering that I'm still, to all intents and purposes, human.

Coop's happy about your 83k, I'll bet.
I'm not - it means he's ahead of me!
Well, aside from that... "small" detail you are, right?

Begrudgingly so, yes.

It should be interesting tonight at my girlfriend's house - her best friend is coming around and hoping to lord it over us all on Guitar Hero (She's been practising :P). Instead, I shall switch on the X360 to the joys of Soul Calibur 4. If my girl's been practising, she'll probably kick ass at it, but I really don't care, so long as I have fun :)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-04 16:09:09

At 8/4/08 04:06 PM, 61 wrote: Worship me!

I'd honestly rather staple my face to a horse's backside.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-04 16:23:57

At 8/4/08 04:09 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 8/4/08 04:06 PM, 61 wrote: Worship me!
I'd honestly rather staple my face to a horse's backside.

I'd rather eat bull's testicals than worship you.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-04 16:24:46

At 8/4/08 04:06 PM, 61 wrote: I am the user that posts the most a day. :P
Worship me!

I rather post one time a day with my quality of posts then 1,000 times with your quality. You post for the hell of it and you are really annoying when you go about it actually. I even know that your on a couple of mods shit list for spamming all the time. Like the time that you came in here and posted in almost every single thread saying stuff like, "I don't know". Maybe you should actually put effort into your posts like it's suppose to be.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-04 16:33:04

At 8/4/08 04:24 PM, Corky52 wrote:
At 8/4/08 04:06 PM, 61 wrote: I am the user that posts the most a day. :P
Worship me!
I rather post one time a day with my quality of posts then 1,000 times with your quality. You post for the hell of it and you are really annoying when you go about it actually. I even know that your on a couple of mods shit list for spamming all the time. Like the time that you came in here and posted in almost every single thread saying stuff like, "I don't know". Maybe you should actually put effort into your posts like it's suppose to be.

Huh, i used to be just like you almost a year ago. Posting just to get a post count getting banned every 3-4 days annoying the piss off every mod out there, i even went down to the level of trolling delta66. Then one day i got a 30 day ban and decided to leave for good( not really i'm still posting arn't i) and now i think back on what i was and shutter every time. Some advice for you if you keep this up people will just ignore you, like you never even posted.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-04 19:13:50

i want that exp x.x =P
They really have lots and lots o.o
i do think they are here for a long time posting even more!!
and its really a good idea making one of this per month

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-04 19:26:30

At 8/4/08 07:13 PM, candalas wrote: i want that exp x.x =P
They really have lots and lots o.o
i do think they are here for a long time posting even more!!
and its really a good idea making one of this per month

sorry for the double posting but i think i´ve just said things that doesnt make sense... u.u
Yeah u both are right becouse if u just post and post all the time you´ll get banned and loose much of your time that you could use helping someone or just make a good opinion about something, once your opinion count as much as anybody´s

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-05 09:59:30

I havent been on newgrounds for awhile, its been blocked to save downloads >:(

While I was gone I lost about 50 posts, lol.

Good to see I am still a whore though.

// Sig Makers // WWE Fans // Tumblr //

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-11 23:53:06

At 8/4/08 08:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: Fuck counter: 9

OMG, it's down a bit.

At 8/1/08 03:03 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/27/08 11:42 AM, Bahamut wrote: Fuck counter: 18
Are you counting recycled fucks from the old quoted bits, or just new fucks? #;-}>
New fucks. Of course by new fucks, I mean the newest uses of that word on the white text and not literally fucking anything.

If only you meant both, I suppose.

Already went through 750 - 2000. However, I might have to go through them again to find anymore users to add to the B/P spreadsheet.


THIS IS REAL LIFE, BITCH. I'll give you a good knock to the cheek right now and we'll see how it is.
I didn't feel a thing. And besides, I've never seen you in real life.

That you.... know of. :::arches eyebrow:::

Calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean.
Not until the government make improvements to their country.

England's a bit better off now (for the common man, I mean) than it was back in say... oh, Dickens' day. Or back in ye olde Black Plague era.

So whether the government is responsible or not in any small way, improvements certainly have been made. #;-}>

Still... I know what you mean. CITIZENS DEMAND MORE IMPROVEMENTS and all.</Civ 2>

Egad, man. If you do every interview in my life for me from now on, I'll do every application form in your life for you. DEAL?
Sure, sounds like a great deal. :D

Man, if only we could swing that.

The pond's in the way a bit, and... even then, logistics factors... would make it difficult. But we can dream.

Ooops. My bad, I totally forgot/didn't know/something. GOT YER COLLEGE AND YER HIGH SCHOOL CONFUSED. At least in a flash setting, not reality. #;-}>
Yes, and make sure it doesn't happen again. I won't be happy if you say crap like "I thought you enjoyed High School" again. Seriously, anyone who either says I enjoyed High School or didn't have any problems there are fucking mental. I mean, I was talking to my friend about the school two months ago and she reckoned I didn't have much problems in High School was I was like "WHAT THE FUCK?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!" If I didn't have much problems in High School, then why was I seeing a fucking psychiatrist?

Dude... relax. First of all, I thought it was your high school in that flash, not your college, that was my mistake and I admitted to it already.

I never said "I thought you enjoyed high school," I said that (based on my mistake remembering that it was a high school in that flash) the school in that flash looked like fun.

And apparently it was. It's just that it was your college, not your high school, that was so fun in that flash. #;-}>

I never said to get all their albums, I'm recommending their best ones. But yeah, eventually, you should get all their albums. :P

Oy vey.

I'm afraid I don't know him.

Or.... do you. :::arches other eyebrow, thus switching face-mode into horrible Batman villian mode... oh dear:::

I'd make rants on YouTube, but aren't I better off working on my 100th flash? Meh, I'll make some rants on YouTube anyway. Full focus on flash won't do me any good. I've got plenty of time.

That's what they all say. Then the next thing you know, they're dead. Silly mortals.

Okay... WHEN I get it, then, not "if." Better?


Did any of them play awful music such as Disney songs and Knock-off Nigel?


I'm afraid I don't know any of them. :(


2fort2furious <--- custom server with blissful custom map experiences and lots of fun sounds/dialogue clips/songs during the gamings. Plus everyone's got party hats on, and people explode into presents and other fun things.

I said I didn't mind bahamut. I fucking said it when I was saying I don't mind people calling me BAHAMUT either. But really, Bahamut is the best.

Well, you never actually typed it that way yourself, so I couldn't be sure you were okay with it. But now you have (typed it, that is), so I can be. Thanks for the confirmation and all.

I don't remember an Evil Dragon King in FFVII, though...
From that play at the Gold Saucer?

Oh, some play. I see. I don't remember that part very well.

Bahamut (either the character or at least the name) has appeared in EVERY SINGLE FF GAME... except FFII.
Thanks, you just made me hate that game even more.

I do what I can to spread the love.... except when it's not merited.

FFII is almost as bad as GTA, eh?

You took the time to adblock every single level icon in fab? Or did you *fab* them (I know they don't actually have fab in the title, but you know what I mean)? #;-}>
Either way... Jesus Christ, man, that's dedication...
I just put this on adblock:


I suspected there must be some way to use a wildcard (hence my half-joking "*fab*" bit), but I also suspected no filenames on NG have "fab" in them. So just "F," I see.

Prowler, Sanctuary, Remember Tomorrow, Running Free, Phantom of the Opera, Transylvania, Strange World, Iron Maiden

I just named every track on the album besides Charlotte the Harlot.

Wow. All good but one, eh? That kicks butt. I will definitely think about getting both that AND the other one you really want me to get shortly, then.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-12 00:15:04

At 8/4/08 08:33 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/3/08 10:41 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/1/08 08:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: Like you ever doubted it :P
.... well, actually... I didn't know if anyone but me had been demanding you reply to Bahamut's list updates, so... I did doubt. #;-}>
You dare to doubt the efficiency of Coop? I will, just not within normal timescales!

No, I was doubting whether I was the only person on NG that you'd refer to as "your master" in the context of our silliness a few replies back, way back in July now. O_O

You hybrid, you. Darth Igor, I shall call you, along with Coop Vader.
Better than Duck Wader, I suppose :P

Oh yes, I should hope so indeed.

Also, I refuse to do the lisp, as the spittle clogs up the voice projector part of my breathing apparatus.
You need a spit valve in there, like trumpet and trombone and tuba players have in their instruments. :::nods:::
That would look somewhat disturbing, considering that I'm still, to all intents and purposes, human.

Huh? I was saying you need a spit valve in your voice-projector-part-of-your-breathing-a pparatus, which I took it was NOT part of your physical anatomy.

If it were, you wouldn't be Darth Vader.... you'd be a Combine Overwatch soldier from Half-Life 2. O_O (they have genetically modified faces that include "built-in gas masks/(re)breathers/whatnot," if you're not aware, as I wasn't until I started playing HL2/HL2:ep1/HL2:ep2 on June 30th... just finished it today (ep2, I mean)... FINALLY, I am done with all three!)

In short:

The spit valve I mentioned, I thought, would be in metal or plastic COVERING your face, you big silly. #;-}>

Coop's happy about your 83k, I'll bet.
I'm not - it means he's ahead of me!
Well, aside from that... "small" detail you are, right?
Begrudgingly so, yes.

Good, good.

It should be interesting tonight at my girlfriend's house - her best friend is coming around and hoping to lord it over us all on Guitar Hero (She's been practising :P). Instead, I shall switch on the X360 to the joys of Soul Calibur 4. If my girl's been practising, she'll probably kick ass at it, but I really don't care, so long as I have fun :)

Never played 4, but I enjoyed 1 and 2. Hope you enjoyed (but I'd really rather play GH than side-view fighting games, 90% of the time).

At 8/4/08 04:33 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
At 8/4/08 04:24 PM, Corky52 wrote:
At 8/4/08 04:06 PM, 61 wrote: I am the user that posts the most a day. :P
Worship me!
I rather post one time a day with my quality of posts then 1,000 times with your quality. You post for the hell of it and you are really annoying when you go about it actually. I even know that your on a couple of mods shit list for spamming all the time. Like the time that you came in here and posted in almost every single thread saying stuff like, "I don't know". Maybe you should actually put effort into your posts like it's suppose to be.
Huh, i used to be just like you almost a year ago. Posting just to get a post count getting banned every 3-4 days annoying the piss off every mod out there, i even went down to the level of trolling delta66. Then one day i got a 30 day ban and decided to leave for good( not really i'm still posting arn't i) and now i think back on what i was and shutter every time. Some advice for you if you keep this up people will just ignore you, like you never even posted.

None of what you just said right there makes any sense to direct at Corky, so I can only assume that you were "speaking to 61 over Corky's head (well... quoted text)" there... which is weird, man. If that is what you did, it's quite confusing when you quote someone else quoting the person you're really directing your post to. If you need to reply to both bits, that's fine, but if you're just replying to 61 in the above case, just reply-w/-quote to 61's post instead of Corky's, eh?

If I misunderstood and somehow that WAS to Corky, nevermind. But in that case, please explain WTF is going on. How were you "just like Corky" 1 year ago... o_O

At 8/5/08 09:59 AM, Shaun wrote: I havent been on newgrounds for awhile, its been blocked to save downloads >:(
While I was gone I lost about 50 posts, lol.
Good to see I am still a whore though.

50 posts? Depending on how long it's been since you went M.I.A., it could be worse.

Aye... once a NG stat whore, always a NG stat whore, we always say. NEVER FEAR YOUR STATUS LAPSING!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-12 08:15:11

At 8/12/08 12:15 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/4/08 08:33 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/3/08 10:41 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/1/08 08:10 AM, Coop83 wrote: Like you ever doubted it :P
.... well, actually... I didn't know if anyone but me had been demanding you reply to Bahamut's list updates, so... I did doubt. #;-}>
You dare to doubt the efficiency of Coop? I will, just not within normal timescales!
No, I was doubting whether I was the only person on NG that you'd refer to as "your master" in the context of our silliness a few replies back, way back in July now. O_O

Yep, you're the only one who I would ever bend a knee to on this site... maybe Wade as well, but we've already been over this discussion and as a result, I no longer have the beard.

Also, I refuse to do the lisp, as the spittle clogs up the voice projector part of my breathing apparatus.
You need a spit valve in there, like trumpet and trombone and tuba players have in their instruments. :::nods:::
That would look somewhat disturbing, considering that I'm still, to all intents and purposes, human.
Huh? I was saying you need a spit valve in your voice-projector-part-of-your-breathing-a pparatus,

which I took it was NOT part of your physical anatomy.

The bits and pieces that made up Vader are parts of his anatomy, as much as Luke's false hand was part of him!

The spit valve I mentioned, I thought, would be in metal or plastic COVERING your face, you big silly.


"I can't see a thing in this helmet"

It should be interesting tonight at my girlfriend's house - her best friend is coming around and hoping to lord it over us all on Guitar Hero (She's been practising :P). Instead, I shall switch on the X360 to the joys of Soul Calibur 4. If my girl's been practising, she'll probably kick ass at it, but I really don't care, so long as I have fun :)
Never played 4, but I enjoyed 1 and 2. Hope you enjoyed (but I'd really rather play GH than side-view fighting games, 90% of the time).

I wonder what the experience would be like if I played Soul Calibur with a Guitar Hero controller..?

There's only one way to sort this! *searches for a character armed with an Axe*

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-12 11:11:00

At 8/12/08 12:25 AM, 61 wrote: I worship my self so yeah

Did you suck yourself off at night?

Please subscribe

"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"

.·´¯`·->YFIQ's collections of stories!<-·´¯`·.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-12 11:37:18

It occurs to me that I'll be waiting for quite a while indeed before making it onto the 2x10k list; I've recently hit 10,000 in save points, but my blams are nowhere near that level. In fact, I'm guessing that it will take less time for me to gain 6650 experience points (the remainder I need to get to 10k), than it will to get 10,000 blams. I'm sure I'm not the only person here who finds even getting 10 blams a day to be difficult.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-12 12:59:31

At 8/4/08 04:09 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 8/4/08 04:06 PM, 61 wrote: Worship me!
I'd honestly rather staple my face to a horse's backside.

Along with that, I'd rather stab my eyes to death and a lot more crazy shit than to worship him.

At 8/4/08 04:24 PM, Corky52 wrote: Like the time that you came in here and posted in almost every single thread saying stuff like, "I don't know". Maybe you should actually put effort into your posts like it's suppose to be.

Not to worry, he won't be on my list of ALL potential regulars for a while.

At 8/4/08 07:26 PM, candalas wrote:

Hey, I have a request to make.

Are you able to improve your typing skills? I struggled to read both of your posts, most especially the second one.

At 8/11/08 11:53 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 8/4/08 08:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: Fuck counter: 9
OMG, it's down a bit.

Yes, I've calmed down since.

New fucks. Of course by new fucks, I mean the newest uses of that word on the white text and not literally fucking anything.
If only you meant both, I suppose.

Would be around 36, maybe? XP

Already went through 750 - 2000. However, I might have to go through them again to find anymore users to add to the B/P spreadsheet.

I went through the Pentalist spreadsheet AND the Top posters spreadsheet to find any more users to add to the B/P spreadsheet. Sadly, everyone I added weren't in the top 300, so I still need to find those missing fuckers.

I didn't feel a thing. And besides, I've never seen you in real life.
That you.... know of. :::arches eyebrow:::


Not until the government make improvements to their country.
England's a bit better off now (for the common man, I mean) than it was back in say... oh, Dickens' day. Or back in ye olde Black Plague era.

I highly doubt that. I really think England is getting worse and worse, especially with Gordon fucking Brown running the country. To me, he's much worse than Tony Blair, but I won't go as far as saying he's worse than Bush.

So whether the government is responsible or not in any small way, improvements certainly have been made. #;-}>

Of course, but like I said, they're probably too fucking busy raising age limits for drinking and school leaves.

Yes, and make sure it doesn't happen again. I won't be happy if you say crap like "I thought you enjoyed High School" again. Seriously, anyone who either says I enjoyed High School or didn't have any problems there are fucking mental. I mean, I was talking to my friend about the school two months ago and she reckoned I didn't have much problems in High School was I was like "WHAT THE FUCK?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!" If I didn't have much problems in High School, then why was I seeing a fucking psychiatrist?
Dude... relax. First of all, I thought it was your high school in that flash, not your college, that was my mistake and I admitted to it already.

Alright, but still...Ugh, it just sickens me to think of that. Seriously, my high school fucked up, and they WON'T BE FORGIVEN!

And apparently it was. It's just that it was your college, not your high school, that was so fun in that flash. #;-}>

Oh yeah, the college was fun. The vending machine there may have been a pain in the ass, but it became a joke on my flashes. Another thing about the college, it was then I got into Relentless. :D And what else was great about it? Oh yeah, my Computing teachers. They were great teachers, who had great taste in music. They were into Iron Maiden and one of them mentioned Queensrÿche in the class and guess what? I was the only student there that knew who they were.

My only complaint about that Computing teacher was that he called Iron Maiden speed metal. :S They're awesome and all, but they are NOT speed metal. To me, these bands are speed metal:

Anthrax (early works)
Blind Guardian (early works)
Helloween (very early works)
Judas Priest (Painkiller)
Running Wild
Slayer (HEY COOP!)

And a bunch of other bands.

I'd make rants on YouTube, but aren't I better off working on my 100th flash? Meh, I'll make some rants on YouTube anyway. Full focus on flash won't do me any good. I've got plenty of time.
That's what they all say. Then the next thing you know, they're dead. Silly mortals.

So before I start ranting on YouTube's flaws, the whole site would be dead? XP Oh well, there's still Revver.

Okay... WHEN I get it, then, not "if." Better?


Did any of them play awful music such as Disney songs and Knock-off Nigel?


I said I didn't mind bahamut. I fucking said it when I was saying I don't mind people calling me BAHAMUT either. But really, Bahamut is the best.
Well, you never actually typed it that way yourself, so I couldn't be sure you were okay with it. But now you have (typed it, that is), so I can be. Thanks for the confirmation and all.


I don't remember an Evil Dragon King in FFVII, though...
From that play at the Gold Saucer?
Oh, some play. I see. I don't remember that part very well.

Damn you, that part was epic!

Thanks, you just made me hate that game even more.
I do what I can to spread the love.... except when it's not merited.

FFII is almost as bad as GTA, eh?

This may sound crazy, but I feel like I'd be more sane playing ET than FFII. AGAIN, I know that sounds crazy, but really, FFII annoyed the shit out of me with that atrocious level up system.

I just put this on adblock:

I suspected there must be some way to use a wildcard (hence my half-joking "*fab*" bit), but I also suspected no filenames on NG have "fab" in them. So just "F," I see.

Yep, I'm glad wildcards work on adblock. If they didn't...I'd ablock all the fab level icons individually for the sake of seeing much less pink on NG.

I just named every track on the album besides Charlotte the Harlot.
Wow. All good but one, eh? That kicks butt. I will definitely think about getting both that AND the other one you really want me to get shortly, then.

Charlotte the Harlot is an OK song, but not great like all the others.

So self titled and Piece of Mind you'll think of getting, eh? :)

At 8/12/08 11:11 AM, Idiot-Finder wrote:
At 8/12/08 12:25 AM, 61 wrote: I worship my self so yeah
Did you suck yourself off at night?

I'm pretty sure he does. ;)

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-13 11:48:30

At 8/12/08 11:37 AM, Perceptor wrote: I'm sure I'm not the only person here who finds even getting 10 blams a day to be difficult.

It can be difficult, yes, but sometimes I'll manage a ratio of almost 50/50 blams and saves in a day, and some days I've even gotten more blams than saves (albeit only by a slim margin).

At 8/12/08 12:59 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/4/08 04:09 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 8/4/08 04:06 PM, 61 wrote: Worship me!
I'd honestly rather staple my face to a horse's backside.
Along with that, I'd rather stab my eyes to death and a lot more crazy shit than to worship him.

I think we all would man... I think we all would.

Not to worry, he won't be on my list of ALL potential regulars for a while.

I don't think spammers and trolls should be allowed on the potentials list.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-17 22:31:20

At 8/12/08 11:11 AM, Idiot-Finder wrote:
At 8/12/08 12:25 AM, 61 wrote: I worship my self so yeah
Did you suck yourself off at night?

(psst... hey guys... I think he found yet another idiot! Man, that guy lives up to his name all the time, don't he?)

At 8/12/08 08:15 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/12/08 12:15 AM, gfoxcook wrote: No, I was doubting whether I was the only person on NG that you'd refer to as "your master" in the context of our silliness a few replies back, way back in July now. O_O
Yep, you're the only one who I would ever bend a knee to on this site... maybe Wade as well, but we've already been over this discussion and as a result, I no longer have the beard.

Oh come now. </non-dirty meaning>

Also, I refuse to do the lisp, as the spittle clogs up the voice projector part of my breathing apparatus.
You need a spit valve in there, like trumpet and trombone and tuba players have in their instruments. :::nods:::
That would look somewhat disturbing, considering that I'm still, to all intents and purposes, human.
Huh? I was saying you need a spit valve in your voice-projector-part-of-your-breathing-a pparatus,
which I took it was NOT part of your physical anatomy.

The bits and pieces that made up Vader are parts of his anatomy, as much as Luke's false hand was part of him!

Pfft. Luke's replacement hand, AFAIK, wasn't removable/detachable. Vader's helmet was a two piece removable dealie, as we saw both midway through Empire Strikes Back during him being interrupted in his ... uh... rest 'n' relaxation chamber/communications room with the Emperor.... by some Imperial Navy dude who should have known better than to stride right in while Vader was getting his beauty rest....

... and as we also saw at the end of ROTJ, of course.

The spit valve I mentioned, I thought, would be in metal or plastic COVERING your face, you big silly.

"I can't see a thing in this helmet"


I wonder what the experience would be like if I played Soul Calibur with a Guitar Hero controller..?

Better when "enhanced" by your brain-affecting chemical of choice, methinks.

There's only one way to sort this! *searches for a character armed with an Axe*

Let me know how that went. o_o

At 8/13/08 11:48 AM, NEVR wrote: It can be difficult, yes, but sometimes I'll manage a ratio of almost 50/50 blams and saves in a day, and some days I've even gotten more blams than saves (albeit only by a slim margin).

Ratio, maybe. But not 50 blams and 50 saves. The former is nearly impossible these days (er... weeks... months... starting to become years)... the latter is fairly easy to obtain in a day.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-08-17 22:33:36


At 8/12/08 12:59 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/4/08 04:09 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 8/4/08 04:06 PM, 61 wrote: Worship me!
I'd honestly rather staple my face to a horse's backside.
Along with that, I'd rather stab my eyes to death and a lot more crazy shit than to worship him.

BTW, how did the subject of worship come up in the FREAKING PENTALIST TOPIC, anyway? #;-}>

At 8/11/08 11:53 PM, gfoxcook wrote: OMG, it's down a bit.
Yes, I've calmed down since.

Whew. Far less fuck than usual. Wait... that doesn't sound right.

If only you meant both, I suppose.
Would be around 36, maybe? XP

In the vicinity, certainly.

I went through the Pentalist spreadsheet AND the Top posters spreadsheet to find any more users to add to the B/P spreadsheet. Sadly, everyone I added weren't in the top 300, so I still need to find those missing fuckers.


Still, better to have gaps in the top 300 b/p.... than in the pentalist or the top xxx exp, IMO. That's just how I roll.

exp/vp/penta > all else for me these past few years.

That you.... know of. :::arches eyebrow:::


England's a bit better off now (for the common man, I mean) than it was back in say... oh, Dickens' day. Or back in ye olde Black Plague era.
I highly doubt that.

:::jaw drops:::

I really think England is getting worse and worse, especially with Gordon fucking Brown running the country. To me, he's much worse than Tony Blair, but I won't go as far as saying he's worse than Bush.

Sooooooooooo... if given the choice, you'd rather be placed back in time to a time when your King or Queen could have people executed at the drop of a hat... and needless to say there was no ELECTRONIC MEDIA OF ANY SORT?

I'll believe it when I... uh... nah, I'll never believe that.

England's better off now on the whole than it was hundreds of years ago. Just... please... get used to that undeniable fact. #;-}>

Oh yeah, the college was fun. The vending machine there may have been a pain in the ass, but it became a joke on my flashes. Another thing about the college, it was then I got into Relentless. :D And what else was great about it? Oh yeah, my Computing teachers. They were great teachers, who had great taste in music. They were into Iron Maiden and one of them mentioned Queensrÿche in the class and guess what? I was the only student there that knew who they were.

Heh. Well, I'd only REALLY be worried if no one but you had even heard of Iron Maiden in a whole class of students... unless it only had like 5 students in it or something.

My only complaint about that Computing teacher was that he called Iron Maiden speed metal. :S They're awesome and all, but they are NOT speed metal....

:::snips Baha-rant:::

Oh boy... your teacher didn't know what he was starting, methinks. ;_;

I'd make rants on YouTube, but aren't I better off working on my 100th flash? Meh, I'll make some rants on YouTube anyway. Full focus on flash won't do me any good. I've got plenty of time.
That's what they all say. Then the next thing you know, they're dead. Silly mortals.
So before I start ranting on YouTube's flaws, the whole site would be dead? XP Oh well, there's still Revver.

The THEY I spoke of up there.... = the users of a site. Not the sites themselves.

"That's what they (humans+dragons) all say. Then the next thing you know, they (humans+dragons)'re dead. Silly mortals (humans+dragons)."

Capisce? #;-}>


.... oy. You said "small b, sure, whatever." or something like that. You hadn't actually typed it out that way in our convo to that point, and I said I wouldn't believe it until I saw YOU typing it that way... with my own eyes. And now I've seen it twice, in your past two posts to me in a row in this thread... So... you don't have to convince me any further, man. #;-}>

Damn you, that part was epic!


This may sound crazy, but I feel like I'd be more sane playing ET than FFII. AGAIN, I know that sounds crazy, but really, FFII annoyed the shit out of me with that atrocious level up system.

ET from the Atari 2600?!?! O_O

YOU GO TOO FAR, SIR. Nah, actually... I was probably one of the few people whose brain wasn't broken by ET. I actually played it on an emulator in the 90s, too, and it was... uh... I wouldn't say fun, exactly. But not as horrible as playing FFII after having played every other FF, 1 through 12 (cept for 11)... at least ET didn't take what made a series good underneath all the differences from title to title... and shit all over it. ET was an island to itself.

Charlotte the Harlot is an OK song, but not great like all the others.


So self titled and Piece of Mind you'll think of getting, eh? :)

Those would be the two albums in yer top 4 recommended Iron Maiden albums that I don't already own, so... unless I hear from someone else here who likes Iron Maiden and disagrees STRONGLY with your ranking order... I don't know why I would suddenly find it necessary to buy an album from your 5+ area of ranking... before those two. o_O

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

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