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Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List

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Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-05-31 14:59:43

Also, Bahamut would like to thank ME, Casualty, for designing and coding the awesome web page the Pentalist has become!

Just kidding, Bahamut, congrats on your first update, after all =D




BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-05-31 15:04:23

At 5/31/08 02:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's very first Web Pentalist update is finally up! :D

Great! Thanks a lot! :)

NOTE: The only major changes from my update to gfoxcook's updates are that this is on a different site (duh) and reviews are now a combined total of flash reviews and audio reviews. Now it's slightly easier to reach 10k reviews. ;)

And that's great, too! Finally audio reviews get the attention they deserve! Well, at least partly. I guess we have to wait until someone reaches 10,000 Audio reviews. Then it's time to add another column. ;)

Welcome to: AshtonNextGen, Chumbawamba, FBIpolux, Haggard, Justin, Mendou, Muffin, Overtired, Sk8erGirl14 and someone-else!

YAY! I was 170 Exp short on gfox's ultimate update. But I'm doublelisted on Bahamut's first update. Great! :)
Also, congrats to all of you who also made it! ;)

Heinrich, iWalker, Phantom, RemRulzz, Seamonky, Sentio, TheSoulMan and Ventar are now triplelisted, while Cyberdevil is quadlisted! Now to wonder when Cyberdevil can get his lazy ass to make 10000 combined reviews! :P

Congrats to you triplelisted guys! And also congrats to Cyberdebil for being quadlisted!

Enjoy my first 2x10k pentalist update!

I sure did! :D

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-01 18:51:05

At 5/28/08 10:35 AM, Casualty wrote: 92 pagedowns? Lol, what kind of settings are you using? I needed just 44, with a monitor resolution of 1050 pixels high, which gives me a view port of say... 900 pixels? Too bad I didn't contribute to the page, but tbh I wasn't too interested in the discussions going on there. Also, what I'm doing here is just posting a regular short post on page 123, so this one won't be as awesome...

1280 x 800 laptop widescreen, Opera with four top toolbars (five if you count the titlebar of the browser window!) and two bottom bars (status bar + scrollbar), zoom setting +4 for teh easy text-reading on my couch, with laptop on a table at the end of the couch's armrest.

Using the laptop here on my couch, I value readability of text way more than vertical viewing space on the BBS, so I have a saved opera session with the zoom setting up high (which I do not use for the rest of the web/NG portal/etc.).

Out of my 800 pixel high screen, my "viewable HTML area" is just 595 pixels high thanks to the Opera toolbars (I wish I could combine the links bar with the File/Edit/View bar, like I have in Firefox), I just checked with an alt-printscreen in an image program.

At 5/28/08 11:08 AM, Haggard wrote: I wondered too. I needed 43 or 42 (resolution of 1280 pixels high).
But I really don't know how this compares to other pages and other threads, as I usually don't count the pagedowns. :P

Well, aren't you guys special with your 1000+ pixel verticalness. I've got a lil' widescreen laptop monitor here with max res of 1280 x 800, geez. #;-}>

Anyway, that's why I didn't just score the previous page on pagedowns, I also scored it on individual "postlength scores." #;-}>

If I was truly crazy, I woulda hit "reply w/ quote" to all 30 posts on the prior page, and then totaled all the characters of each quoted post together and posted THOSE numbers and THAT total. #;-}>


'sokay. Your short posts were better than no posts at all, and the page was plenty long even with em (and everyone else had some short posts, too, though mixed in with the long'ns).

Actually no, but i am spending quite a chunk of time assuring my new miss, it's basically in the bag but i'm making sure of it, THUS LOSING TIME FOR GFOXXY :'(

Assuring your new miss? You're spending time assuring a new girlfriend?

Of what? That you're straight for her? #;-}>


Just don't let on to her that you're also gay for me, or she might have a problem with that. (wink)

At 5/28/08 05:43 PM, Bahamut wrote: No need to worry about that since the updates WILL be done on a website. :) I've PMed you the link, so you can see what the pentalists will look like. I look forward to your comments about the list.


Done and done.


Hahahaha, no. I can't be old NG-wise or real life age-wise. OK, maybe 4 years is quite a long time now, but I still don't feel this account is old enough to be considered old. ;)

No, that's an old account. But yeah, you yourself is teh young'n.

Well, I've heard from some that they find the solo on One easier in Expert than in Hard, because it's HOPOable in Expert, but you have to strum it on Hard.
There's not much of a difference between hard and expert for the fast solo. The only difference in Fast Solo A is the near end of it.

Well, there's a difference for me. I can't pass One on expert (yet...), I can pass it on hard. Simple enough.

I don't fail at that part, though, I fail around 93% of the way through, alas. My fingers get so tired at that point, and I already blew my star power for fast solo A and B.

But I've not played much on the Wii recently. I might play on Mario Kart Wii with my sister later, though. :)

You know... WE could play some kart sometime. #;-}>

Damn, too many games.


Good. I hate those bastards and so does Coop.

I know, man. I know.

Well, for one thing.... "GTA is the worst game ever.... to purchasing!" doesn't make a damned lick of sense, my friend.
It's the one game you must avoid.

I mean the sentence doesn't make any sense GRAMMATICALLY, fool. #;-}>

And it's basically a sentence YOU constructed. Read it:

"GTA is the worst game ever.... to purchasing!"

Now, pretend you're an English teacher, and a student wrote a sentence like that in an essay or paper...

I think Rime of the Ancient Mariner would be too long for GH, though. ;)

People said the same thing about TTFAF.

And at the bottom are those three fillers. However, Flash of the Blade is still a damn good song.

Yeah, but those three in the middle.... just pale in comparison to tracks 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8.

I need a second guitar, though.

Well, if you wanna do bass and lead at the same time.

But if you've got two or three people to play at once, one can do vocals, one do guitar, one do drums. You don't HAVE to have a fourth person playing bass.

Just an obscure Greek mythology reference, 'tis all.
Oh, nothing special then. XP

Thhhhpbt. You need to read about ORPHEUS and HADES:


"Orpheus and Eurydice

Hades showed mercy only once: when Orpheus traveled to the underworld to recover his wife, Eurydice. He played such hauntingly good music, that Hades allowed Orpheus to return Eurydice to the land of the living with one condition: that until they reach the surface, he was not allowed to look back to verify if she was behind him. Orpheus agreed; however, he thought that Hades had tricked him and given him the wrong soul. He glanced behind him, thus breaking his promise to Hades and losing Eurydice again. He would reunite with her only after his death."



Bahamut, I have teh GOOD NEWS fer ya.

My gf and I saw Bender's Big Score last night! OMG.
YES!! FINALLY! What did you think of it?

It was a good Futurama plot. Felt more like an ep than a movie, in some ways. Reminded me of the ep about Fry and his bro and the lucky cloverleaf and all.

At 5/29/08 03:06 AM, Coop83 wrote: I smell a list coming on :P That stat is bizzare, considering that I'd never notice it - I use the mouse wheel, except on the main computer, which my brother has knackered the wheel.

No, I'm not going to start compiling regular stats about every page of this topic, damnit. #;-}>

Mousewheeling is nowhere near as reliable a measure of page length as pagedowning. Try counting the times you hit a key on the keyboard to scroll through a page. Then try counting the individual mouse-wheel-turns it takes. Mousewheelturning is harder to keep track of.

At 5/27/08 09:07 PM, gfoxcook wrote: My gf and I saw Bender's Big Score last night! OMG.
Awesome. Waht did you think? Or was that the OMG, just to state complete dumbfoundedness about it.

OMG, I've posted 10 times in a row that I'll be watching soon but still haven't, thus frustrating the hell out of teh Bahamuts.... and now, I've finally actually watched it. #;-}>

See my comments to Bahamut above about what I thought.

Oh, one thing I'll add is that I figured out alternate-reality Fry was Fry long before 'twas revealed. Face looked too similar, obviously same voice actor, made sense with the romancin', and finally... time travel bubble = ding! There's the means.

At 5/28/08 11:08 AM, Haggard wrote: But I really don't know how this compares to other pages and other threads, as I usually don't count the pagedowns. :P
Amen to that. So are we going to try for a longer page of postage?

Won't happen. Mostly because long posts happen when a page is nothing but conversations, such as those on the last page. This page is now... full of list comments and reactions thanks to Bahamut's first update of the list. A NEW ERA BEGINS.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-01 19:00:48

At 5/31/08 02:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's very first Web Pentalist update is finally up! :D

WOOT WOOT! Thanks, man.

17 -7 **** gfoxcook 19,690 36,000 25,000 10,000 666 91,356 +6420

17 0 **** gfoxcook 20,460 36,000 26,960 10,814 726 94,960 +3604

NICE. +3600 in only 2.5 months, when I had LESS THAN TWICE THAT in 15 months prior! (I ain't counting the +4 from the audio reviews being included, cause I made those audio reviews YEARS ago)

Meaning I gained over 1000 pentapoints per month since my final final update... versus less than 500 pentapoints per month between my final regular update and my final final update.

Also, really awesome even numbers on the update. Almost like how I'd time it so well when I was doing the updates myself, or else have to fudge things (like fudging my posts to 10,000 when they were really at 10,010 by that update #;-}>).

Good job with the timing, Bahamut. #;-}>

This is my very first 2x10k pentalist update, so there may be mistakes here. Please forgive me for any errors contained on this list. I've done a lot to fix a lot of errors I've had today and it's been tough. Hopefully the next time won't be so much of a hassle.

No errors on my line!

And I stayed at rank # 17 from last update to this one, so the "0" rankchange was.... for me, at least, accurate. #;-}>

Welcome to: AshtonNextGen, Chumbawamba, FBIpolux, Haggard, Justin, Mendou, Muffin, Overtired, Sk8erGirl14 and someone-else!

But wait, Sk8erGirl14's only on the list because R3df0x isn't anymore. Why didn't you mention that part? #;-}>

Remember, how I left his name on the list with his stats, even though just a few days prior to me pulling the data, she had the admins switch names on their two accounts?

Enjoy my first 2x10k pentalist update!

Done and done!

At 5/31/08 02:59 PM, Casualty wrote: Also, Bahamut would like to thank ME, Casualty, for designing and coding the awesome web page the Pentalist has become!

LOL! Thanks to you, Casualty, for making the program/script/whatnot for Bahamut to be able to automate the statpull for the list, and helping others make their lists more easily as well... and thanks to you for helping Bahamut with the web side.

Thanks to Bahamut for the rest.

And thanks to me for supplying him with the spreadsheet, which apparently he hasn't figured out how to use in full (it was probably my spreadsheet's fault he screwed up the rankchange tracking).

I dunno if I can help you with that, Bahamut, but you've got to sort the list by sorting all the rows of the list itself but only the columsn from B to the end part of the HTML, that way the very left column, A, stays put. That's how you get the rankchange calculated.

At 5/31/08 03:04 PM, Haggard wrote: And that's great, too! Finally audio reviews get the attention they deserve! Well, at least partly. I guess we have to wait until someone reaches 10,000 Audio reviews. Then it's time to add another column. ;)

That's the idea, apparently. WE'RE ALL WAITING ON CYBERDEVIL.

YAY! I was 170 Exp short on gfox's ultimate update. But I'm doublelisted on Bahamut's first update. Great! :)
Also, congrats to all of you who also made it! ;)

Congrats on making it. Like I told you and NEVR, that was my only regret about my final update. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-01 21:41:07

-Exp. Points: 10,310
-Blams: 22,717
-Saves: 32,891
-BBS Posts: 7,465.... soon

Do I win? :(

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-05 02:21:10

At 6/1/08 09:41 PM, Seamonky wrote: -Exp. Points: 10,310
-Blams: 22,717
-Saves: 32,891
-BBS Posts: 7,465.... soon

Do I win? :(




:::head explodes:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-05 03:22:35

At 5/31/08 02:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: Welcome to: AshtonNextGen, Chumbawamba, FBIpolux, Haggard, Justin, Mendou, Muffin, Overtired, Sk8erGirl14 and someone-else!

Wow, cool I finally got updated :D

int experience, posts;

while(experience/10 >= posts)


Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-05 03:25:22

At 5/31/08 02:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's very first Web Pentalist update is finally up! :D

Thanks for the update, Bahamut. Nice looking and a nice new, but similar layout to gfox's

NOTE: The only major changes from my update to gfoxcook's updates are that this is on a different site (duh) and reviews are now a combined total of flash reviews and audio reviews. Now it's slightly easier to reach 10k reviews. ;)

Well, that pretty much means that Cyberdevil will now reach 10k+ reviews and be the second user to be pentalisted

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-06 00:38:28

At 6/6/08 12:03 AM, BonusStage wrote: OH STEREOTYPES, ALWAYS STOLEN BY BLACKS.....


just like the democratic nominee

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-06 15:13:05

At 5/31/08 02:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's very first Web Pentalist update is finally up! :D

That´s a great update Bahamut. Compliments to Casualty on the new lay-out =)

NOTE: The only major changes from my update to gfoxcook's updates are that this is on a different site (duh) and reviews are now a combined total of flash reviews and audio reviews. Now it's slightly easier to reach 10k reviews. ;)

Yeah I guess that´s a good idea. It didn´t seem like anyone was ever gonna reach pentalisted status in the near future. It would be nice if Cyberdevil gets there soon, along with a few other users later on.

Just wondering, could you make top 10/15/20 gainers lists on future updates like gfox did on his last?

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-07 11:16:05

At 5/31/08 02:55 PM, Perceptor wrote: Hmm, it occurs to me that I've only got another 1,400 or so saves before I'll be classified as a 1x10k Newgrounds user, but another 2 years at least before I've 10,000 experience points, and never mind how long before 10k of anything else.

10k blams seems possible for you, but of course, it's not easy to get many blams nowadays. It looks like you'll reach 10k EXP before 10k blams.

At 5/31/08 02:59 PM, Casualty wrote: Also, Bahamut would like to thank ME, Casualty, for designing and coding the awesome web page the Pentalist has become!

Of course, you do deserve credit. I know I didn't mention you on my post here, but on the website, your name is up there!

Just kidding, Bahamut, congrats on your first update, after all =D


At 5/31/08 03:04 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 5/31/08 02:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's very first Web Pentalist update is finally up! :D
Great! Thanks a lot! :)

No problem.

NOTE: The only major changes from my update to gfoxcook's updates are that this is on a different site (duh) and reviews are now a combined total of flash reviews and audio reviews. Now it's slightly easier to reach 10k reviews. ;)
And that's great, too! Finally audio reviews get the attention they deserve! Well, at least partly. I guess we have to wait until someone reaches 10,000 Audio reviews. Then it's time to add another column. ;)

Well, wait until at least two users reach 10k audio reviews and then I'll add another column.

I sure did! :D

Good to see happy faces here. :)

At 6/1/08 06:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 5/28/08 05:43 PM, Bahamut wrote: No need to worry about that since the updates WILL be done on a website. :) I've PMed you the link, so you can see what the pentalists will look like. I look forward to your comments about the list.

Indeed they are now, but what about that PM? I still need to reply to your latest one. If you still need me to reply to it, I will do so, but not until after I get back from my holiday.

Hahahaha, no. I can't be old NG-wise or real life age-wise. OK, maybe 4 years is quite a long time now, but I still don't feel this account is old enough to be considered old. ;)
No, that's an old account. But yeah, you yourself is teh young'n.

I feel in-between old and new. Old would be 99 - 02, while 03 - 05 are in between and 06 - 08 are of course the newer users.

But I've not played much on the Wii recently. I might play on Mario Kart Wii with my sister later, though. :)
You know... WE could play some kart sometime. #;-}>

Indeed we could. :) I got your Friend add today, so yay.

I think Rime of the Ancient Mariner would be too long for GH, though. ;)
People said the same thing about TTFAF.

Yes, but Rime of the Ancient Mariner lasts 13 1/2 minutes long, while TTFAF is 7 minutes long, almost half the length of Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

And at the bottom are those three fillers. However, Flash of the Blade is still a damn good song.
Yeah, but those three in the middle.... just pale in comparison to tracks 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8.

Indeed. It sucks they were on a great album. If it weren't for the fillers, I would have considered Powerslave as the best Maiden album ever.

I need a second guitar, though.
Well, if you wanna do bass and lead at the same time.

Uhh, co-op mode? That's why I want a second guitar.

Oh, nothing special then. XP
Thhhhpbt. You need to read about ORPHEUS and HADES:

No I don't! I only know Hades from that Disney film Heru-OHSHIT!

YES!! FINALLY! What did you think of it?
It was a good Futurama plot. Felt more like an ep than a movie, in some ways. Reminded me of the ep about Fry and his bro and the lucky cloverleaf and all.

You're right about it feeling more like an episode than a movie. However, there were still theatrical elements on the movie. And yes, it does remind me of that episode too. It also reminds me of Jurassic Bark with the flashbacks.

At 6/1/08 07:00 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 17 -7 **** gfoxcook 19,690 36,000 25,000 10,000 666 91,356 +6420

17 0 **** gfoxcook 20,460 36,000 26,960 10,814 726 94,960 +3604

NICE. +3600 in only 2.5 months, when I had LESS THAN TWICE THAT in 15 months prior! (I ain't counting the +4 from the audio reviews being included, cause I made those audio reviews YEARS ago)

Haha, that is perfect timing. If I pulled your stats a little earlier, it could have said 3599 or less. I hope that 3600+ gain makes up for your 37.1 on the B/P update.

Good job with the timing, Bahamut. #;-}>

Thanks! Looks like I'm pretty lucky when it comes to timing with NG stuff.

This is my very first 2x10k pentalist update, so there may be mistakes here. Please forgive me for any errors contained on this list. I've done a lot to fix a lot of errors I've had today and it's been tough. Hopefully the next time won't be so much of a hassle.
No errors on my line!

Good, good.

Welcome to: AshtonNextGen, Chumbawamba, FBIpolux, Haggard, Justin, Mendou, Muffin, Overtired, Sk8erGirl14 and someone-else!
But wait, Sk8erGirl14's only on the list because R3df0x isn't anymore. Why didn't you mention that part? #;-}>

I didn't feel like debating about it. She may have not got most of those stats herself, but it does display her with over 10k blams and 10k EXP.

And thanks to me for supplying him with the spreadsheet, which apparently he hasn't figured out how to use in full (it was probably my spreadsheet's fault he screwed up the rankchange tracking).

Yeah, it probably was something wrong with that spreadsheet. However, I know how to tackle that problem for the next update. I'll have a column somewhere that doesn't get arranged when I sort out the users by total points. Then I'll move that rank column over the new rank column that got arranged. That's what I'm doing on the B/P updates.

At 6/5/08 02:21 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/1/08 09:41 PM, Seamonky wrote: -Exp. Points: 10,310
-Blams: 22,717
-Saves: 32,891
-BBS Posts: 7,465.... soon

Do I win? :(



head explodes:::

Seriously, what's with us Wi/Ht?'ers having our heads exploded for these sort of things?

At 6/5/08 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 5/31/08 02:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's very first Web Pentalist update is finally up! :D
Thanks for the update, Bahamut. Nice looking and a nice new, but similar layout to gfox's

That's what I wanted. Thanks!

Well, that pretty much means that Cyberdevil will now reach 10k+ reviews and be the second user to be pentalisted

Indeed it will, but sadly, we'll have to wait until August for him to write more reviews.

At 6/6/08 03:13 PM, Auz wrote:
At 5/31/08 02:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's very first Web Pentalist update is finally up! :D
That´s a great update Bahamut. Compliments to Casualty on the new lay-out =)

Thank you Auz. :)

NOTE: The only major changes from my update to gfoxcook's updates are that this is on a different site (duh) and reviews are now a combined total of flash reviews and audio reviews. Now it's slightly easier to reach 10k reviews. ;)
Yeah I guess that´s a good idea. It didn´t seem like anyone was ever gonna reach pentalisted status in the near future. It would be nice if Cyberdevil gets there soon, along with a few other users later on.

I concur. It's been around 3 years since ~X~ became pentalisted and we still only have that one pentalister.

Just wondering, could you make top 10/15/20 gainers lists on future updates like gfox did on his last?

I'll be working on adding that on a future update, hopefully the next one.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-09 01:19:58

At 6/5/08 03:22 AM, someone-else wrote: Wow, cool I finally got updated :D

You're a robot, too?! Wowwwwwwwwww... but you've learned to post!

That musta been some BIOS or OS or whatever update/upgrade you just had. #;-}>

At 6/5/08 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Thanks for the update, Bahamut. Nice looking and a nice new, but similar layout to gfox's

Be careful now, Casualty will swoop in again... #;-}>

Well, that pretty much means that Cyberdevil will now reach 10k+ reviews and be the second user to be pentalisted

He mighta anyway.

At 6/5/08 08:59 PM, BonusStage wrote: GREG :D


I got 5k Wii points, i've 1400 left and so far got Ristar, Kirby's Adventure (for sis :X), Super Mario World, Kid Icarus and LoZ:OoT

Awesome, dude. I got myself another 6k Wii points recently cause I wanted to buy more shit, but so far I haven't used any of my new points yet.

Any idea what to waste the rest on? I'm thinking MAYBE X-Gen's DFC to support his noble cause, but i'm not sure :X

Well, I could tell you what I got. I basically got all the NES and SNES Marios, Zeldas, Castlevanias, and Metroids.

I also got Kid Icarus and OoT as you did.

And I got Ecco the Dolphin for Genesis. My sis and I used to play that a lot when we were kids, and I wanted my gf to try it out.

Um, what else... I bought Defend Your Castle from WiiWare, it's by the same guy(s?) who did the NG version, XGenStudios.

I'm thinking about getting Pop or LostWinds, which I've heard good things about, they're both WiiWare titles as well.

If I get anymore console games soon, it'll probably be more N64 stuff in addition to OoT, because I never had (or even played for a second) a N64. I'm thinking maybe FZero and Starfox for N64. I don't need Mario 64, because I have it for DS.

At 6/6/08 12:03 AM, BonusStage wrote: I DIDN'T SEE THAT HE RESPONDED, STFU D:


Well then GLAD I HELPED ;).


Nah, just assuring she'll say yes, she said she will but i'm an asshole and don't ask out until the perfect time, she doesn't mind the star treatment though :). I KINDA LIKE HER DER DER DER

I'm not sure assuring is the right word then... but yeah, I gathered that you kinda LIKEH TEH GIRLIE.

Of what? That you're straight for her? #;-}>
Haha, never straight enough ;)


Just don't let on to her that you're also gay for me, or she might have a problem with that. (wink)
She's scene, she'll probably find it hot.



I'm so old, I don't know what "scene" means, but I can guess from context. Anywho... OH BOY.

At 6/6/08 12:38 AM, cr0mx wrote:
At 6/6/08 12:03 AM, BonusStage wrote: OH STEREOTYPES, ALWAYS STOLEN BY BLACKS.....
just like the democratic nominee

OH SNAP. Tell me you did NOT just go there!

Someone needs to make one of those flashes.... only with Obama and Hillary.... the stolenated TV one, I mean. Only it's a stolenated election. Supposedly, of course. Sheeshers.

At 6/6/08 03:13 PM, Auz wrote: Yeah I guess that´s a good idea. It didn´t seem like anyone was ever gonna reach pentalisted status in the near future. It would be nice if Cyberdevil gets there soon, along with a few other users later on.

You mean anyone else, right? #;-}>

Just wondering, could you make top 10/15/20 gainers lists on future updates like gfox did on his last?


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-09 01:21:12


At 6/7/08 11:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well, wait until at least two users reach 10k audio reviews and then I'll add another column.

Two? Oh, cool. Then pentalisted won't lose its current meaning for quite some time. Most excellent.

Good to see happy faces here. :)

Heh. Yeah, cause when Greg ran the list, this place was like a concentration camp, right? AMIRIGHT? >:{


Oh wait. Shit.

At 6/1/08 06:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote: REDUNDANCY.
Indeed they are now, but what about that PM? I still need to reply to your latest one. If you still need me to reply to it, I will do so, but not until after I get back from my holiday.

Whenev's, man. I don't like doing tons of PMing but at the same time I try to reply to them within a few days since I'm so bad with e-mails (might as well have ONE area people can reliably reach me at), so IMO the longer it takes folks to PM me back, the better, and the less time spent. #;-}>

BTW, speaking of PM subjects, though... I got a Mario Kart mail in my Wii messages from you adding my friend code in Mario Kart, but... when I went into Mario Kart Channel, it showed a ? mark for you and didn't show your name (just your friend code). Do I show up in your friend list fully?

Also, why Father Ted, why not just your regular Mii? #;-}>

No, that's an old account. But yeah, you yourself is teh young'n.
I feel in-between old and new. Old would be 99 - 02, while 03 - 05 are in between and 06 - 08 are of course the newer users.

I dunno, 03 and 04 are pretty old by now. There's been GENERATIONS since some users from those years (my first two super-active years, after all) have disappeared, let alone appeared in the first place.

Indeed we could. :) I got your Friend add today, so yay.

WORK, DAMN YOU, WORK! :::kicks Mario Kart Channel:::

Yes, but Rime of the Ancient Mariner lasts 13 1/2 minutes long, while TTFAF is 7 minutes long, almost half the length of Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

13.5 is short compared to some songs (such as Echoes... and Shine On You Crazy Diamond by Pink Floyd... both over 20 minutes)

Plus, they could also do an edit of it. There's some dragging portions, especially around 5:00 to 7:30 in that song.

Indeed. It sucks they were on a great album. If it weren't for the fillers, I would have considered Powerslave as the best Maiden album ever.

So where does it rank, and behind which one(s)?

Uhh, co-op mode? That's why I want a second guitar.

I gotcha, but I'm just saying that with Rock Band and Guitar Hero IV being so multi-instrumental, one guitar isn't as bad as one guitar was in GH1, 2, and 3. Because there's still drums and mic as well, even if you only have one guitar.

Whereas in GH1-2-3, there was only guitar, so you had to have two to multiplayer it. #;-}>

Thhhhpbt. You need to read about ORPHEUS and HADES:
No I don't! I only know Hades from that Disney film Heru-OHSHIT!


YES!! FINALLY! What did you think of it?
It was a good Futurama plot. Felt more like an ep than a movie, in some ways. Reminded me of the ep about Fry and his bro and the lucky cloverleaf and all.
You're right about it feeling more like an episode than a movie. However, there were still theatrical elements on the movie. And yes, it does remind me of that episode too. It also reminds me of Jurassic Bark with the flashbacks.

Ah yes, here's my review of BBS. Coop was asking me what I thought in another thread a couple days ago, and I told him I'd already told you and him some thoughts I had... couldn't remember where they were, and here they are. YATTA!

NICE. +3600 in only 2.5 months, when I had LESS THAN TWICE THAT in 15 months prior! (I ain't counting the +4 from the audio reviews being included, cause I made those audio reviews YEARS ago)
Haha, that is perfect timing. If I pulled your stats a little earlier, it could have said 3599 or less. I hope that 3600+ gain makes up for your 37.1 on the B/P update.

And then some! #;-}>

Thanks! Looks like I'm pretty lucky when it comes to timing with NG stuff.

Sometimes, at least. Don't get too cocky or your timing will turn to shite. #;-}>

Welcome to: AshtonNextGen, Chumbawamba, FBIpolux, Haggard, Justin, Mendou, Muffin, Overtired, Sk8erGirl14 and someone-else!
But wait, Sk8erGirl14's only on the list because R3df0x isn't anymore. Why didn't you mention that part? #;-}>
I didn't feel like debating about it. She may have not got most of those stats herself, but it does display her with over 10k blams and 10k EXP.

No no no, I'm not questioning her being on the list going forward. If my March update hadn't been the last, I woulda put her name on that one, as well, instead of Redfox. I'm saying why mention her in the "welcome" section, when she was basically already on the list already (as Redfox, of course)? #;-}>

Yeah, it probably was something wrong with that spreadsheet. However, I know how to tackle that problem for the next update. I'll have a column somewhere that doesn't get arranged when I sort out the users by total points. Then I'll move that rank column over the new rank column that got arranged. That's what I'm doing on the B/P updates.

It's nothing WRONG exactly, it's just that you don't know which columns and rows to fuck with the way I used to to get it to sort right. #;-}>

Do whatever works for ya, man.




head explodes:::
Seriously, what's with us Wi/Ht?'ers having our heads exploded for these sort of things?

My head was exploding plenty LONG before I became a Wi/Ht?er. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-10 22:16:14

I keep forgetting to mention it here, though I made a topic about it on the video games forum on ADGBC (maybe that's why... I need to get back over to the VG forum here, too!)...

but gfox has a new PC! Yep. I got a cheap laptop back in 2005, but before that, my last computer was a 1997 desktop (still sitting on this same desk).

NEW DESKTOP! Quad Core! 4 gigs o' RAM! GeForce 8800 GT! 500 gigs hard drive!

I'm catching up on all the great PC games I wanted to play from 2000-2007 but never had the chance to (so far, I've got Halo, Doom 3, BioShock, Warcraft III, TES III: Morrowind.... and for my b-day at the end of the month, my gf got me Orange Box).

Yeah, so if any o' youse guys likes to play multiplayer on any of those... lemme know how we can hook up, yo.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-11 04:22:38

At 6/10/08 10:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
NEW DESKTOP! Quad Core! 4 gigs o' RAM! GeForce 8800 GT! 500 gigs hard drive!

I fucking hate computers some time,i just got my new HP Pavilion dv6000 laptop (special edition) Duo Core processor with 2 gigs of RAM and 224 gig hard drive and not even a year later they have something double that,fucking ridiculous.

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-11 08:20:17

At 6/7/08 11:16 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/5/08 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 5/31/08 02:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's very first Web Pentalist update is finally up! :D
Thanks for the update, Bahamut. Nice looking and a nice new, but similar layout to gfox's
That's what I wanted. Thanks!

No problem - I know craftsmanship when I see it.

Well, that pretty much means that Cyberdevil will now reach 10k+ reviews and be the second user to be pentalisted
Indeed it will, but sadly, we'll have to wait until August for him to write more reviews.

That'll be here soon enough. I've got to work on getting rid of my English Suntan by that point. My face and forearms are going nicely brown, while the rest of me is remaining quite white. I guess that Saturday means that I'll wash the car and mow the lawns without a shirt on to frighten the neighbours :P

At 6/9/08 01:19 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/5/08 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Thanks for the update, Bahamut. Nice looking and a nice new, but similar layout to gfox's
Be careful now, Casualty will swoop in again... #;-}>

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Casualty rocking harder than ever!

Well, that pretty much means that Cyberdevil will now reach 10k+ reviews and be the second user to be pentalisted
He mighta anyway.

Yeah, but now he's got a legitimate shot at being the second pentalisted user before X gets to be the first user pentalisted for 20k stats. Experience might slow him down, unless he can't pull himself away from Poxnora for long enough to post a quick 3k

At 6/10/08 10:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote: NEW DESKTOP! Quad Core! 4 gigs o' RAM! GeForce 8800 GT! 500 gigs hard drive!

That's fucking ridiculous. I'll have to go and surf for some bolt ons for my machine and customise it to fuck. Might have to borrow that 4Tb External Hard Drive that my girlfriend's dad bought. Not sure what I can do about the lack of facilities on the other parts though...

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-12 23:08:05

At 6/11/08 04:22 AM, Molotov wrote:
At 6/10/08 10:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
NEW DESKTOP! Quad Core! 4 gigs o' RAM! GeForce 8800 GT! 500 gigs hard drive!
I fucking hate computers some time,i just got my new HP Pavilion dv6000 laptop (special edition) Duo Core processor with 2 gigs of RAM and 224 gig hard drive and not even a year later they have something double that,fucking ridiculous.

Dude, that's still a great computer.

But I know what you mean, man. But I won't apologise for it, because I went ELEVEN YEARS in between desktops. From December 1997 to June 2008, so okay.. 10.5 years. Still.

By 1998, I already had added a Voodoo2 graphics accelerator (only did 3D, my AGP Riva 128 card (first generation of NVIDIA stuff, first generations of AGP... which is now gone and PCI-E has replaced it... amazing...) just so I could play games like Quake 2 without THE GRAPHICS AND FRAMERATE SUCKING TOTAL ASS.

And adding that card did allow me to continue playing most games on that '97 P2 266mhz until around 2001 or so... from that point on, I only played new games, and I ended up getting a Gamecube, PS2, and then Wii eventually and returning to console gaming (which I did from around 1980 to about 1995, from the Atari 2600 through the SNES and Genesis.... but had pretty much gone away from since then for computer gaming alone, which I started really getting into around 1993 with X-Wing, X-Com, Syndicate, and Doom).

So anyway... I'm finally BACK.

Got Halo, Doom3, Warcraft III, and BioShock.

My gf's giving me Orange Box for my birthday at the end of the month.

And the best part? By not computer gaming for about 6 straight years... all the games I'm getting now to make up for lost time are SUPER DIRT CHEAP. #;-}>

And no, don't anybody ask... I'm not going on WoW, so don't worry.

Those bastards at Blizzard DID slip a 14-day free trial disc in with my Warcraft III battlechest edition.... BUT I SHALL RESIST.

For now, at least. #;-}>

At 6/11/08 08:20 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/7/08 11:16 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/5/08 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 5/31/08 02:19 PM, Bahamut wrote: Bahamut's very first Web Pentalist update is finally up! :D
Thanks for the update, Bahamut. Nice looking and a nice new, but similar layout to gfox's
That's what I wanted. Thanks!
No problem - I know craftsmanship when I see it.

Well, that pretty much means that Cyberdevil will now reach 10k+ reviews and be the second user to be pentalisted
Indeed it will, but sadly, we'll have to wait until August for him to write more reviews.
That'll be here soon enough. I've got to work on getting rid of my English Suntan by that point. My face and forearms are going nicely brown, while the rest of me is remaining quite white. I guess that Saturday means that I'll wash the car and mow the lawns without a shirt on to frighten the neighbours :P

At 6/9/08 01:19 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/5/08 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Be careful now, Casualty will swoop in again... #;-}>
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Casualty rocking harder than ever!

And acting (???) upset whenever Bahamut doesn't mention him for CREDIT-SHARING with the new updates. #;-}>

He mighta anyway.
Yeah, but now he's got a legitimate shot at being the second pentalisted user before X gets to be the first user pentalisted for 20k stats. Experience might slow him down, unless he can't pull himself away from Poxnora for long enough to post a quick 3k

Yeah, it's certainly way more likely now... unless X totally goes back into hibernation mode for a few months and Cyberdevil gets back from his vacation and posts a shitload of regular reviews. Only then would it have made no difference for sure, I suppose, and going by 50:50 odds guesstimation, the odds of that happening are only 1 in 4, so...

At 6/10/08 10:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote: NEW DESKTOP! Quad Core! 4 gigs o' RAM! GeForce 8800 GT! 500 gigs hard drive!
That's fucking ridiculous. I'll have to go and surf for some bolt ons for my machine and customise it to fuck. Might have to borrow that 4Tb External Hard Drive that my girlfriend's dad bought. Not sure what I can do about the lack of facilities on the other parts though...

Heh. It'll be obsolete (well, that's a harsh word... I did manage to make the last one last for 10 years, though it really started to slow down after 6 or so years) by 2009. #;-}>

I don't worry about keeping up with the joneses. I just hibernate for awhile, then take a great leap forward every decade! #;-}>

No, actually... back in the 90s.... Was using my mom's 386 back in the early 90s, then got into gaming... got my own 486 late in high school, probably 1994... got a new Pentium 1-120 mhz in 1995, and the new Pentium 2-266 mhz in 1997.

So actually, for about 5 years in the middle of the 90s I was totally trying to keep up.

I guess I relaxed after that. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-13 02:25:48

At 6/12/08 11:08 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/11/08 04:22 AM, Molotov wrote:
At 6/10/08 10:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
NEW DESKTOP! Quad Core! 4 gigs o' RAM! GeForce 8800 GT! 500 gigs hard drive!
I fucking hate computers some time,i just got my new HP Pavilion dv6000 laptop (special edition) Duo Core processor with 2 gigs of RAM and 224 gig hard drive and not even a year later they have something double that,fucking ridiculous.
Dude, that's still a great computer.

But I know what you mean, man. But I won't apologise for it, because I went ELEVEN YEARS in between desktops. From December 1997 to June 2008, so okay.. 10.5 years. Still.

Haha ok i admit you are due (just to throw in i went from 2001 HP Desktop to the laptop i have now) i still have this on you i can take mine where ever i want and has a built in webcam and can record videos so =P=P=P=P

Yours still kicks more ass regardless though :(

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-15 03:40:21

At 6/13/08 02:25 AM, Molotov wrote:
At 6/12/08 11:08 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/11/08 04:22 AM, Molotov wrote:
At 6/10/08 10:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote: NEW DESKTOP! Quad Core! 4 gigs o' RAM! GeForce 8800 GT! 500 gigs hard drive!
I fucking hate computers some time,i just got my new HP Pavilion dv6000 laptop (special edition) Duo Core processor with 2 gigs of RAM and 224 gig hard drive and not even a year later they have something double that,fucking ridiculous.
Dude, that's still a great computer.

But I know what you mean, man. But I won't apologise for it, because I went ELEVEN YEARS in between desktops. From December 1997 to June 2008, so okay.. 10.5 years. Still.
Haha ok i admit you are due (just to throw in i went from 2001 HP Desktop to the laptop i have now) i still have this on you i can take mine where ever i want and has a built in webcam and can record videos so =P=P=P=P

Oh, holy shit... I didn't even notice you said it was a laptop before. That makes it even better, man. More expensive, as well, of course...

As I said, in between those 10.5 years, I did get a cheap laptop back in 2005, but it's just a 1.5ghz celeron processor with too little RAM (I'm gonna buy a gig o' RAM for it soon), and it doesn't have no webcam, so you've got me there, yes.


:::refrains from mentioning he doesn't want to record video with his computers:::

Yours still kicks more ass regardless though :(

LOL! I should also mention that my gf and I went halfsies on it, so it's only half mine, and we're both fighting for time to use it lately (well... there's always the laptop + the LCD HDTV + Wii or PS2, so... that's not entirely true, but it IS our new toy, so it's most popular right now #;-}>).

At 6/13/08 07:57 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 6/9/08 01:19 AM, gfoxcook wrote: OMG.
You called.


Awesome, dude. I got myself another 6k Wii points recently cause I wanted to buy more shit, but so far I haven't used any of my new points yet.
jesus you're insane

For getting 60 bucks of Wii points and not immediately using them, or for getting that many to begin with? #;-}>

Well, I could tell you what I got. I basically got all the NES and SNES Marios, Zeldas, Castlevanias, and Metroids.
Have all of them been good...... assuming you've played them.... any that are just, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH

I haven't played all of them on the Wii, but I've played most of them, and the reason I got most of them is that those are my fave games from the NES and SNES, and I already own most of them in cartridge form, but paying a lil' bit for the ease of playing them all in one place on the Wii without having to hook up old systems and find all the cartridges = WIN.

I recommend them all, but it really depends on which Nintendo game franchises you like the most.

I also got Kid Icarus and OoT as you did.
KI as far as i've gotten........ IS VERY CONFUSING, help :(, OoT is bomb awesome

I beat it back in the 80s when it was new. Hell if I could remember how to get through most of the dungeons nowadays. But the side-scrolling parts (and up-scrolling parts) aren't so tough.

I have only just gotten out of my village and into Hyrule Field in OoT, and that was a few weeks ago. I'd play it more, but... you know. New computer + Halo + BioShock and all. #;-}>

And I got Ecco the Dolphin for Genesis. My sis and I used to play that a lot when we were kids, and I wanted my gf to try it out.

TEE HEE. ^_^

Um, what else... I bought Defend Your Castle from WiiWare, it's by the same guy(s?) who did the NG version, XGenStudios.
Yeah, it's the real Xgen that did it :) was it worth 1k?

I wasn't asking, I was just putting the ? mark on the guy/guys part. I dunno if XGen = one person or more than one person's all. #;-}>

It's not 1k, it's just 500. And it's well worth 500, IMO.

I'm thinking about getting Pop or LostWinds, which I've heard good things about, they're both WiiWare titles as well.
If you've bought them since give me your initial reactions :D

Not yet, but unless even more tempting titles come out in the next few weeks, I prolly will and I will let you know then.

MK64 is great as well but knowing YOUR RICH ASS, you're busy with MKWii

Pffft. I play occasionally, but really I've been playing my Wii once or twice a week on average due to the new computer right now. ;_; Poor ol' Wii...

So loud :'(



Doing it quite well, and I thank you.

I'm not sure assuring is the right word then... but yeah, I gathered that you kinda LIKEH TEH GIRLIE.
JUST A WIL BIT, um, i'm building it up?

Tap dat ass.

I'm so old, I don't know what "scene" means, but I can guess from context. Anywho... OH BOY.
It's emos without the cutting

That sounds pretty lame nonetheless.

OH SNAP. Tell me you did NOT just go there!

I don't even remember what this part refers to, but I wasn't confused by anything else in your post, so I AIN'T GONNA LOOK IT UP. Take that, mofo!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-16 21:02:09

:::waits for people to reply to old catch-up posts from like.... days ago, if not a week ago:::


.... :::shuffles feet:::


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-17 05:42:31

Sorry Greg, I have busy weeks these times, but might it cheer you up if I tell you some of that time is spent on the Wii?




BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-17 09:16:46

At 6/16/08 09:02 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
waits for people to reply to old catch-up posts from like.... days ago, if not a week ago:::

Poor Greg. All dressed up and nowhere to go.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-17 19:24:12

At 6/17/08 05:42 AM, Casualty wrote: Sorry Greg, I have busy weeks these times, but might it cheer you up if I tell you some of that time is spent on the Wii?

Yeah, sure. But your convos with me in here aren't really that long, anyway. I was referring to everyone who hasn't posted in here in days who isn't Bahamut (and thus has an excuse of being out of TEH TOWNS). #;-}>

At 6/17/08 09:16 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/16/08 09:02 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
waits for people to reply to old catch-up posts from like.... days ago, if not a week ago:::
Poor Greg. All dressed up and nowhere to go.

Uh... actually, I happen to be fairly undressed at the moment, but... yeah. Everything besides that. RIGHT ON.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-18 03:19:06

At 6/17/08 07:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/17/08 09:16 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/16/08 09:02 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
waits for people to reply to old catch-up posts from like.... days ago, if not a week ago:::
Poor Greg. All dressed up and nowhere to go.
Uh... actually, I happen to be fairly undressed at the moment, but... yeah. Everything besides that. RIGHT ON.

"In a state of undress" is bound to mean that you're all dressed up for something, surely.

All this talk of teh sexes between you and Bonus... makes me feel left out. Meh, avoiding her brothers coming into the house when we're 'taking a risk' can be fun, but not as much fun as the in car hi-jinx of Bonus :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-19 19:01:17

At 6/9/08 01:19 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/5/08 03:22 AM, someone-else wrote: Wow, cool I finally got updated :D
You're a robot, too?! Wowwwwwwwwww... but you've learned to post!

He's a robot?

At 6/9/08 01:21 AM, gfoxcook wrote: SPECIAL JUST-FOR-BAHA EDITION.

Words cannot descrive how awesome that special post is! :D

At 6/7/08 11:16 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well, wait until at least two users reach 10k audio reviews and then I'll add another column.
Two? Oh, cool. Then pentalisted won't lose its current meaning for quite some time. Most excellent.

Indeed. I felt changing the list because of one person reaching 10k audio reviews was rather silly, so I think a second person (maybe third, fourth or fifth) would be more appropriate.

Good to see happy faces here. :)
Heh. Yeah, cause when Greg ran the list, this place was like a concentration camp, right? AMIRIGHT? >:{

Yeah it was. >:(

At 6/1/08 06:51 PM, gfoxcook wrote: REDUNDANCY.
Indeed they are now, but what about that PM? I still need to reply to your latest one. If you still need me to reply to it, I will do so, but not until after I get back from my holiday.
Whenev's, man. I don't like doing tons of PMing but at the same time I try to reply to them within a few days since I'm so bad with e-mails (might as well have ONE area people can reliably reach me at), so IMO the longer it takes folks to PM me back, the better, and the less time spent. #;-}>

Yes, but do you REALLY need me to reply to that PM? If so, I'll reply to it whenever I'm bothered to.

BTW, speaking of PM subjects, though... I got a Mario Kart mail in my Wii messages from you adding my friend code in Mario Kart, but... when I went into Mario Kart Channel, it showed a ? mark for you and didn't show your name (just your friend code). Do I show up in your friend list fully?

You show up fine on my Wii.

Also, why Father Ted, why not just your regular Mii? #;-}>

Because I felt like changing my Mii character on the game to see what the giant Father Ted Luigi statue would look like.

I feel in-between old and new. Old would be 99 - 02, while 03 - 05 are in between and 06 - 08 are of course the newer users.
I dunno, 03 and 04 are pretty old by now. There's been GENERATIONS since some users from those years (my first two super-active years, after all) have disappeared, let alone appeared in the first place.

Give it another year or two and maybe then I'll consider those account years old.

Indeed we could. :) I got your Friend add today, so yay.
WORK, DAMN YOU, WORK! :::kicks Mario Kart Channel:::

So you're kicking the Wii? o__O

Yes, but Rime of the Ancient Mariner lasts 13 1/2 minutes long, while TTFAF is 7 minutes long, almost half the length of Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
13.5 is short compared to some songs (such as Echoes... and Shine On You Crazy Diamond by Pink Floyd... both over 20 minutes)

And Dream Theater's Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence (42 minutes). Yes, it's short compared to those songs, but STILL!

Plus, they could also do an edit of it. There's some dragging portions, especially around 5:00 to 7:30 in that song.

That would be reasonable. Then the song would be 11 minutes long, making it more likely to appear on one of the games.

Indeed. It sucks they were on a great album. If it weren't for the fillers, I would have considered Powerslave as the best Maiden album ever.
So where does it rank, and behind which one(s)?

Here's my rankings for all the Iron Maiden albums (14 means worst and 1 means best, of course):

14. Virtual XI
13. No Prayer for the Dying
12. Fear of the Dark
11. The X Factor
10. Killers
9. Dance of Death
8. A Matter of Life and Death
7. Brave New World
6. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
5. Somewhere in Time
4. Powerslave
3. Piece of Mind
2. Iron Maiden
1. The Number of the Beast

Uhh, co-op mode? That's why I want a second guitar.
I gotcha, but I'm just saying that with Rock Band and Guitar Hero IV being so multi-instrumental, one guitar isn't as bad as one guitar was in GH1, 2, and 3. Because there's still drums and mic as well, even if you only have one guitar.

Of course. GH1 - 3 have songs that can only be unlocked via Co-op mode, or at least 3.

No I don't! I only know Hades from that Disney film Heru-OHSHIT!


You're right about it feeling more like an episode than a movie. However, there were still theatrical elements on the movie. And yes, it does remind me of that episode too. It also reminds me of Jurassic Bark with the flashbacks.
Ah yes, here's my review of BBS. Coop was asking me what I thought in another thread a couple days ago, and I told him I'd already told you and him some thoughts I had... couldn't remember where they were, and here they are. YATTA!

Uhh, did you forget to post your review or am I supposed to find that other thread you were talking about?

Thanks! Looks like I'm pretty lucky when it comes to timing with NG stuff.
Sometimes, at least. Don't get too cocky or your timing will turn to shite. #;-}>


I didn't feel like debating about it. She may have not got most of those stats herself, but it does display her with over 10k blams and 10k EXP.
No no no, I'm not questioning her being on the list going forward. If my March update hadn't been the last, I woulda put her name on that one, as well, instead of Redfox. I'm saying why mention her in the "welcome" section, when she was basically already on the list already (as Redfox, of course)? #;-}>

I don't think she was there. I'm pretty sure she had less than 10k EXP on your final update.

Seriously, what's with us Wi/Ht?'ers having our heads exploded for these sort of things?
My head was exploding plenty LONG before I became a Wi/Ht?er. #;-}>

Ever seen my head explode?

...Say, shouldn't my head explode after listening to Van Halen's Eruption over 50 times?

At 6/10/08 10:16 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I'm catching up on all the great PC games I wanted to play from 2000-2007 but never had the chance to (so far, I've got Halo, Doom 3, BioShock, Warcraft III, TES III: Morrowind.... and for my b-day at the end of the month, my gf got me Orange Box).

Yeah, so if any o' youse guys likes to play multiplayer on any of those... lemme know how we can hook up, yo.

I'm afraid the only PC games I will ever play are Battlezone, Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 and Team Fortress 2 (whenever I'm in London).

At 6/11/08 08:20 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/9/08 01:19 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/5/08 03:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Thanks for the update, Bahamut. Nice looking and a nice new, but similar layout to gfox's
Be careful now, Casualty will swoop in again... #;-}>
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Casualty rocking harder than ever!

.....To Slayer?

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-19 22:38:10



:::clicks open the two links I noticed beforehand.... one of them in an ellipse... YOU CRAFTY BASTARD:::

At 6/15/08 03:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote: HA HA.

That'll take some time to get through. Save 'em for the afterlife. We'll have more time to do shit and waste even more time then than we do now.

:::Greg's hell ends up being constant scheduled meetings, appointments, errands, and so forth:::

For getting 60 bucks of Wii points and not immediately using them, or for getting that many to begin with? #;-}>
Yeah, $160 dollars worth of it, but gahdamn a much better deal for that many games than when they came out heh

Total, yep.

Yep. I can get like.... uh.... 60 games for it instead of 3 or 4. #;-}>

I haven't played all of them on the Wii, but I've played most of them, and the reason I got most of them is that those are my fave games from the NES and SNES, and I already own most of them in cartridge form, but paying a lil' bit for the ease of playing them all in one place on the Wii without having to hook up old systems and find all the cartridges = WIN.
You didn't tell me........ OH WAIT, IT'S PROBABLY THE NEXT LINE

LOL! ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION, EH. Can't be arsed to read my pre-answer explanationings. #;-}>

Or at least to pay proper attention to 'em...

I recommend them all, but it really depends on which Nintendo game franchises you like the most.
I love all the cliches though! Mario Metroid Zelda ETC, all of them are like, GIMME GIMME.... btw GB and GBC should be their next target after getting some more of the Jap only games and other good 64 games up..... i wonder why it takes so long... why not just like set aside like 20 guys to do it so you can just shit a shit load of games on the VC..... iunno. I guess WiiWare slowed that part down a bit, also i am so cautious with WiiWare.... i NEED MORE POINTS SO I CAN BE LESS CAUTIOUS!

Cliches? Why do you call them cliches?

And yes, if they added original Game Boy games... that would be wicked awesome. As long as they were super cheap (I'm talking just 100 wii points... the graphics truly blew back then, so anything over that would be massive rip-offing over monochromatic insanity).

I think they just like to roll out both the WiiWare and the VirtualConsole stuff slowly to make sure they never run out of shit. #;-}>

I beat it back in the 80s when it was new. Hell if I could remember how to get through most of the dungeons nowadays. But the side-scrolling parts (and up-scrolling parts) aren't so tough.
there's more than this rather confusing stage of just going up? Because like there wasn't a back story it was just, GO UP AND SHOOT SHIT AND YOU CAN'T RECOVER AT ALL :'(

Oh fuck yeah. The just going up part is the EASY part, man.

side-scrolling platformers are almost always left to right or right to left, so it's throwing you off, eh?

Don't forget, in SSBB, there are up and down scrolling portions of the Subspace Emissary 1P mode. Kid Icarus isn't alone. #;-}>

Well, the first such stage featured Pit himself, and was obviously a direct nod to the original Kid Icarus, what with the clouds and all.

Loved that.

And yep, no recovery, man. HARDCORE. OLDSCHOOL. That's the way shit used to be, man. AND WE LOVED IT.

I have only just gotten out of my village and into Hyrule Field in OoT, and that was a few weeks ago. I'd play it more, but... you know. New computer + Halo + BioShock and all. #;-}>
haha nice, i'm getting to the third dungeon, spent a bit of walkthrough time getting myself 4 pieces of hearts though like a lil cheater :X

In OoT? :::slightly jealous::: I need to get to teh dungeons. ;_;

TEE HEE. ^_^
Greg's sucha constant lovebird

Oh, you know me. Stroke my clit and out pops a gumdrop candycane!

I believe Jazza is PART of the X-Gen team after this sooooooooo i bet it's more than one

Kick ass.


:::looks at attached thread:::

It's not 1k, it's just 500. And it's well worth 500, IMO.
It was one of the 500? Then shit i'm getting that!

Damn straight!

That's why it was the first one I bought. I wouldn'ta spent 10 bucks on it, I woulda just gone on NG or Xgen and played it there. #;-}>

Even though i almost HATE pokemon nowadays...... i want the ranch thing to come out..... just to fuckin have it since i've loved D/p..... no longer though..... i got ...... can i say..... TOO good at the game..... i knew i was like, obsessed, so i had to stop.

My gf apparently had like the original pokemon on GBC (I never had a GBC, GBA, or GBA SP... I skipped straight from the original GameBoy, which I had from Japan before it was even out in America... thank god they were compatible overseas back then, and unlike the NES/SNES with famicom/superfamicom.... to the DS Lite.

Pffft. I play occasionally, but really I've been playing my Wii once or twice a week on average due to the new computer right now. ;_; Poor ol' Wii...
haha, it's in my room so i always just play when bored with the comp, roms and NG do get boring after a while

I'd play it when my gf wants the desktop, but lately I've been playing GTA: San Andreas on the PS2 in those cases... I dunno. I SO CRAZY.

It's like I broke up with my Wii and I can't stand to look at her right now. WE'LL GET BACK TOGETHER SOON ENOUGH, THOUGH, DONTCHAWORRY.

I'll be exploring her clean white contours with my... extremities.

(if it is, i'll laugh)

A good, hearty laugh, I trust.

A gay pirate's laugh.

So loud :'(


:::cranks the Queensryche:::

Doing it quite well, and I thank you.
You're welcome, after all, best thread EVER!

You think that as well? I'm impressed.


I'm beginning to lose the feel for the difference. Fuck me.

Tap dat ass.
I have 3 times now, 2nd time though was like 30 seconds......

Short but sweet beats any-length-but-bad, my good man.


That sounds pretty lame nonetheless.
but i love the style, dyed hair, black rimmed glasses, tight jeans and HUGE libidos, a man can ask for little more!

I don't remember what I was saying lame to, but... uh... dyed (dark, I hope) hair + glasses + tight jeans + sex drive sounds good to me. Well, the tight jeans don't matter that much. I actually like baggy clothing on a chick. Leaves more to the imagination. More to be... uncovered later. Mmmmmmmmm yes.

I don't even remember what this part refers to, but I wasn't confused by anything else in your post, so I AIN'T GONNA LOOK IT UP. Take that, mofo!
It was cr0m making the comment about how obama "STOLE" the democratic nomination.

cr0m for mod 0forever

I know the truth. Crom is Hillary's fucking campaign manager. FUCK HIM.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-19 22:40:19

When is an update on the Pentalist gonna happen. =P git off your ass Greg.

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-19 22:45:03

At 6/19/08 10:40 PM, Molotov wrote: When is an update on the Pentalist gonna happen. =P git off your ass Greg.

I sent him a bribe not to.

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-19 22:57:14

Okay, I'm attaching the 11k postcount screenshot I promised ol' idiot-buster now. FEAR TEH PAINTSHOPPRO SKILLZ.

Mirrored selection pastage... FTW!

At 6/18/08 03:19 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/17/08 07:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Uh... actually, I happen to be fairly undressed at the moment, but... yeah. Everything besides that. RIGHT ON.
"In a state of undress" is bound to mean that you're all dressed up for something, surely.

Well, I suppose ANY state of dress OR undress is... appropriate clothing or lack thereof for SOME situation, event, or activity, yes...

All this talk of teh sexes between you and Bonus... makes me feel left out. Meh, avoiding her brothers coming into the house when we're 'taking a risk' can be fun, but not as much fun as the in car hi-jinx of Bonus :P

LOL! Yeah. In car sex is fun. But not as much fun as on a blanket in the fucking park near her house.

Done the in car thing only twice (at an airport parking lot, meeting her on her way out of the country and back in with her family on a trip... it beat using the public toilets, let me tell you!).

At 6/19/08 07:01 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/9/08 01:19 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/5/08 03:22 AM, someone-else wrote: Wow, cool I finally got updated :D
You're a robot, too?! Wowwwwwwwwww... but you've learned to post!
He's a robot?

The real question is... WHO ISN'T?

At 6/9/08 01:21 AM, gfoxcook wrote: SPECIAL JUST-FOR-BAHA EDITION.
Words cannot descrive how awesome that special post is! :D

Then speak with your bodily functions instead. :::nods sagely:::

Indeed. I felt changing the list because of one person reaching 10k audio reviews was rather silly, so I think a second person (maybe third, fourth or fifth) would be more appropriate.


Heh. Yeah, cause when Greg ran the list, this place was like a concentration camp, right? AMIRIGHT? >:{
Yeah it was. >:(

FUCK! My worst fears confirmed.

Yes, but do you REALLY need me to reply to that PM? If so, I'll reply to it whenever I'm bothered to.

:::shrugs::: I don't even remember what it was about, except I prolly mentioned the movies of yours I'm planning to review soon, and... that's about all I can know for sure. So just let it sit. Just get to it eventually. A month, two, whenever. DON'T LET IT WAIT FOREVER. IT COULD HOLD THE KEY TO SAVING EARTH FROM TEH CYLON MENACE WHEN WE GET TEH INVADED. ;_;

Also, why Father Ted, why not just your regular Mii? #;-}>
Because I felt like changing my Mii character on the game to see what the giant Father Ted Luigi statue would look like.

So... weird... but I guess that makes more sense. And yes, the giant Luigi/Mario statures are fun with other Mii-heads on 'em, yes yes.

But can I end up playing against yer actual Mii this way too, or only Ted? ;_;

All I got on my MarioKart is my mii, my gf's, and my sister's (who visited for a couple days the same week MarioKart came out, coincidentally enough), and obviously I only ever use my own.

Give it another year or two and maybe then I'll consider those account years old.

Okay. You're more of a recent signup expert than I am, I guess, SO I SHALL DEFER TO YOU.

But I felt like a recent signup back in early 2003 despite my 2000 signup because I'd been so idle. So all things are relative, of course. #;-}>

Indeed we could. :) I got your Friend add today, so yay.
WORK, DAMN YOU, WORK! :::kicks Mario Kart Channel:::
So you're kicking the Wii? o__O

No.... the channel is... uh... in the ether, man. It ain't rooted to the physical atom nature of teh Wii itself. FREE YOUR MIND.

And Dream Theater's Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence (42 minutes). Yes, it's short compared to those songs, but STILL!


Plus, they could also do an edit of it. There's some dragging portions, especially around 5:00 to 7:30 in that song.
That would be reasonable. Then the song would be 11 minutes long, making it more likely to appear on one of the games.

No one wants to wait like 3 minutes before more guitar comes back, anyway. No offense, Iron Maiden. #;-}>

We're talking playing the fucker on plastic instruments here, after all, not sitting back or driving or whatever while just listening to it.

And I bet they could cut it even further without losing any actual verses or anything. Maybe down to 9 or 10, even. But yeah, at least to 11.

5. Somewhere in Time
4. Powerslave
3. Piece of Mind
2. Iron Maiden
1. The Number of the Beast

Well, I've got myself #1 and #4. If I ever buy another Iron Maiden album, I'll make sure to look into yer silver and bronze choices first. If you consider them better than Powerslave, they MUST be damned good.

Or else you don't like those 5 songs out of 9 we both agreed were the cream of the Powerslave crop quite as much as I do. #;-}>

Any songs I might recognise the titles of from albums #2 and 3?


You just MEH'ed Greek fuckin' mythology, man. That's pretty... weak.

Ah yes, here's my review of BBS. Coop was asking me what I thought in another thread a couple days ago, and I told him I'd already told you and him some thoughts I had... couldn't remember where they were, and here they are. YATTA!
Uhh, did you forget to post your review or am I supposed to find that other thread you were talking about?

By "here's my review," I meant "oh yeah, here's the thread where I ALREADY TALKED ABOUT TEH BBS" to youse and teh Coopsters. Just look further up the quote chains, man.

Thanks! Looks like I'm pretty lucky when it comes to timing with NG stuff.
Sometimes, at least. Don't get too cocky or your timing will turn to shite. #;-}>

HUBRIS. Avoid it. At all costs. If you possibly can.

If you're blind to it... well then.. you're fucked, I guess.

I don't think she was there. I'm pretty sure she had less than 10k EXP on your final update.

... ohhhh yeah.

Redfox/skatergirl was on the special 842-member 1x10k+ list I posted as a goodbye present, not the actual main 2x10k+ pentalist.

NEVERMIND, THEN. I forgot that little fact right there. #;-}>

Ever seen my head explode?

In a flash or for teh reals? What do you think? #;-}>

...Say, shouldn't my head explode after listening to Van Halen's Eruption over 50 times?

Only if the volume's set to 11. Otherwise, you should be fine, as the vibrations in your brain will be perfectly set at the right frequency to maintain cranial integrity. Eddie Van Halen made sure of that during the recording sessions.

I'm afraid the only PC games I will ever play are Battlezone, Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 and Team Fortress 2 (whenever I'm in London).

Well, Team Fortress 2 is one of the three occupants of the Orange Box, man. So sounds like we could play TF2 sometime when you're in London once July rolls around, then. #;-}>

At 6/11/08 08:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Casualty rocking harder than ever!
.....To Slayer?

We're playing for England...
We're playing this song!
We're singing for England...
Arrivederci, it's one-on-one.

-New Order

At 6/19/08 10:45 PM, ramagi wrote:
At 6/19/08 10:40 PM, Molotov wrote: When is an update on the Pentalist gonna happen. =P git off your ass Greg.
I sent him a bribe not to.

You guys both need to catch up with teh current events. Or proto-X-naut is exercising his humour muscle again. GOD SAVE US ALL IN THAT EVENTUALITY. #;-}>

What bribe was that, love?

Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 10,000+ Exp / B-P / Post List 2008-06-20 03:25:46

At 6/19/08 10:40 PM, Molotov wrote: When is an update on the Pentalist gonna happen. =P git off your ass Greg.

It wasn't that long ago

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature