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I don't support Black History Month

4,894 Views | 89 Replies

No, I'm not some sort of racist. Actually, I'm very supportive of equal rights.

However, I have very strong views against this. When we have Black History Month, Black Movie Awards, and such things, they're history and a show of civil rights. However, if a White History Month, or White Movie Awards was implemented, I can guarantee you people would be up in arms about it.

This is not equal rights. This is the example of race inequality.

Now, again, don't take me the wrong way. Black historical figures play a large part in history, and we would in no way be the same without their inventions, ideas, movements, and music. However, setting apart this month as Black History Month is one step backwards.

Let me know if you agree or disagree with my statements here.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-19 13:34:20

I would have to agree on this matter.

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Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-19 14:05:34

Correct me if I'm wrong - But aren't there also Italian-American, Irish-American, German-American and french-American leagues, associations and institutions, amongst others? Wouldn't they be roughly the same, considering that black people can only group themselves as "black" or "african" since they have no way to establish what part of Africa they come from? (Unless they're recent immigrants from an specific country, in which case they also have their own specific grouping)

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-19 14:25:58

I do agree with you.
I find it very racist. We don't have White History month, nor do we have Aboriginal History month... actually we do but it is June in Saskatchewan , Its October here in Nova Scotia , then there is Women's History month here in October as well .
Not to mention the Irish & Chinese who pretty much built the railways of Canada & the United States.
Where's their Month?

I have no problem honoring those in History, & if the mainstream wish to have a designated 'Black History Month' I belive that then leaves 11 months for other races & Genders to be able to also be so honored. Hispanic Heritage History month is Sept 15 to Oct 15, (I have no idea why they split Sept/Oct)
But good on them, I hope its successful as well
I don't fell that anyone from the black community is any better than anyone else. So let's have a great Black History Month & Next Month let's honour someone else !

Those who have only the religious opinions of others in their head & worship them. Have no room for their own thoughts & no room to contemplate anyone elses ideas either-More

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-19 16:57:38

At 2/19/08 01:00 PM, WoogieNoogie wrote: Let me know if you agree or disagree with my statements here.

We do have white history month. Its called March through January.

Blacks are the minority, and I know how hard it is to comes to term with that but its the truth. Equality is nice, but how many black actors have been nominated for movie and/or TV awards? I did a quick skim over the golden globe awards, and the only black actor I saw was Denzel Washington for American Gangster.

Outside of music, black actors/actresses are severely overshadowed by white actors/actresses. Its not due to racism, but that since there are more white actors the amount of good white actors outnumbers the amount of good black actors.

Recognizing the top black actors and actresses may be seen as racism to some, but to many black people that identify themselves as black instead of American see it as awarding the good actors and actresses of their culture.

Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.

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Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-19 17:01:41

Morgan Freeman doesn't either

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-19 17:57:26

well if there is a white history month ive never heard of it till now

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-19 19:20:03

I can't agree.
I believe the variety of ________ American months is a valuable way to learn all the contributions of people that we, as a country, would otherwise ignore out right completely, or just give the briefest of introductions without any depth or understanding.

As for the most part--
We do have it, a White History Month.
It's called... every month of the year. (We just don't call it that way.)

I'm sorry, but I can't hardly see why White people feel so indignant about one measly month (which is, consequently, the shortest one of the year! Save the leap years...) where we have a concentration on the contribution of Black people.

If ANYTHING... it is a positive embellishment to everyone's knowledge of history.

Did you know that the United States had Italian concentration camps? I didn't even have any idea about that until I joined a celebration of Italian American History Month (October) and found out about it. (Google "Rab Concentration Camp" for the details.) I mean... sure, I learned a lot about WWII but since it's a huge subject... how is it possible to cover every aspect about that? We don't...

And so, we overlook really important details... and if those details so happen to look bad on our part, all the better... right?

June... it's LGBT History month. Now, that's a history that EVERYONE don't know because it's something that's not taught or people actively ignore. How much do you know about the Pink Triangles? Or the overtly gay tones of Ernst Rohm and Hitler? Or the special treatment that the Nazis set aside for gay prisoners (which were, though hard to conceptualize... worse when you compare it to others. Especially at Dachau...)

All these missing bits-- they've eschewed our knowledge of History. That's why we have all these ethnic history months so that we can truly benefit from not only a complete education, but also an education that is compassionate.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-19 19:41:50

At 2/19/08 04:57 PM, fahrenheit wrote: We do have white history month. Its called March through January.

I don't buy that for a second. I'm talking about the mainstream, commercialized separation of a minority's history that's supposed to show its struggle for equality.

Blacks are the minority, and I know how hard it is to comes to term with that but its the truth. Equality is nice, but how many black actors have been nominated for movie and/or TV awards?

No, it's not hard to come to terms with it. I know blacks are a minority. How many black actors have been nominated? Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Whitney Houston, Ray Charles, Halle Berry, Effie White, Beyonce Knowles...I would go on, but that would be destroying my point by separating people by race. It's just not the point I'm trying to make.

At 2/19/08 07:20 PM, fli wrote: I'm sorry, but I can't hardly see why White people feel so indignant about one measly month (which is, consequently, the shortest one of the year! Save the leap years...) where we have a concentration on the contribution of Black people.

Like I've said before, it's not that I feel indignant about it. The whole month is about showing how blacks in history have been strong for the right of equality. However, by separating the month like this, it makes inequality.

All these missing bits-- they've eschewed our knowledge of History. That's why we have all these ethnic history months so that we can truly benefit from not only a complete education, but also an education that is compassionate.

I understand your point. I see what you're saying, but I disagree.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-19 19:44:02

At 2/19/08 07:20 PM, fli wrote:

:: I'm sorry, but I can't hardly see why White people feel so indignant about one measly month (which is, consequently, the shortest one of the year! Save the leap years...) where we have a concentration on the contribution of Black people.

Erm Feb is the shortest even in a leap year.

I'm not upset about one measly month. I'm upset at congress wasting their time writing resolutions declaring Women's history month, Irish-american heritage month, Jewish heritage month, Black History month, and every other sort of month.
If you want to learn about the great additions blacks have made to this country, do you need congress to waste their time naming a month for it? Have them spend money on adds for it? Come on. If your curious google search it. Its not congress' job to shamelessly pander to a bloc.


I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.

BBS Signature

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-19 20:46:57

I find black history month is a way to recognize the weak and unimportant based on the color of their skin. If a black historical figure is truly great, their legend will live on and be recited far outside the bound of a month for all black people. Martin Luther king never becomes famous on BHM, then sinks into obscurity 11 months of the year. Every single day is Black History Day for MLK, because he is an African American who made a lasting contribution to America which we acknowledge every day.

Hahahahahaha, LiveCorpse is dead. Good Riddance.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-19 23:09:02

Fuck this double standard bullshit either every one can make fun of every one or every one can SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not Forgive. We do not Forget. Expect us.


Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 04:25:25

I myself believe that all races should have their own month.

I can say without a doubt that every "Major categorized race" has had people that have played major roles in our society and way of life within the world.

I think that the reason why black history month was even made was for the American society to reimburse the African-Americans for how they were treated 40-150 years ago. This is a nice gesture and all, but let me remind you it has been quite some time since then and I believe that now we should incorporate the other 3 "Major categorized races" into some other random months to be fair and equal as a nation and as a people.

Better yet instead of being insistent on being seperate, why not instead change black history month into "Celebration of diversity month", or something along those lines.

Just my 2 cents.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 10:03:12

At 2/19/08 04:57 PM, fahrenheit wrote:
At 2/19/08 01:00 PM, WoogieNoogie wrote: Let me know if you agree or disagree with my statements here.
Recognizing the top black actors and actresses may be seen as racism to some, but to many black people that identify themselves as black instead of American see it as awarding the good actors and actresses of their culture.

It's weird that people who were born, raised and continue to live in America wouldn't consider themselves American...

It also seems kind of weird that it needs to be a certain month for people to learn about those who've contributed to their country, why can't you just be multi-cultural throughout the whole year? Why do you need to make certain months revolve around certain ethicities?

Life's a bitch with a score to settle.

BBS Signature

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 10:29:15

...ok, I'm not gonna touch this.

Not even with a ten-foot pole.

When all else fails, blame the casuals!

BBS Signature

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 12:35:30

There is no official month [or months] dedicated to 'White people'

World history, DOES NOT COUNT as white people. Just because it's not black, doesn't mean it's automatically white, and insinuating it as such is a great way to create paranoia and racial tensions.

facilitating differences in 'black culture' and 'white culture' is segregation, as far as i am concerned.

I'd much rather have a Bill Cosby month.

On a moving train there are no centrists, only radicals and reactionaries.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 13:27:42

I think Whites do have their own month.

The entire year!

Well-a Everybody's Heard About the Word, Tha-Tha-Tha Word-Word-Word the Word is the.....

BBS Signature

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 13:28:49

At 2/20/08 12:35 PM, SmilezRoyale wrote: World history, DOES NOT COUNT as white people. Just because it's not black, doesn't mean it's automatically white, and insinuating it as such is a great way to create paranoia and racial tensions.
facilitating differences in 'black culture' and 'white culture' is segregation, as far as i am concerned.

There you go! Exactly what I'm talking about.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 14:00:02

I have to say, if we had a White History Month everyone would shit bricks, so I agree with this thread.

Hello, I see the assassins have failed.



Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 14:04:56

I think anything with the title "Black" tacked in front of it is wrong.

It only furthur serves to seperate race rather than bring it together. The black race get so far in civil right, but they don't want to share it with anyone of another race.

This might sound stupid, but...the black man is keeping me down.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 14:37:34

I would say that every other month is white male history month, and the history of black issues and women's issues is very important, very pertinent to today's society, and also particularly interesting.

I guess if white kids aren't getting it and view it as another way of black pressure groups taking the piss (I guess I don't even get your problem with it, really; easy to pen it to racism but probably incorrect, maybe that it seems like an extension of the liberal agenda schools always push) and reckon there should be a specific white-male-history month, where they teach things that aren't covered the other 11 months, then I suppose the attempted social engineering is having the exact reverse effect and it should be scrapped. But I don't see the problem. And you should still learn about black history and women's history.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 14:44:14

Give me an example of an event of TV program dedicated to something strictly and deliberately 'white person related'

On a moving train there are no centrists, only radicals and reactionaries.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 14:58:59

Why have a month aimed at anybody? Why not just have history end of? No black history month or anything like that, it only causes arguments of it not been fair.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 15:21:49

At 2/20/08 02:44 PM, SmilezRoyale wrote: Give me an example of an event of TV program dedicated to something strictly and deliberately 'white person related'

well the thing is, Black History entails some interesting subjects that should be broached. There would be no need for white history, learning about the British or Roman Empire or Europe or Egypt or whatever doesn't need to have a racial label attached. But learning about the history of a certain race's ancestors, does.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 15:40:56

The concept of any racial history month, or indeed a gender month, as a way of promoting things is flawed.

If you really want to promote 'black history' or whatever then don't only give it a special period, make it the norm that's it's studied all year round as part of school curriculums. Have the same sor tof hsows that get shown in Black hstory month shown all year round. That way the concept gets exposure all eyar round and also doesn't act as a kind of segregation.

Seriously, black history month can affectivley be viewed as governments saying ' meh, we realise you won't shut up until we do something, so we'll throw you a bone but won't actually change aything'.

Recognising any form of racial difference in regards to history is pointless as it does nothing but further reinforce the ' them and us' thought process by acknowledging that there is a perceived difference.

Quite honestly, the fact we have to have a month for 'Black History' is rather sickening to me as it just shows that even though we like to think of ourselves as being progressive and advancing away from the segregation of the past, we still haven't actually escaped it, and in some ways, view people of other races to be ' different' still.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 15:47:19

At 2/20/08 02:37 PM, Earfetish wrote: I guess if white kids aren't getting it and view it as another way of black pressure groups taking the piss (I guess I don't even get your problem with it, really; easy to pen it to racism but probably incorrect, maybe that it seems like an extension of the liberal agenda schools always push)

It's odd you should mention that...I actually went to a conservative-agenda school. I don't find myself taking liberal views, and I tend to be against them. I don't really see this as an agenda issue...just something I feel strongly about.

But I don't see the problem. And you should still learn about black history and women's history.

Of course. I know of alot of history, and alot of American history is made by black individuals. However, I find taking a month to set apart one ethnic group's history a way of segregation. Saying that every other month is white history or women's history...it just makes no sense to me. I've learned about many black historical figures, and none of that time was during a Black History Month commercial or website. It was in my history books from Kindergarten through my graduating year. Martin Luther King Jr., George Washington Carver, Harriet Tubman, Louis Armstrong, Jackie Robinson...I've learned about all of these people before I even got into high school.

Most of what I've learned is how some of them have promoted race equality, and have dedicated their lives to make sure civil rights are not infringed. However, by putting things like "Black History Month", "Black Movie Awards", and the like are excluding any other race. Making them unequal. And I can guarantee if anyone put in a "White History Month" or "White Movie Awards", excluding any other ethnicity, it would be racist.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 15:50:38

yeah I agree with all that. The arguments seem all over the place here. Some people seem pissed off at the concept of black history.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 15:53:29

At 2/20/08 03:50 PM, Earfetish wrote: yeah I agree with all that. The arguments seem all over the place here. Some people seem pissed off at the concept of black history.

Yeah, I find that a little racist. I support black history...just not the segregation of the month.

Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 16:03:51

to have one month completely dedicated to the history of one race specifically is fucking stupid. I also think it's stupid for black people to get paid for their ancestors being slaves. You didn't have to go through slavery, why the hell should anyone pay you? Slavery was horrible, but guess what, it's over, so shut up.

Hello, I see the assassins have failed.



Response to I don't support Black History Month 2008-02-20 16:13:41

I'm so sick of this. Everyone says this at one point(me included regrettably). There's always this "why is black history month/black power/black pride/black TV stations etc. ok, but if white people do it it's bad?" question. The answer is obvious if you think about it.

Think about all the things white pride and white power ideas have been responsible for. Just think, and you'll have your answer.

Not that I believe black pride etc. is any better as a matter of principal, but it's obvious why that's accepted while white pride etc. is frowned upon.

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