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Favorite drinks?

4,371 Views | 116 Replies

Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 15:58:09

Hey guys,

Just wondering what your favorite drinks are (other than alcohol)!

Mine would have to be either Grape soda, or chocolate milk




Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 16:12:03

(Sigh) I can't believe I have to bump as the 3rd post :(.


Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 17:15:15

Hmmm mind would be a vanilla shake :).

There is Heaven

There is Hell

And then there is Heck

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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 17:20:21

Moon Mist.

Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 17:20:55

7up, it's a classic.

Baby Britain.

Xbox Live Gamertag: JackFrustration - PSN: JackSawyer

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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 17:21:06

Probably Coca-Cola, but after drinking 10L of it in the past week I'm kinda getting sick of it.

Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 17:21:08

At 10/20/07 03:58 PM, Greth-of-destruction wrote: Hey guys,

Just wondering what your favorite drinks are (other than alcohol)!

Mine would have to be either Grape soda, or chocolate milk

Are you 5 years old?

The all seeing eye

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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 17:21:16

Peanutbutter milk shake :D
That stuff is the greatest.

Order one at DQ, you wont be disapointed.

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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 17:23:01

Ice-cold mocha latte. In a can, even, if I can get it.

"A man asked me for a quarter for a cup of coffee so I bit him."

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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 17:53:02

Instant coffee.


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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 17:55:31

Mountain dew,Green tea from sobe or Dr.Pepper

Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 17:56:09

Sprite 4 life .

Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 17:56:44

Vanilla Italian Soda

Me? Pretentious? Noooooooooo.

Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 17:59:49

shit i was gonna say rum, but the other would have to be a good old fashioned diner chocolate shake

A vagina is really just a hat for a penis.

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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 18:02:25

My own creation.... A Double Barrel.

Take shots of any two of your favorite drinks, and line them up. Six shots above, six below. Then consume, alternating one to the other. Guaranteed to get you F-ed up!

You can only do it once a night, and only haredened Drinkers don't puke it up.

Yeah...... I invented it. But I don't recommend it. If you're stupid enough to go for it, you do so at your own risk.

(Most Bars won't even serve that $#^% up to you).

Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 18:20:34

Kiba !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the people who dont know what KiBa is :
KiBa stands for Kirsch-Banane which is german and means Cherry-Banana.
Its an awesome mix of the two concentratet juices^^

For every game created, a new gamer is born. : GAMERS WONT DIE!!!

For every gamer born, a new game is created. : Rock Reigns The World

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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 18:24:26

Tap water and bottled water.

And yes, I'm serious

Get your life back!

--- "Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one", Friedrich Nietzsche ---

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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 18:25:14

At 10/20/07 05:19 PM, MickTheChampion wrote: Placenta.

Wow feel the edge on that I'm so humourous.

Explain how that fuking makes a lick of sense... tintin35

Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-20 18:55:42



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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-22 03:05:06

ice-coffee and coke

damn i love it

a "good" friend bails u outta jail


a "real" friend sits next to you sayin: "damn that was fun"

Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-22 03:06:56

Energy drink and coke mix.

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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-22 03:10:37

Oh God it's so good...

Favorite drinks?

Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-22 03:43:25

Non-alcoholic: Mango-papaya milkshake!
Alcoholic: Tequila! Straight! \m/

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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-22 03:47:24

Good old Mountain Dew, Snapple Earl Grey Tea, and NOS energy drink.


Current Medal Score 49220. Ranked:90th +12

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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-22 03:59:15

Horse Jism

I put the FUN in dysfunctional.

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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-22 04:00:31

Grape soda
Mountain Dew
Pepsi Max

A great website. Another great site. A third one.

Click my sig image to go to Acid's Website.

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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-22 04:01:58

See, over here in the Philadelphia area, we have a convenience store called Wawa that makes their own drinks. They happen to make my favorite drink of all time: Wawa Ice Tea-Lemonade. For those of you who aren't local, I suggest making a pilgrimage just to taste this sweet ambrosia.

My friends who go to college elsewhere usually stock a cooler full of Wawa beverages before they leave to last em a couple weeks. Luckily, I have a Wawa right on campus.

Sig by BlueHippo / User Icon by CosmicDeath.

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Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-22 04:19:54

At 10/20/07 05:55 PM, mastergurosp wrote: Dr.Pepper

You sir are now my idol.

Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-22 04:20:14

Lemonade always strongly appealed to me.

Response to Favorite drinks? 2007-10-22 04:54:08

coca cola