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Sketchbook Tour 2007

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Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-16 07:20:53

So you have like a list of winners for different things? Can you display that here or on your website site?

Oh wait, my mobilleee is ringing.

Gorilla Studios || A game is like sex, its better when its free

BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-16 09:34:40

At 5/16/07 07:20 AM, Gorilla-Studios wrote: So you have like a list of winners for different things? Can you display that here or on your website site?

Frankly the whole awards thing was a joke... i didnt think people would take it seriously but you all are so whatever ill manage. I'll list the winners of things when the submission period expires.

PLEASE PUT YOUR NG SCREENAME ON THE BACK OF YOUR PANEL. its the only way people will be able to put a face with your art. Do you not want credit for it?

If you are running late but sending off your stuff this week send me a PM ... if i dont get a pm from you and it arrives next week then youre getting bumped out.
Emergencies happen but you have to let me know to wait for you.



BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-16 23:28:19

I just sent mine out today. It'll get there early next week if not this weekend. Enjoy!

BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-17 01:34:43

Lol the awards have prizes?

LOLOLOL do I win a real glob of feces for the worst packaging award?


No more animated sigs. :(

BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-17 08:33:56

At 5/16/07 09:34 AM, Luis wrote:
PLEASE PUT YOUR NG SCREENAME ON THE BACK OF YOUR PANEL. its the only way people will be able to put a face with your art. Do you not want credit for it?

NG screen name... BEHIND THE PANEL? Well, i did sign my panel on the front, so yeah thats my screen name and you know that :P I only wrote my real name behind it, not the screen name. Just telling you logically to use my sign on the front and that you dont need to worry about my real name written behind it, thats all xP

please for gods sake dont use my real name as the heading for my artwork x_x

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-17 12:21:17

did I put my name on it?
Yeah I did.
Last year I put my name, this year I think I did my alias...

If i didn't, it's the one with the paintbrush.

..::Flash For Breakfast::....::Indie::...::Albino Cop::....::Epic Riffs::..

BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-17 14:59:11

Did you receive my PM?


Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-17 17:36:49

must be australian shipping day..

entries arrived from:

ShirtTurtle (thnx for stickers)

also got an entry from
jmtb02.. whoever he is.


BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-17 19:50:11

At 5/17/07 05:50 PM, ChocolateMooseClock wrote: I sent a pm the 5th of may and I didnt get a panel yet...wtf

There is no more entries available. The requests were handled last month. That phase is over. All panels are gone. Sorry to you and the 20 billion other people who keep pming me.


BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-17 20:56:40

Yo Luis, I pm'd you my info, hopefully it's not to late to join

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-17 20:58:49

At 5/17/07 08:56 PM, SpaceWalk wrote: Yo Luis, I pm'd you my info, hopefully it's not to late to join

oh crap i guess I am to late, damn :(

sorry for douple post

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-19 22:19:39

Entries arrived from:

Kirk Cocaine - thanks for the mothers day gift
Senti - thanks for the cd


At this point the project is over, anyone that has panels coming in next week that were already in transit will be accepted but beyond that your out.



BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-19 22:54:06

At this point the project is over, anyone that has panels coming in next week that were already in transit will be accepted but beyond that your out.

finaly cant wait to see it on flash


BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-20 11:21:09

At 5/19/07 10:19 PM, Luis wrote: At this point the project is over, anyone that has panels coming in next week that were already in transit will be accepted but beyond that your out.

Whew, glad to see this is over and done with. Man, over 2 months since the first post about this was made and it's finally done. It's amazing that so many god there in one piece...actually, how many DID actually get back to you, compared to how many you sent out?

BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-21 23:20:26

Some last arrivals:



As I mentioned, if you had emailed/PMed me last week letting me know to wait for you then i am... if you are still sitting on your ass then youre gonna get shut out.

Now that we're at the end I'll share what im doing, basically everyone will make it to the online version of it. In regards to the print version of it, it'll probably be the best 30 or something. Since its not a book this year each panel will be tiled to each other and if you picture this quilt of panels thats sort of the idea im going for, once I get this 10x20 quilt or whatever i'll send it off to the printer and depending on the costs of it i may print a small run, if i see its too pricey then i'll just make a few limited numbers like 5 or something and give those to the people who really busted their ass on their panels. And itll be available for viewage at the comic con as usual.

I'm going to talk to Tom about maybe giving out some ng goods to really cool entries that came in this year as a sort of thanks for the effort in this gargantuan project/headache.

As for the online version, I may get with FrostedMuffins to create something more interesting and robust than last year.

In terms of numbers, i suspect I'm gonna top out at 65-70 entries out of the 101 sent out.
Not bad. I'll definately do things a little better next year, like put a deadline on the instructions and other finer points. Overall i'm pleased. Thanks to everyone.


BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-21 23:58:55

At 5/15/07 07:28 PM, Rudy wrote:
At 5/15/07 06:27 PM, Luis wrote:
At 5/15/07 05:44 PM, KaynSlamdyke wrote:
At 5/15/07 04:55 PM, Luis wrote: New Arrival and current title holder of most rediculously excessive packaging
It beat two new paperback novels? :(
yeah.. he spent alot of money on getting this over here... lord knows why.
I guess he really wanted that NG T-shirt you were giving away for most best packaging award.

I just wanted it to arrive on time, being tardy with pretty much everything this year and that was the only option available that would definitely get there for Friday.

I'm slightly insulted by the 'lord knows why', or is the insinuation that my panel's a piece of shit unintentional?

Anyway, I'm glad to have won the best packaging award as a side-effect. When do I get my prize?

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-22 00:13:51

Ehh.. did mine not get there?
Oh well, it's probably for the best then.

This sig is 100% effective protection from all hexes, curses, evil spirits and bad karma. Guaranteed.

BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-22 00:17:55

At 5/22/07 12:13 AM, BlackmarketKraig wrote: Ehh.. did mine not get there?
Oh well, it's probably for the best then.

Got yours one page ago pay attention.


BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-22 00:39:29

At 5/22/07 12:17 AM, Luis wrote:
At 5/22/07 12:13 AM, BlackmarketKraig wrote: Ehh.. did mine not get there?
Oh well, it's probably for the best then.
Got yours one page ago pay attention.

Sorry, sir. I thought I was all caught up in the thread, apparently I wasn't. <3

This sig is 100% effective protection from all hexes, curses, evil spirits and bad karma. Guaranteed.

BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-22 02:06:16

At 5/22/07 12:39 AM, BlackmarketKraig wrote: Sorry, sir. I thought I was all caught up in the thread, apparently I wasn't. <3

Don't apologize to Luis. He works at a car wash.

BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-22 02:16:57

At 5/22/07 02:06 AM, NegativeONE wrote: Don't apologize to Luis. He works at a car wash.

At his day job ;).

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-22 07:35:40

At 5/21/07 11:20 PM, Luis wrote: As for the online version, I may get with FrostedMuffins to create something more interesting and robust than last year.

What a jip. I tell you now, this 'Frosted Muffins' fella isn't the bees knees you know, bit of a 'dry sap' if you get my blesssing. Christ almighty.


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-22 11:29:02

At 5/19/07 10:19 PM, Luis wrote: Kirk Cocaine - thanks for the mothers day gift

No problem big guy. I thought it'd make up for the lame-ness of the panel if I gift wrapped it.

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-26 13:13:55

I hope there will be another year again, i sure enjoy making these entries xP And next time, i WILL do better, especially since ive already improved a lot in skills recently :D

i wonder if Luis' budget will hold for another year tho...

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-26 16:06:59

At 5/22/07 07:35 AM, Mogly wrote:
At 5/21/07 11:20 PM, Luis wrote: As for the online version, I may get with FrostedMuffins to create something more interesting and robust than last year.
What a jip. I tell you now, this 'Frosted Muffins' fella isn't the bees knees you know, bit of a 'dry sap' if you get my blesssing. Christ almighty.

i couldn't agree more


BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-26 18:16:16

Just an update, i did some numbers earlier this week and the most economical and worthwhile option would be to not tile these for the real life version but to make a small run of books that people could buy if they felt like having it.. by small run im talking like 12 books ... id give one to newgrounds, one to mogly or whomever was gonna help with the online version and then one to the panel i enjoyed the most.. the rest would just be available to whomever felt like buying it.

To have 12 full color books printed turns out is more economical than one gigantor poster.
I think itd been cool to have a giant poster but i think its cooler for people to have the actual book to keep forever as something they were part of.

Will post a final lineup next week.



BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-26 19:39:51

At 5/26/07 06:16 PM, Luis wrote: To have 12 full color books printed turns out is more economical than one gigantor poster.

...'cuz free isn't economical? :P

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-26 21:52:25

Maybe have people front the money for copies... its not a bad idea.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-26 21:58:49

At 5/26/07 09:52 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Maybe have people front the money for copies... its not a bad idea.

well i think 12 is a good number for a first run.. im already giving 3 of those 12 away.. and whatever ones arent bought out im gonna take to comic con.

If there is some sort of huge demand then ill just have more printed.. but i sort of like the scarcity of it.. makes it more collectors item-like...

Im going to have stamper design the cover


BBS Signature

Response to Sketchbook Tour 2007 2007-05-26 22:27:14

At 5/26/07 09:58 PM, Luis wrote: Im going to have stamper draw a cock on the cover

He will, y'know.

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