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I dumped a chick

4,338 Views | 79 Replies

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-04 01:29:16

Same thing happened to me, with the friends I mean. Chicks suck.

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-04 01:39:49

At 2/4/07 01:28 AM, No-oneSpecial wrote: You're pretty stupid, sure she's nervous about that stuff but when they like you enough they will get curious. Being that impatient can't be healthy.

Im just talking about before, she was uptight with it

And i waited a while because i wanted it to be special, but i got suckered into it by peer pressure, and i could tell she wasn't happy, I know it was a mistake, and it seemed like she was fed up with me.

I broke up over msn, and i guess at the beginning of the convo, she was talking in metaphors, kind of hinting at, i think it would be better if we were friends, and her friends were saying to me at the same time, has michelle (broken heart) you yet?

so im thinking, shit, this can't happen now, but i guess she decided without telling anyone she liked me too much and couldnt break up with me. i guess i did it because i thought she'd be cool with it.

And i didnt think relationships get too deep in grade 9, so i didnt think she would cry at all

Every possible situation can be bashed through with a complex series of lies.

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Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-04 02:34:11

At 2/4/07 01:39 AM, Gnarly wrote:
At 2/4/07 01:28 AM, No-oneSpecial wrote:
I broke up over msn, and i guess at the beginning of the convo, she was talking in metaphors, kind of hinting at, i think it would be better if we were friends, and her friends were saying to me at the same time, has michelle (broken heart) you yet?

There goes what inkling of being saved you had left. Jesus Christ, it's a huge blow to be dumped over MSN.

Jesus Christ, you let her become comfortable with kissing at her own pace, not at yours. When she's ready, she would have let you know.

Don't worry over dating or pushing people into things they're not comfortable doing just yet. I was 16, and I was immensely uncomfortable touching my ex--we never held hands, I initiated hugs, and we didn't kiss until at least 4-5 months into our relationship. I was always tense, and I'm highly the opposite with a lot of people.

You should have given her time instead of being such an idiot and dumping her for being uncomfortable.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Tsukino Usagi of the NG /a/ {Sig by cast}

A ninja may be fast, but my dick is faster.

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Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-17 01:15:11

Well, its done with now, its been about 2 or more weeks, and she's wanted me back twice and both times been no'd. Its now at the point where she's actually stopped calling me on the phone.

And ive moved on to a different girl

Every possible situation can be bashed through with a complex series of lies.

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Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-17 01:25:13

Don't you think that was slightly harsh?
Perhaps even shallow?

I think you should have waited a bit.
Some chicks are just nervous or shy the first few days. Even weeks.

She obviously really liked you...
I certainly hope you weren't an ass about it.

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Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-17 01:29:56

At 2/4/07 12:45 AM, GrimmJimmy wrote:
she was a greener(never done stuff with guys) <~~~

take the V-Card

Fuck that shit...

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-17 01:30:12

rofl they pulled your hair?
sometimes i almost miss middle school. then i remember shit like that happens lol

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Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-17 01:33:33

to people who say i had no patience, 2 months of, like, first date akward.

on the first date we saw santa claus 3 with tim allen +o(

Every possible situation can be bashed through with a complex series of lies.

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Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-17 01:39:28

Dude, she's shy. That's why she shuts up around your friends, that's why she's "a greener," and that's why everyone in this thread now thinks your a douchebag. You should respect her for herself, instead of dumping her because she's not as slutty as you wanted her ta be.
Anyways, sucks for you.

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Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-17 01:44:13

the term greener bothers me... i always think of weed for some reason.....

Fuck that shit...

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-17 01:44:32

yeah, she's too shy for me, i gave her 2 months to get less shy towards me, but it was the same, it hadn't even like started holding hands, let alone kiss on the cheek.

and i know im gonna get flamed for it, but
after 4 days, me and my other girl are farther than me and the girl i dumped were in 2 months
not rushing it, but we got like holding hands and speaking to eachother in person down, unlike when it was akward to be alone with my other gf

Every possible situation can be bashed through with a complex series of lies.

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Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-17 01:56:19

say that again, in language a 14 year old can understand

Every possible situation can be bashed through with a complex series of lies.

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Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-17 02:05:02

This is fucking idiotic, it's sad that you are so shallow and pathetic, luckily it sounds like your relationship did not advance far... like most of your relationships in the future... enjoy your virginity.

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-17 15:13:20

your a fucking asshole fucking hell woopty dee her friends didn't like you my ex's friends hated me and they were apparently my fucking friends but not anymore and then i got dumped so im sure she felt like fucking shite oh yea i like you and all but your friends well they're just being a**holes YOU'RE NOT GOING OUT WITH THEM! fucking hell! oh and im 14 act your fucking age god man!

I've covered wars, yknow.

BBS Signature

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-17 15:23:56

r u stupid? ur only 14 u dnt need to do stuff with her. and those were pretty lame reasons for breaking up with her

Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

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Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-17 15:29:34

You should have talked to her about the problems you two were having.

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-18 03:19:41

Im thinking, i didnt really have feelings for her any more, so i thought i'd do it sooner, before she got more attached, i felt the sooner i did it, the less it would hurt her

Every possible situation can be bashed through with a complex series of lies.

BBS Signature

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-18 03:23:24

At 2/4/07 12:45 AM, GrimmJimmy wrote: but damn, i guess i made her cry, and she hasnt spoke to me in 2 weeks, in 1st period her friends walked over and pulled my hair without saying a word.

Drop thumbtacks down they’re throats when they go to sleep at night.

I am Darknessium, I do not forgive, I do not forget.

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Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-18 04:07:07

At 2/17/07 03:13 PM, leekspinner wrote:

:! fucking hell! oh and im 14

i'm shocked.

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-18 04:08:38

At 2/4/07 01:03 AM, bigbadron wrote:
At 2/4/07 12:59 AM, Gnarly wrote: yeah im 14, grade 9, and i'm not shallow.
she was a greener(never done stuff with guys)
she was nervous about trying stuff

yeah, that's not shallow at all.

Sarcasm at its best.

I am Darknessium, I do not forgive, I do not forget.

BBS Signature

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-18 04:23:26

Ahem, advice from an 18-year-old girl, so pay attention:

She's not worth it. You're effing 14. Relationships at your age should be fun. Girls who think having your arm around her is "going too fast" are neurotic headcases. She'd just whine and overdramatize everything and in the end, you'd look back on a relationship where you were nauseaus 98% of the time.

Go out with that chick who likes you. High school freshmen are SUPPOSED to move on quickly.

At 2/4/07 01:07 AM, mattfreidelsoad wrote: You sick son of a bitch. How dare you refer to women that way, If any guy hits a women, they deserve to be beaten. The fact that you would even consider doing something so horrendous makes you an aweful person. Women are much more than sex objects, and should be respected.

Dude, they're 14. She's not a woman yet, she's a girl. Men can't hit women, but boys can hit girls. She pulled his hair! She was asking for it. Saying he can't hit back is sexist.

Oh, and honestly, don't any of you remember when you were a freshman? I'll bet a billion yanni that you all were horny, shallow bastards.

Prove me wrong.

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-18 04:33:38

At 2/4/07 12:47 AM, bigbadron wrote:
At 2/4/07 12:45 AM, Gnarly wrote: yea, this chick ive been making a big deal out of this entire time, i dumped her, like i really dumped her badly for these reasons in this order
you are a shallow faggot.

I second that grow some balls man

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-18 04:44:24

At 2/18/07 04:23 AM, EcilaSrennah wrote: Ahem, advice from an 18-year-old girl, so pay attention:

*Is Interested*

Go out with that chick who likes you. High school freshmen are SUPPOSED to move on quickly.

Nai. Head. listen to this person.

Oh, and honestly, don't any of you remember when you were a freshman? I'll bet a billion yanni that you all were horny, shallow bastards.

I know I was.

Prove me wrong.


Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-18 06:59:34

Why dont you just swear off women, you know, express yourself, get a rainbow colored wrist band...lol

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-18 07:28:25

Sorry but... You sound like a right bastard.

My reasons are this.

she wasnt talkative and would just shutup when friends of mine walked by

Ever thought thay may she was shy? Maybe she was afraid of saying something stupid, because you guys do make us nervous.

she was scared to tell her folks

Ever thought that her parents didn't like her having a boyfriend.. and that they were strict and over-protective?

she was a greener(never done stuff with guys)

So what. She's inexperienced.. Do you even know what it's like when a girl loses her virginity? DO YOU?!? No you fucking don't.

she was nervous about trying stuff

Everyone's nervous at trying new stuff.. if you're not used to it you do get scared.

i hate her friends with a burning passion

So? You weren't dating her friends.

do they try to make you feel guilty, or is it just me, because i wish i could just go back

It's fucking both you idiot.
The way you've treated her is cruel... You've expected sex and shit from her. Stuff she probably is not any where near ready to do.

How long was you even with her?

You can be a paedo to me any time - Amaranthus

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Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-18 07:51:22

oh... I though it said "I took a dump on a chick"


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Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-18 08:25:27

At 2/18/07 07:51 AM, Jizzlebang wrote: oh... I though it said "I took a dump on a chick"



You can be a paedo to me any time - Amaranthus

BBS Signature

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-18 08:29:35

There are four letters in a word you should know...
- OMG!!! WOAH! uhhh... just... uh nevermind...

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

- George Carlin

BBS Signature

Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-18 08:38:40

Lol, that'll teach you.
Next time you'll think twice before getting a gf.


Response to I dumped a chick 2007-02-18 09:49:33

If theres no sex on tap then theres not all that much point in a girlfriend at a young age.

But dumping her in a fucked up way isnt really excusable. If you only had your hair pulled then you got off lightly.

I remember when one of my friends was dumped harshly by some prick. Firstly he dumped her giving her a lot of abuse. Then he started spreadin rumours about her i.e. she gave him an STD. Shes a nice girl and didnt want to retaliate with rumours of a small cock in retaliation.

When we finally caught up with him she was really depressed about the whole thing. Kicking the utter shite out of him cheered her up a lot.

Bottom line is, you should apologise to her for the way you dumped her. (gives you the moral high ground if it goes any further as well)

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