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Would you like to be a mod?

100,864 Views | 1,605 Replies

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 02:03:55

i would like to be a forum mod. i am active. i make good choses. etc.

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 02:08:29

At 2/16/08 11:22 PM, XxTheWorldIsYoursxX wrote: I've always wanted to ban someone.


Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 02:16:11

Nope, I don't want t be a mod. I have enough taking care of my own websites.

But I wanted to say hello to everyone.

BBS Signature

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 04:02:43

Review mod because i personly like to cheek review before waching / playing any games here

hey hey hey this is the j to the a to the r,r to the m to the o to the m to the e JERROME


Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 04:04:52

well i would like to be a forum mod but not now!

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BBS Signature

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 04:23:48

At 10/16/06 11:31 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Okay, this is a bit out of the norm, but I thought it could be fun. I know users always ask us if they can help out with the site, be a mod, etc. Normally we frown on users who request special status as it's us...

Please Wade Fulp make me a Forum Mod please please come on.

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 04:30:18

Reason why i want to be a forum mod.
1.Those gay and porn threads make me angry.
2.Ive seen some people are linking to some stupid games so stupid like Havoc City and Torn City.
3.I dont know.
4.I dont know.

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 04:38:45

would like to be a forum mod
i spend loads of time there so ill be efective

underage users there so easy to spot LOL

BBS Signature

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 04:45:21

I'd like to be a forum moderator. I have plenty free time, and I know the community. Due to my timezone, I'm on on times when there are normally few mods online.

I haven't spent that much time here recently, but if I were a mod, it would probably be an incentive.

Also, I'm not sure if I've posted here before, since this is an old topic, I don't think I have, though. If I have, I appologise.

I don't take revenue from my profile.

TV Tropes Wiki

BBS Signature

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 04:53:40

At 2/17/08 04:52 AM, FBIpolux wrote: Aww, someone bumped this thread.

Always a good laugh in here :)

You're a big jerkface meanie. I think some of the people that posted here should seriously be considered.

Why is it that a man can't hold another man's scrotum in the palm of his hand (as an act of friendship) without risking being called a member of the homosexual community?

BBS Signature

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 05:32:01

Im mostly here on forums when i have free time.

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 05:49:02

i will probably never be mod

im not the best of thousands.....

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 06:53:32

Forum Mod,I lurk alot and am on every day,and I am just damn right awesome.

Oh. Gooby.

BBS Signature

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 07:08:12

I would most likely be better being a forum moderator...
I spend so much time nearly everday reading, posting, and reading other user's posts and I ALSO KNOW THE RULES! so i know what to delete IF i do become one


BBS Signature

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 07:15:08

I'm on newgrounds usually twice, three times a week, just lookin round the forums for topics that interest me, not ones like "hey, some guy told me that one you get to level 20 your dick grows, is it true?"

So I guess I could contribute to the forums as a forum mod, but then again, i'm fair lazy.


Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-17 07:15:34

i want to be a reviem mod cuz i've seen some bad one's

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-19 02:49:59

i dont want to be a mod because id probley abuse that power and then id eventually be kicked from newgrounds.

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-19 03:02:50

God, this is some sad shit. But absolutely hilarious.

What mods actually got modded from this topic? I think I saw kidray but I'm not sure who else...




BBS Signature

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-19 03:05:33

1. Audio Mod
2. Review Mod

My first choice would be an audio Mod because I do Audio instead of Flash and because I am constantly hearing about how people have not been 'cleared' yet. I think that with more audio mods, this 'problem' could be cleared up (im not accualy sure that people are telling the truth, but it seems consistent enough).
My second choice of review Mod would be because there are WAY too many people out there who think that they can leave something like: 'ur song/flash is teh suck', 0 it, and then run off. I often try to promote (in the audio forum) giving the artist something to work on, and something you liked about the piece. Im sure that I could help to get rid of stupid reviews around the portals.

Times online:
Because I live in New Zealand (bottom of the world), I am often on from 10:00pm to 4:00am Eastern Standard Time. This means that I could moniter the site during the night when most people would be asleep and catch possible 'night time' attemts at breaking the rules.

My Music | Me | F-777 | Kr1z | Audio Portal | For teh lulz ^^

BBS Signature

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-19 03:14:09

At 10/16/06 11:31 PM, WadeFulp wrote: So if you had the chance, which type of mod would you like to be? Keep the reponses professional, and on topic. Also indicate what time, or times, you are most active on Newgrounds and how much time you spend on the site. Basically your response should be like an essay, stating what type of mod you'd like to be, and why you'd make a good mod.

I'd have to be a forum mod, unfortunately it would be that or nothing, as it's where I spend the majority of my time. I'm active around 4:00PM GMT to around 9:00PM, I think I'd make a good ,mod because I often find myself in a position of responsibility in real life, and I think I could handle the responsiblility with care and not "lose it" and go on banning sprees *BigBadRon*, and unlike the current mods, I wouldn't lock topics just because I don't like it.

The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls.

BBS Signature

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-19 03:21:44

I would love to be a forum moderator. :3
I help people out if they need it.
And I am experienced with how things run around in these here parts.


BBS Signature

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-19 03:27:32

meh im fine with any type of moderator position if u think im good enough

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-19 04:17:40

If you have spare time and would be willing to help out Newgrounds, what kind of moderator would you most like to be? If you'd like to be more than 1 type of moderator, say a forum mod and a review mod, then list which one you'd want to be the most, followed by your 2nd choice, and if you want 3rd and 4th choices. The choices are forum mod, review mod, audio mod, and icon mod.

i would love to be a furom mod if that were at all ppossible i spend almost all my time on the furums

(\__/) This is Bunny. come to my userpage

(O.o)click my sig for speacial suprise I HOPE YUO LIKE IT

(> < )

BBS Signature

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-19 04:58:16

i know I havent got many posts under my belt, and I havent submitted many flash, but I've only just started using my NG account again after re-discovering the awesomeness that is NG =)

anyway, I would really like to be a forum moderatior because it is where i spend most of my time when I'm on NG, and it really annoys me when i see some of the idiots who post utter crap on here, anyway

im from england so im usually active from about 12:00pm GMT to about 6:00pm EST

I hope it isnt too late to be posting on here

say what???

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-19 04:59:28

At 2/19/08 04:58 AM, robb91 wrote: I hope it isnt too late to be posting on here

It's about 2 years late.

And Wade won't consider you. Trust me.

BBS Signature

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-19 05:19:19

At 2/19/08 04:59 AM, Searp3nt wrote:
At 2/19/08 04:58 AM, robb91 wrote: I hope it isnt too late to be posting on here
It's about 2 years late.

And Wade won't consider you. Trust me.

was worth a shot ;)

say what???

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-19 06:57:24

Mods are over-rated. I'm happy amongst the majority. I'll let the rest of you fight it out.

May the biggest nerd win.

-Insert Sig Here-

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-19 07:04:30

At 2/19/08 06:58 AM, Yamor wrote: This thread is dead guys, its never going to work so just give up.

But its all some people have left, its all they have left anymore

Drop Ya Pants and Grind, with M to the C

The Greatest Story Ever Told

BBS Signature

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-19 07:07:10

I'd rather not be a mod of a shitty site like this.

Response to Would you like to be a mod? 2008-02-19 07:12:33

At 2/17/08 07:15 AM, hamz10 wrote: i want to be a reviem mod cuz i've seen some bad one's

if you have sawn so many why do you still have bronze whistle?