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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2007-07-01 21:25:08

At 7/1/07 09:19 PM, Dr-HyakuNinGiri wrote: How are the categories named? Is it for the Japanese version of words?

I'm not sure. Some are obvious (like /h/ and /a/), but /y/ was taken (for Yaoi) so Yuri unfortunately received one of the more inexplicable names.

I don't get any Yuri vibe from the series...

The Yuri vibe is subject to opinion and only thrives on cheap fanboy/fangirlism, like damn near everything on 4chan.

I get a pedophile vibe....in my pants! Damn!

Fail joke is fail.

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-01 21:32:33

At 7/1/07 09:25 PM, Gendo wrote:
I get a pedophile vibe....in my pants! Damn!
Fail joke is fail.

Darn. And here I thought thinking no pedophile joke could miss, though I guess "in my pants" only works with fortune cookies and stuff like that.

Or maybe it just needed a "clean" picture!

Anime Club

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

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Response to Anime Club 2007-07-01 21:33:24

I've been watching Cromartie High School. It's pretty funny. The first episode was hilarious.

At 6/28/07 03:28 PM, KermitTheMuppet wrote: Anyone know the series Soul Hunter?

I found out about Soul Hunter when I first got my Orphen DVDs and saw a trailer for it, which must have been when I was somewhere from 12 to 14. I've never seen Soul Hunter, though.

At 7/1/07 03:31 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: 3. Blue Gender box set

I miss that show. I'll get it on DVD some day. All of my money is probably going to be wasted on CDs and Xbox 360 games for a while.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Anime Club 2007-07-01 21:39:31

At 7/1/07 09:32 PM, Dr-HyakuNinGiri wrote: Darn. And here I thought thinking no pedophile joke could miss, though I guess "in my pants" only works with fortune cookies and stuff like that.

"In my pants" only every worked for Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law, and even then it was only funny once.

Or maybe it just needed a "clean" picture!

I must admit I snickered.

At 7/1/07 09:33 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: I've been watching Cromartie High School. It's pretty funny. The first episode was hilarious.

Excellent series, a personal favorite of mine.

Picked up some new animu today...
Robotech volume 4 (the oldschool discs, not the remasters)
Naruto: Uncut Box Set Vols. 1 and 2 (They were piss cheap, and Jim will love 'em, plus it's one of the few recent anime series I can get my sister to watch

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-01 21:45:41

Cool, New Fist of the North Star is on again on Showtime Beyond East. Beats the endless stream of Chrono Crusade's last episodes and Peacemaker.

At 7/1/07 09:39 PM, Gendo wrote:
Naruto: Uncut Box Set Vols. 1 and 2 (They were piss cheap, and Jim will love 'em, plus it's one of the few recent anime series I can get my sister to watch

Hey, whatever can get them into anime. Better something safe like Naruto than something crazy like Excel Saga, FLCL, or Elfen Lied that will give them a bad first impression of anime, like people who have only seen stuff like DBZ (which is a good series) and think all anime is like big hair and people screaming.

Though only ignorant people would think that....which is sadly a large amouth

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-01 21:49:32

At 7/1/07 09:45 PM, Dr-HyakuNinGiri wrote: Cool, New Fist of the North Star is on again on Showtime Beyond East.

Fuck, how I hate Canadian TV....we'd never be lucky enough to get something that epic.

Hey, whatever can get them into anime.

She (and Jim) are already into anime. But my sister sticks strictly to oldschool stuff (Lupin The 3rd and Urusei Yatsura especially) and Jim's taste is all over the place (obscure and mainstream, old and new) but he's a huge Narutard.

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-01 22:51:43

At 7/1/07 10:43 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote:
At 7/1/07 09:49 PM, Gendo wrote:
and Jim's taste is all over the place (obscure and mainstream, old and new) but he's a huge Narutard.

Must be a big one too if even you can't get him to stop being a fan of it.

Oh, it's not that hard to fix a Narutard that you know in person. You just hit them till the stupid falls out.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-01 22:52:54

At 7/1/07 10:43 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote:
Must be a big one too if even you can't get him to stop being a fan of it.

Well he probably isn't a sheep whose opinion changes whenever someone says something negative about a show he watches.

Well Chapter 281 was interesting. Grimmjow's release looks nothing like I would have though, with it being very Proud Fist-ish.

Since I wouldn't want to SPOIL anything for ALL those BLEACH fans in the club:

Anime Club

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-01 23:18:57

At 7/1/07 11:05 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote:
Okay.........but the bigger question is...did he go super Saiyan?

Super Saiyan 3 would have made more sense, because of the long hair. And it has been known he could release for a LONG time, it wasn't like he was loosing and got this mysterious burst of energy. He's tried releasing it before also.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-01 23:30:57

At 7/1/07 10:51 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Oh, it's not that hard to fix a Narutard that you know in person. You just hit them till the stupid falls out.

It's not that easy.

I've tried verbally abusing him, physically abusing him, logical arguments, none of it works.

At 7/1/07 10:52 PM, Dr-HyakuNinGiri wrote: Well he probably isn't a sheep whose opinion changes whenever someone says something negative about a show he watches.

Oooh, kitty's got claws...

I'm actually going to side with the good Doctor on this one. He raises a very valid point.

Since I wouldn't want to SPOIL anything for ALL those BLEACH fans in the club:

*Giggles loudly to self*

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-01 23:35:14

At 7/1/07 11:30 PM, Gendo wrote:
At 7/1/07 10:51 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Oh, it's not that hard to fix a Narutard that you know in person. You just hit them till the stupid falls out.
It's not that easy.

I've tried verbally abusing him, physically abusing him, logical arguments, none of it works.

Logical arguments? We're talking about a show where "ninjas" wear bright orange and yell a lot. I admit I liked it in the beginning, then stuck with it for a while due to my sheer level of perseverance, but logic plays no roles in the lives of most fans.

Since you have already listed the normal ways to get a fan out of it, there is one choice left. The language that they understand. The language of love. The language of EXPLOSIVES!


BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-01 23:38:48

At 7/1/07 11:35 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Logical arguments? We're talking about a show where "ninjas" wear bright orange and yell a lot. I admit I liked it in the beginning, then stuck with it for a while due to my sheer level of perseverance, but logic plays no roles in the lives of most fans.

I know, such people are beyond reason....

I'd just give up, but I managed to get another friend who was even more hardcore than him to stop watching it.

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-01 23:42:15

At 7/1/07 11:35 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote:
Logical arguments? We're talking about a show where "ninjas" wear bright orange and yell a lot.

Who needs to be secretive when you can create a vortex in your hand and can hide behind a sheet with a picture of wood planks on it?

They totally should have upped the gore and had the Rasengan get shoved into someones stomach and just explode the fuck out of them! Sanga from Fist of the North Star style!

Since you have already listed the normal ways to get a fan out of it, there is one choice left. The language that they understand. The language of love. The language of EXPLOSIVES!

And IF you want a less loud and destructive approach there is always...


Anime Club

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

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Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 01:24:14

At 7/1/07 09:45 PM, Dr-HyakuNinGiri wrote: Hey, whatever can get them into anime. Better something safe like Naruto than something crazy like Excel Saga, FLCL, or Elfen Lied that will give them a bad first impression of anime,

They are more 'esoteric', not plain crazy.

Unlike Naruto, many 'higher level' shows make plenty of reference-based jokes such as Genshiken's occasional referencing to Guilty Gear, Gundam, and many other cultural icons which shaped the golden age of Animation.

Even the short Puni Puni Poemy has Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Gundam and even Dragon Ball references that not all viewers can catch on their first view unless they are exceptionally familiar with mentioned parodies and gags.


As for Naruto's case, the Naruto games do have references to Kamen Rider (Double Dynamic Entry = Double Rider Kick), Johtaro's famous line said by Asuma (same voice actor) and several others I most likely missed out.

like people who have only seen stuff like DBZ (which is a good series)

It is a good series, but it is because the typical idiot weeaboo have no idea when it was made.

Back in the 1970s and 1980s, time travel and shapeshifting was quite a new addition and served as interesting elements to a story unlike today where the standards which qualify as 'deep' are much higher than before (of course).

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 01:38:23

At 7/2/07 01:24 AM, HaroFreak wrote:
At 7/1/07 09:45 PM, Dr-HyakuNinGiri wrote: Hey, whatever can get them into anime. Better something safe like Naruto than something crazy like Excel Saga, FLCL, or Elfen Lied that will give them a bad first impression of anime,
They are more 'esoteric', not plain crazy.

Well to someone who hasn't really watched anime, they would appear crazy. And I kind of meant crazy, not as a description of the show, but as in someone making a crazy answer.

Also, I don't know what esoteric means and don't care enough to look it up.

Even the short Puni Puni Poemy has Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Gundam and

They should also watch Excel Saga before it anyways, since Poemi is the ultimate level of in-joke.

As for Naruto's case, the Naruto games do have references to Kamen Rider (Double Dynamic Entry = Double Rider Kick)

Is the Double the only thing in common? Or do they at least look alike? I've never seen Kamen Riders.

I think I will try to get the new
Narutimate Hero 4 game this summer. 2 & 3 were fun. The 2nd came out in the US recently, though I don't know why they changed the name of the series to Ultimate Ninja...

Also need that God of War II. PS2 still kicks ass.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 02:15:01

At 7/2/07 01:38 AM, Dr-HyakuNinGiri wrote: Also need that God of War II. PS2 still kicks ass.

I have God of War II, and it does kick ass. I also need to get that topselling Wand of Gamelon game I've been hearing so much about.

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 02:24:08


inside joke.

[ woman vocalizing ] [ man speaking backwards ] last.fm

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 02:48:20

At 7/2/07 02:31 AM, Akatsuki321 wrote:
At 7/2/07 02:24 AM, Jigen wrote: <43.

inside joke.
For now on please post at least seven words or more good sir.


Oh hey lol an inside joke I made with Gendo, lol.

[ woman vocalizing ] [ man speaking backwards ] last.fm

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 04:20:25

At 7/2/07 01:38 AM, Dr-HyakuNinGiri wrote: Also, I don't know what esoteric means and don't care enough to look it up.

Esoteric, as in 'only appeals or understandable by a specific group of people'.

They should also watch Excel Saga before it anyways, since Poemi is the ultimate level of in-joke.

It was the 'leftovers' of the budget, wasn't it? Since it had nothing to do with Rikudo asides from the Menchi cameo.

Is the Double the only thing in common? Or do they at least look alike? I've never seen Kamen Riders.

The way Maito Gai and Rock Lee wear their protectors resemble the Kamen Rider belts for one, though the "Dynamic Entry" attack is clearly homage to Rider Kick; pose, angles and all.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 05:27:52

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 14:38:02

At 7/2/07 02:21 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: ....Ah for fucks sake why was i included in that story? Now i need to leave the damn Naruto RP crew.

You make it seem like it's a bad thing, or have you become tsundere for Naruto now?


On a more lighter note, my lost piece of luggage has FINALLY arrived after a week of delay due to 1000+ pieces of retained luggage according to the British Airways report.

So here is some advice for everyone who dares to plan a trip within Europe again; never fly British Airways. They may get you and your luggage eventually, but chances are that it'll come up damaged*.

* I even had my Wii and drawing tools in there. Thank God that Nintendo and Deleter makes tough electronics and tools.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 14:52:50

At 7/2/07 02:48 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote:
At 7/2/07 02:38 PM, HaroFreak wrote:
Im starting to think it is, im done with that series for good.

lol @ tsundere reply

Hell and yet i always wanted to visit the U.K. , those bastards lied to me in those commercials then.

Just fly Quantas, Virgin or Cathay instead and choose your destination to be London. That way, you can avoid flying via British Airways for smaller areas like Manchester or Birmingham.

Just be prepared to spend a lot on food (family restaurants are horribly expensive), especially since you cannot provide your own cooking there. Though it has not been a problem for me since I'm a hobby chef *Cue TROMBE theme here*.

But some Subs at Subway are fine too.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 15:10:09

At 7/2/07 03:06 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: But i don't say i hate it yet still secretly have a softspot for it.

Oh really now.

Pfff no one can defeat the awesome/ godly taste of subway subs.

Except for experienced home cooking. Ranging from soy-sauce fried noodles, beef lasagna, croquette and even pizza* are just some of many dishes I can make.

* In before Soldat J makes a complaint.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 16:00:23

At 7/2/07 03:10 PM, HaroFreak wrote:
At 7/2/07 03:06 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: But i don't say i hate it yet still secretly have a softspot for it.
Oh really now.

Pfff no one can defeat the awesome/ godly taste of subway subs.
Except for experienced home cooking. Ranging from soy-sauce fried noodles, beef lasagna, croquette and even pizza* are just some of many dishes I can make.

or maybe, I want a sub made by someone else. people who live with people who don't cook and are extremely clumsily and therefore cannot cook, can't experience home cooking to a full extent.


[ woman vocalizing ] [ man speaking backwards ] last.fm

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 16:21:38

At 7/2/07 04:04 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote:
At 7/2/07 04:00 PM, Jigen wrote:

Ever considered buying Haruhi merchandise online? It's the only thing i can think of without getting it off a convention.

I spent hours looking for it. Try it yourself.

[ woman vocalizing ] [ man speaking backwards ] last.fm

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 16:34:49

Anime games have a stigma of being bad...cus many of the ones that come out here are. Though "many" is a relative turn, so if there are a 1000 anime games, 250 could be good.

Some games, like Bleach: Blade Battlers, are about average, though the anime aspect is what gets fans to buy it. If it was just a fighting game, it wouldn't be all that great, but getting to play as Bleach characters is what makes it fun.

This is NOT true for the Narutimate games (or at least 2 & 3). It could just be an original fighter with original characters and would be really fun. It is one of those fighting games that mashing buttons won't help, and those who have more experience are much better than new players...which is how fighting games SHOULD be! Once you play for a while, using Substitution becomes easy, and then playing someone else who can use it effectively becomes tricky. And with 52 different characters, though some are different versions-Cursed Seal 2, Drunken Fist, etc, but even then there are around 40 different characters, which is pretty good for any fighting game. And 21 stages to fight in.

That wasn't suppose to be a rant about how awesome the game is, I was just trying to explain some things.

Why are anime games sub-par so often? Is it because developers think the novelty is enough to compensate? Or maybe the whole generalization is wrong?

Is SRW in America yet, or are they still catching up? Seeing the Alpha videos and other stuff with Genesic-Goldion Crusher, Ideon, and Gunbuster for the PS2 (i think) makes me want to play it, though I only see Japanese text on the videos.

PS: Grimmjow's release is Grind, Pantera

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

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Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 17:36:43

At 7/2/07 05:22 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote:
None of the characters are tricky, all you do to win is use there specials for about 2-3 times. The ones for the gamecube and Wii are much better but the controles are too simple and some of the fighters fight the same way.

You didn't need to quote the whole damn thing.

Have you even played Narutimate Hero 2 or 3?
I didn't say the characters were tricky, I said playing against someone who can also use Substitution well is tricky, since just hitting them can be difficult. You'd have to be playing someone who isn't very good to pull of a special more than twice, since they can be simply blocked or avoided, and you would have to be pretty bad if after 2 specials you couldn't win.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 20:39:35

At 7/2/07 01:38 AM, Dr-HyakuNinGiri wrote: Also, I don't know what esoteric means and don't care enough to look it up.


At 7/2/07 02:24 AM, Jigen wrote: <43.

inside joke.



eBay and J-List are your friends.

Just go back from Blockbuster, with....
Galerians: Rion (Dead sexy OVA series, CGI is mindblowing considering its age)
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo vol. 1 (FLAWLESS)
Captain Harlock: The Legend Returns vol. 1 (Geneon's official name is "Herlock", but I fucking refuse to call him that)

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 20:45:25

At 7/2/07 08:39 PM, Gendo wrote:
At 7/2/07 01:38 AM, Dr-HyakuNinGiri wrote: Also, I don't know what esoteric means and don't care enough to look it up.

Heh. Reminds me of Family Guy.

Lois: Peter quit being so esoteric.

Peter: Esoteric... hmm...

Businessman: Guys guys you're all looking at this the wrong way. Esoteric means delicious.

Peter: Lois, Who's the Boss is not a food.

Brian: Swing and a miss.

Anyways, Family Guy quote aside, I never knew there was another Naruto game besides Ultimate Ninja and Clash of Ninja. Interesting.

Response to Anime Club 2007-07-02 20:47:54

At 7/2/07 08:45 PM, Twilight-Knight wrote: Heh. Reminds me of Family Guy.

Oh, fuck off.

Anyways, Family Guy quote aside, I never knew there was another Naruto game besides Ultimate Ninja and Clash of Ninja. Interesting.

How out of the loop are you? What goddamned cave do you live in, boy?