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Playstation Empire

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Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 15:05:15

Black-Flame are you willing to take up position of Spy? If so you will be working with Geohunter and ojmosher.
You just have to PM people with warnings if they are inactive or being abusive.

cos shotgun bullets are bad for yo health.



BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 15:15:01

At 1/19/07 02:59 PM, Black-Flame wrote:
At 1/19/07 12:06 PM, Odyssic wrote:
The Wii looks great but will probably get repetitive or annoying or something.

I don't hold the Revolution in such high esteem... at least in the graphics department (though its new name, ergo "Wii", isn't very pleasing either...). I hear it's become quite popular, though.
I only played it once, and it was the Wii Tennis. I did like it, but I can't take the new controller. People say I just can't adapt to change, though they forget that I can just think it looks superfluous, if not sissy.

I hear there's a flight game that released for the PS3, and though I want to wait till the first price drop, I hear it's good also. What is it.. Ooh, there are TWO!
"Warhawk" and "Blazing Angels... something something of WWII".
Cool. Resistance: FM as I said earlier looks pretty sweet, also.
I guess if I had to say, my fave genres are FPS and Air Combat.

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 15:22:22

The Wii is a console that has tried hard and got results, but in the long-term its not what people want...people want good graphics, familer gameplay and good games; the Wii may have game play, but it does get repetitive. And the games are easy, thus the market will slowly drift away and go for the PS3 or the 360...give it a couple of months.

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 15:35:20

At 1/19/07 02:59 PM, Black-Flame wrote:
Too bad there isnt that many new releases this time of year.
I'm saving my money for FF XII, screw any 360 games.

From watching my brother play it I can point out only one major problem. The fighting. The fighting is stupid. "Oh I just attacked and now I have to wait five seconds to attack again!" That's bullcrapp. They should do what Star Ocean did (or does, if they are gonna make more). It should be you can attack whenever you want.

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 15:37:30

At 1/19/07 12:00 PM, Marsupial wrote:
Good idea. What was the PS2 motto?
It was "Live in Your World, Play in Ours."
Wow that's a good one, I like it but I don't like ripping of their one so I'll have to think about it...

I wasn't suggesting a motto.

I swear if they make that their motto I might not even buy the PS3. That has got to be the dumbest motto I have ever seen.
A bit dramatic don't you think, it's not enough to put me off, even though it is dumb.

At least I won't buy it for like another year. I'm gonna get the 360 this year's Christmas. There is no way that my parents would let me get a $600 system. Speaking of price, when are they going to drop it?

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 15:39:26

At 1/19/07 03:05 PM, Marsupial wrote: Black-Flame are you willing to take up position of Spy? If so you will be working with Geohunter and ojmosher.

You guys have ranks and jobs here? Please explain.

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 15:48:28

At 1/19/07 03:22 PM, ojmosher wrote: The Wii is a console that has tried hard and got results, but in the long-term its not what people want...

That is exactly what I was thinking. I'm still gonna get it.

At 1/19/07 03:05 PM, Marsupial wrote: Black-Flame are you willing to take up position of Spy? If so you will be working with Geohunter and ojmosher.
You just have to PM people with warnings if they are inactive or being abusive.

Alright, but I probably wont have much time on my hands for the crew.
Especially not this weekend, only get the chance to deposit.

At 1/19/07 03:09 PM, Odyssic wrote: Yeah but Marsupial wants him back.

I'd say there's a 50% chance he'll come back if Marsupial PMs him.
If others PM him too there's a better chance.
Regardless of how annoying he is, I think I'd prefer him back.

I never play the PS2 anymore, so I don't know if i'll get Okami.

I never play it anymore either.
But, I'm gonna keep it for the good games that come out for it, eg, God of War 2.

I like the 360, my brother just got Lost Planet.

That looks awesome! I was wondering whether I should get that now or wait until FF comes out and get that.

GoW is the best, I wish I had XBL.

Oh, you SHOULD get it!
It's not that expenisve after the initial costs if you dont have the equipment.
So fun! But enough about the xbox.

Too bad there isnt that many new releases this time of year.
I'm saving my money for FF XII, screw any 360 games.
I heard its good.

Yeah, it looks brilliant and I'm a firm fan of the FF series.

Gamertag: BlackFlameNG Xbox 360 Club

Gamerscore: 25,275- last updated 23/February/09

Steam ID: BlackFlameNG

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 15:50:18

At 1/19/07 03:37 PM, Lopezinator wrote:
At 1/19/07 12:00 PM, Marsupial wrote:
Good idea. What was the PS2 motto?
It was "Live in Your World, Play in Ours."
Wow that's a good one, I like it but I don't like ripping of their one so I'll have to think about it...
I wasn't suggesting a motto.

I know... It's a good motto was all I said.

At least I won't buy it for like another year. I'm gonna get the 360 this year's Christmas. There is no way that my parents would let me get a $600 system. Speaking of price, when are they going to drop it?

Same, they will probably drop the price after a year or 9 months. Although it is unknown.

cos shotgun bullets are bad for yo health.



BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 15:53:25

cos shotgun bullets are bad for yo health.



BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 16:12:33

At 1/19/07 04:04 PM, Odyssic wrote:
At 1/19/07 03:48 PM, Black-Flame wrote: I'd say there's a 50% chance he'll come back if Marsupial PMs him.
If others PM him too there's a better chance.
Regardless of how annoying he is, I think I'd prefer him back.
Lol, I like it that you don't like him but you want him back.

Well, he'll wisen up and will probably become a great member but right now he is annoying.
He's getting better already though.

I never play it anymore either.
But, I'm gonna keep it for the good games that come out for it, eg, God of War 2.
Isn't that out yet? I thought it was alreally out.

No, it's out sometime next month.

That looks awesome! I was wondering whether I should get that now or wait until FF comes out and get that.
I just go for the reviews, whatever is better rated just get it. I haven't played it yet.

I often do that but it is often right.
Different tastes often.

Oh, you SHOULD get it!
It's not that expenisve after the initial costs if you dont have the equipment.
So fun! But enough about the xbox.
I like the "Nice" quote in the game. Like you kill a Berserker and all he says is "Nice."

Haha! Best quote in it.
I frag-tagged a boomer and it blew apart and he said that.
I love it!

I heard its good.
Yeah, it looks brilliant and I'm a firm fan of the FF series.
I never get the FF series, like FF7. I never complete it

Well, they are confusing a lot the time and some tend to drag out but once you've completed it they're well worth it.

Gamertag: BlackFlameNG Xbox 360 Club

Gamerscore: 25,275- last updated 23/February/09

Steam ID: BlackFlameNG

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 16:42:47

At 1/19/07 04:22 PM, Odyssic wrote:
At 1/19/07 04:12 PM, Black-Flame wrote: Well, he'll wisen up and will probably become a great member but right now he is annoying.
He's getting better already though.
Yeah I guess.

I was kinda liked that before I made 50 posts but I'm much better now.
He will get better but between now and then is still gonna be a while and I'd say it'd be better for him to learn in the general forum first.

No, it's out sometime next month.
Oh I must of heard about it somewhere else.

I read it on GameSpot. That reminds me! I have another crew to post in over there.

I often do that but it is often right.
Different tastes often.
Hmm I got a game called Fahrenheit, I didn't read the review for it. I played a demo and I got the full game so I played the first part of the demo I loved it. I got the game, it was bullshit.

Ooh! That must've sucked hard! I'll download the Lost Planet demo later and try it out.
I did that with Dead Rising and it wasnt too bad.

Haha! Best quote in it.
I frag-tagged a boomer and it blew apart and he said that.
I love it!
I just to join the XBOX 360 club and GoW crew but I don't have XBOXLIVE, so theres no point.

Well, there still is a point! There's lots of people in the GoW Crew who dont have it like DumbassDude. I should know! Co-Leader of the GoW Crew (sig).

Well, they are confusing a lot the time and some tend to drag out but once you've completed it they're well worth it.
I love the ending on all the FF game, I still want to see the ending on FF7.
10 is my favorites.

That was a pretty awesome ending! You could just watch it on the internet (youtube) if you cant be bothered completing it.
FF 10 was my favourite FF game and the story was so interesting.
Pretty good ending too.

Gamertag: BlackFlameNG Xbox 360 Club

Gamerscore: 25,275- last updated 23/February/09

Steam ID: BlackFlameNG

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 17:16:14

At 1/19/07 05:07 PM, Odyssic wrote:
At 1/19/07 04:42 PM, Black-Flame wrote: I was kinda liked that before I made 50 posts but I'm much better now.
He will get better but between now and then is still gonna be a while and I'd say it'd be better for him to learn in the general forum first.
I guess we all were.

Yeah, if you stay on NG for a while you start to see what you were doing and learn from your mistakes. I'm glad I was on a something else when I was like twelve first. That helped.

Ooh! That must've sucked hard! I'll download the Lost Planet demo later and try it out.
I did that with Dead Rising and it wasnt too bad.
It did, I like Dead Rising but I guess it gets boring.

Yeah, I found it was kinda boring and I didnt know what to do other than repetitively hit zombies.

Well, there still is a point! There's lots of people in the GoW Crew who dont have it like DumbassDude. I should know! Co-Leader of the GoW Crew (sig).
I joined, :)

Yeah, I added you straight away. Because you're such a big exception.
I normally let it pile up first and take them all at once.

That was a pretty awesome ending! You could just watch it on the internet (youtube) if you cant be bothered completing it.
FF 10 was my favourite FF game and the story was so interesting.
Pretty good ending too.
Yeah the story is the best, I like the characters and battle parts.

The summons were brilliant! Very unique and different!
Instead of several minutes of cut scene you get to use them.
The sequel wasnt great. Reminds me that I have to complete it.
And that reminds of me I have to complete FF9 again.

Gamertag: BlackFlameNG Xbox 360 Club

Gamerscore: 25,275- last updated 23/February/09

Steam ID: BlackFlameNG

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 17:33:42

At 1/19/07 05:23 PM, Odyssic wrote:
At 1/19/07 05:16 PM, Black-Flame wrote:
I joined, :)
Yeah, I added you straight away. Because you're such a big exception.
I normally let it pile up first and take them all at once.

I want you to post often, soldier!

The summons were brilliant! Very unique and different!
Oh how come I forget the summons, the second best part of the game.
First is the ending.

Oh, but of course! The graphics are still amazing!
Did you get all of the them?

Instead of several minutes of cut scene you get to use them.
Yup, oh yeah I forgot to say. How hard is the end boss!

The sequel wasnt great. Reminds me that I have to complete it.
I want to play it again.
I just might.

I'm gonna because I want all the story. I got really curious (and bored) ages back and tried to complete it. I got stuck near the end.

And that reminds of me I have to complete FF9 again.
I played that, but only the first disk.

First disc kinda sucked but it gets better.
I'm on like disc 3 but I havent played in several months.

Gamertag: BlackFlameNG Xbox 360 Club

Gamerscore: 25,275- last updated 23/February/09

Steam ID: BlackFlameNG

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 17:51:34

I've noticed that the last 10 posts werre by us two.

At 1/19/07 05:41 PM, Odyssic wrote:
At 1/19/07 05:33 PM, Black-Flame wrote: Oh, but of course! The graphics are still amazing!
Did you get all of the them?
Yeah, I got them all.

The Magus Sisters were awesome. I remembe when the red one in my game took 99,999 points for every attack.

I'm gonna because I want all the story. I got really curious (and bored) ages back and tried to complete it. I got stuck near the end.
I use Bahamut all the time for the end boss.

They arent in FF X-2.

First disc kinda sucked but it gets better.
I'm on like disc 3 but I havent played in several months.
I like the first disk. I love the first disk on all the FF because theres like fun and stuff and after that its all fighting.

I know what you mean. Lots of story, often cut scenes and all the stuff.
I like when the story develops and you people are good.

Oh yeah, can you do Blitzball on FFX?

Yeah, I find it really easy and I had a really good team but I cant remember it anymore.
*writes down the he has to play FFX again aswell*

Gamertag: BlackFlameNG Xbox 360 Club

Gamerscore: 25,275- last updated 23/February/09

Steam ID: BlackFlameNG

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 18:15:17

At 1/19/07 06:01 PM, Odyssic wrote:
At 1/19/07 05:51 PM, Black-Flame wrote: I've noticed that the last 10 posts werre by us two.
D thats good isn't it?

Yup! But I'm tired now so one or two last posts.
It's like 11 here and I got up early.

The Magus Sisters were awesome. I remembe when the red one in my game took 99,999 points for every attack.
Wow, overkill or what?

Yeah! It was so easy fighting bosses and dark summons.

They arent in FF X-2.
Yeah that sucks, Yuna (I think thats how you spell it) became a hunter didn't she.
I haven't played the game is so long.

Yeah, she did. That was the worse thing about the sequel.
No summons. Just not as fun but the dresspheres were pretty good.

I know what you mean. Lots of story, often cut scenes and all the stuff.
I like when the story develops and you people are good.
Say on FF8, theres more fun stuff to do and watch. Or on FF7 you go to a fun fair!

Lol, the fun fair is awesome! I didnt like FF8 so much.
I didnt like the character, story or summons so much.
Or the magic system.

Yeah, I find it really easy and I had a really good team but I cant remember it anymore.
*writes down the he has to play FFX again aswell*
I couldn't do it, I always lose.
Something like 1-5 to them.

Lol, I remember getting something like 12 in a match once.
That was one of my favourite parts of FF10.

Blitzeball (sp?) ftw!

Gamertag: BlackFlameNG Xbox 360 Club

Gamerscore: 25,275- last updated 23/February/09

Steam ID: BlackFlameNG

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 18:21:23

Wow, this page is stuffed with quotes, all about final fantasy...shame, I never got into the games, but im definatly getting XII.
Its late here to, and the powers was out for a while, so all my friday night had been wasted. Oh well.
Mars, look in OPS2, they critiscise the blue-ray. It says its not as big as jump as they thought.
Its also rumoured that the PS4 will be relesed in eleven+ years..the PS3 isnt even out for us yet!

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 18:50:09

See what I mean? "Regardless of how annoying he is"... "Annoying"... If you want me back, you'll just have to wait.

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 19:01:20

At 1/19/07 06:54 PM, Odyssic wrote:

He prefers you back.

Makes no difference to me. The damage was done. The milk was spilt, and I'm taking a break. Besides, you're the one who sent me a PM along the lines of:

"stop spamming clubs and crews and picture spamming everyones sick of it"

And that was the final nail in my coffin. I'm outta here for a while.

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-19 22:12:03

I just got Resistance Fall Of Man this evening. If anyone wants to play.....

Also, good work on the site. If I can be of any assistance (I can do some graphic designing and some HTML/CSS coding).

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-20 08:14:36

At 1/19/07 06:29 PM, Odyssic wrote:
Yup! But I'm tired now so one or two last posts.
It's like 11 here and I got up early.
Its 11 here as well.

Oh yeah! You live in England and I live in Ireland.

Yeah! It was so easy fighting bosses and dark summons.
I like the summon that the bad guy has, I can't remember his name. He wants to get married to Yuna.

Oh Anima. You get him off Seymour.
I havent played that in ages but remember most of it.

Yeah, she did. That was the worse thing about the sequel.
No summons. Just not as fun but the dresspheres were pretty good.
She has guns and everything, its a ok story but I wouldn't get it.
But I did. :(

Aww! I love the special dresspheres.
They're awesome. So powerful.
Its not a bad idea for a game. Just not right for FF.

Lol, the fun fair is awesome!
The bad thing about the is that cat character. It is good theo.

Yeah, I never used it. Kinda crappy. And annoying.

I didnt like FF8 so much.
I didnt like the character, story or summons so much.
Or the magic system.
My second favorites.

I might play that (TOO) again and see if I like it more.

Lol, I remember getting something like 12 in a match once.
That was one of my favourite parts of FF10.
Lol, I only win when I play the al bed
Is that how its spelled?

Hahaha! I think there's a"h" in there somewhere,
They suck anyway.

At 1/19/07 07:01 PM, MrCritical wrote:
At 1/19/07 06:54 PM, Odyssic wrote:
"stop spamming clubs and crews and picture spamming everyones sick of it"

And that was the final nail in my coffin. I'm outta here for a while.

So, you're quitting because you were spamming and people said you were.
I find you annoying myself because of some of your actions and how you seem to think.

I DID say I'd prefer you back. Not that I wanted you back.
Stop being an imature idiot and wisen up.

Gamertag: BlackFlameNG Xbox 360 Club

Gamerscore: 25,275- last updated 23/February/09

Steam ID: BlackFlameNG

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-20 08:19:36

At 1/19/07 10:12 PM, wwwyzzerdd wrote: I just got Resistance Fall Of Man this evening. If anyone wants to play.....

#1: Good game, good game...
#2: I think it was rated to have the best graphics on the PS3 so far. :D

O yeah, that game Okami or something like that was one of the best PS2 games so far rated by PSM.

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-20 08:38:31

At 1/20/07 08:19 AM, Seamonky wrote:
At 1/19/07 10:12 PM, wwwyzzerdd wrote: I just got Resistance Fall Of Man this evening. If anyone wants to play.....
#1: Good game, good game...
#2: I think it was rated to have the best graphics on the PS3 so far. :D

Not only that, it was rated BEST game in PS3 so far!

O yeah, that game Okami or something like that was one of the best PS2 games so far rated by PSM.

Okami is a brilliant game, it deserves that.

I have a question for any PS3 owners, did you have to line up? Could you have not got it from just preordering...or is it store policy?

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-20 09:06:15

At 1/20/07 08:14 AM, Black-Flame wrote: At 1/19/07 07:01 PM, MrCritical wrote:
At 1/19/07 06:54 PM, Odyssic wrote:
"stop spamming clubs and crews and picture spamming everyones sick of it"

And that was the final nail in my coffin. I'm outta here for a while.
So, you're quitting because you were spamming and people said you were.
I find you annoying myself because of some of your actions and how you seem to think.

I DID say I'd prefer you back. Not that I wanted you back.
Stop being an imature idiot and wisen up.

You know what, I was just going to take a break, now I'm never coming back. If you think I'm a spammer because I posted a funny picture, wow, you are the immature ones.

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-20 09:20:38

At 1/20/07 09:06 AM, MrCritical wrote:
At 1/20/07 08:14 AM, Black-Flame wrote: At 1/19/07 07:01 PM, MrCritical wrote:
At 1/19/07 06:54 PM, Odyssic wrote:
"stop spamming clubs and crews and picture spamming everyones sick of it"

And that was the final nail in my coffin. I'm outta here for a while.
So, you're quitting because you were spamming and people said you were.
I find you annoying myself because of some of your actions and how you seem to think.

I DID say I'd prefer you back. Not that I wanted you back.
Stop being an imature idiot and wisen up.
You know what, I was just going to take a break, now I'm never coming back. If you think I'm a spammer because I posted a funny picture, wow, you are the immature ones.

Well then never come back here and post because you are spamming because you are not "ON TOPIC". If you do post here again IT BETTER BE SOMETHING ABOUT PLAYSTATION or else i will contact a mod to give you a lovely hopefully 30 DAY BAN.

Well me i think my ps2 is breaking now that ps3 came out.

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-20 09:24:10

Hey everyone, just refreshing my actvity around here, being that it's been a while. Been out of the playstation world lately. mostly I'm playing some old PSP games, my ps2 is in repair and that sums it up for me on-topic

#1: Good game, good game...
#2: I think it was rated to have the best graphics on the PS3 so far. :D

Yeah Resistance caught my eye a while back I wonder how's the gameplay.
Also you do like that #1 #2 thing alot don't you?

At 1/20/07 09:06 AM, MrCritical wrote: You know what, I was just going to take a break, now I'm never coming back. If you think I'm a spammer because I posted a funny picture, wow, you are the immature ones.

Frankly I'm sure none of us could care less about you leaving. if you're still posting here waiting for an apology you won't get it. Please stop filling this thread with useless posts.
Have a nice day

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-20 11:49:26

Wow we have been posting haven't we? Keep up the good work.
US is really getting annoying seeing as I've got to go around saving loads of civilians before I can carry on with the main story.

cos shotgun bullets are bad for yo health.



BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-20 11:51:07

At 1/19/07 04:04 PM, Odyssic wrote:
I like the "Nice" quote in the game. Like you kill a Berserker and all he says is "Nice."

Ehh. It depends I guess.

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-20 12:03:04

Oi, MrCritical might be coming back, and he is pretty busy and upset with personal stuff aswell so any bullshit and I'll ban you. He made a mistake and you guys took it too far. Don't let it happen again.

cos shotgun bullets are bad for yo health.



BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-20 12:13:48

Sorry for not being on for awhile. ive had alot of crap to do with law school and i am very busy. but i just wanted to check-up on my favorite empire.


This important message brought to you in-part by: Lulz, Homo, and Suck it.. Thank you.

BBS Signature

Response to Playstation Empire 2007-01-20 12:15:12

I'm back. I'm sorry that I exploded, but I have a lot of issues with my family... But let's focus on the positives:

-I'm back
-My sister has The Fray How to Save A Life (It's awesome)
-I have an e-mail, it's in my sig
-I got candy from my librarian yesterday
-I have a new outlook on my life... sort of

Well, anyone, feel free to send me a PM or an E-mail, I don't care.

BBS Signature