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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2004-11-07 15:28:50


Shut up!! I'm praying for a terrorist to kill every single Star Syndicate member! ^_^

Response to NG Church 2004-11-07 15:30:45

At 11/7/04 03:18 PM, DivineCrusader wrote:
At 11/7/04 03:13 PM, Joic wrote: you still haven't lost the thouch mate...Come here and let me put you in a headlock so I can mess up your hair....uhmmm...eerrr....I mean come here and give me a hug...yes a hug hehehe
Alas Joic, I'm afraid we'll have to settle with a handshake. Because I'm allergic to hugs. There I said it, I cant hug people...The shame. :)

*puts you in a headlock and messes up your hair*
HAHA insanity always prevails!

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Church 2004-11-07 17:08:04

Hello, everyone [I know]. Joic, I can see you're in here, too. And Hello, RabbidDog.

Well, I said I'd be here, and I'm here.

So... how does this work?

Response to NG Church 2004-11-07 17:10:09

At 11/7/04 05:08 PM, AngelisNoctum wrote: Hello, everyone [I know]. Joic, I can see you're in here, too. And Hello, RabbidDog.

Well, I said I'd be here, and I'm here.

So... how does this work?

Oh, right. That guy up there who said something like "bible toting screwballs"? Well, I'm not going to say what I think, because I'm in church, but I'm sure anybody associated with the NG Mafia knows what I'm talking about.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-07 20:07:25

At 11/7/04 10:18 AM, Joic wrote:
At 11/7/04 05:46 AM, elkrobber wrote: You are all bible toting screwbags...

I'd rather be a Bible-toting screwbag than merely a screwbag. At least in the end, I have something to hope for. Why, may I ask, do you have a problem with...err...Bible-toters?

Response to NG Church 2004-11-07 20:07:47

At 11/6/04 05:35 AM, CapnJack wrote: You are absolutely right! What you said now is something I can accept, however if you can truly hear God, I would like to know how I can do the same.

As I have stated before, God speaks to all of us in different ways. This means that for one person God might talk to them in one way, but for the next person God might talk to them in some other way.

The best advice I can think of to give you on how you can learn to hear God is to, 'try to listen for a quiet voice in the very back of your mind.' That is how I hear what God tells me. However, before I was able to do that like I do now I had to learn to be 'spiritually enlightened' by my faith in God.

I also want to know if there is a purgatory, although I don't know if you can tell me that, but if He can't tell you that, then I just want people's opinions or evidence from the Bible. Is purgatory a myth or a reality?

Personally I believe that Purgatory does exist. Pugatory exists in many other religions besides the Catholic religion, this includes Hinduism, Buddism, Christianity, and also the anchient religion of the Egyptians.

While that alone presents no 'undeniable' proof of Purgatory's existence, it does serve as an example of just how widespread the belief of its existence is.

I also believe that Purgatory exists as 'a last chance to be fogiven by God and go to Heaven. That is because Purgatory exsists so that the souls of all of the people who have not been good enough to go to Heaven when they die can go to Purgatory, where their souls are cleansed of all evil so that they are pure enough to go to Heaven.

As for what God is telling me about Purgatory, I am hearing that, 'Purgatory only exsists to those who go to Purgatory, for they will be the only souls who know what it is like.'

I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-07 20:38:19

i think this is a really good idea since alot of people on ng dont believe

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Response to NG Church 2004-11-07 21:39:38

At 11/7/04 08:07 PM, Paladin_X wrote: Personally I believe that Purgatory does exist. Pugatory exists in many other religions besides the Catholic religion, this includes Hinduism, Buddism, Christianity, and also the anchient religion of the Egyptians.

I think you're wrong about that. I'm studying Hinduism at the moment and they believe that we are reborn on earth until we reach spiritual enlightment, then we can become one with "Brahman" or the World's Soul. Buddhism is simiilar in its beliefs.

While that alone presents no 'undeniable' proof of Purgatory's existence, it does serve as an example of just how widespread the belief of its existence is.

Well, there is no such thing as undeniable in this world. You can't be certain about anything. Besides, I do not follow beliefs just because a lot of people believe them to be true.

I also believe that Purgatory exists as 'a last chance to be fogiven by God and go to Heaven. That is because Purgatory exsists so that the souls of all of the people who have not been good enough to go to Heaven when they die can go to Purgatory, where their souls are cleansed of all evil so that they are pure enough to go to Heaven.

One can only hope.

As for what God is telling me about Purgatory, I am hearing that, 'Purgatory only exsists to those who go to Purgatory, for they will be the only souls who know what it is like.'

So how are people seperated from Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. What I mean is.. If to enter Heaven you need to be pure, and to enter Hell you need to reject Jesus, what kind of souls go to Pugatory? Oh and by the way, what did you think about Hell being in the center of the Earth like the "Lake of Fire" link in DivineCrusader's name suggests? Sorry if I'm bombarding you with questions... I do that to everyone lol. Just curious about your beliefs and why you believe them. I hope that one day I can get to a point where I have solid faith in something, instead of minor doubts about everything. God bless...

Response to NG Church 2004-11-07 22:16:12

At 11/7/04 03:25 PM, Angel_Ramiel wrote: "Beloved, let us love one another; for love is God." John 4:7

Dude I like this random Bible Quote thing you do. Keep it up.

Shut up!! I'm praying for a terrorist to kill every single Star Syndicate member! ^_^

Ok that was dumb.
1. Thinking of commenting the sin is just as bad as commenting the sin
2. Whats the big deal with the Stars?

HAHA insanity always prevails!

You is so crazy Joic

Hello, everyone [I know]. Joic, I can see you're in here, too. And Hello, RabbidDog.


Well, I said I'd be here, and I'm here.
So... how does this work?

Come as little or as much as you want. If you have questions about God or the Bible than ask and we'll try to help. If you have any ideas for sermons than please post them. Stuff like that.

Why, may I ask, do you have a problem with...err...Bible-toters?

Some people just dont make sense, alot of people hate the people who have faith. I dont understand why, it might be the inner peace one feels...

Personally I believe that Purgatory does exist.

It would be nice if Purgatory did exist, but I'm not going to rely on it.

i think this is a really good idea since alot of people on ng dont believe

Thanks man, feel free to come in whenever you want.

Oh and by the way, what did you think about Hell being in the center of the Earth like the "Lake of Fire" link in DivineCrusader's name suggests?

Actually I am courious as to what Paladin thinks about it also.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-07 22:24:56

Opps I forgot to ask my own question: Does anyone know the prayer that goes.

The Lord is my Sheperd, I shall not want
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall not fear for Thout art with me

Thats all I remember of it, If you know it can you post it or give me a link to a site with it? I really want to memorize this prayer.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-07 23:04:54

At 11/7/04 10:24 PM, DivineCrusader wrote: Opps I forgot to ask my own question: Does anyone know the prayer that goes.

The Lord is my Sheperd, I shall not want
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall not fear for Thout art with me

Thats all I remember of it, If you know it can you post it or give me a link to a site with it? I really want to memorize this prayer.

Although it is actually used as a prayer, it is actually a few verses in the book of Psalms. Chapter 23 to be exact.

Psalms 23:1
The LORD is my shepherd,
I shall not want.

Psalms 23:2
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters.

Psalms 23:3
He restores my soul;
He guides me in the paths of righteousness
For His name's sake.

Psalms 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil, for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Psalms 23:5
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.

Psalms 23:6
Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

And hi everyone. First visit for me.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-08 01:02:00

From now on every Sunday, (yes I know today is Monday, but let's just pretend it's Sunday) I'm going to post a random prayer and a very brief description of the person who wrote it.

St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226):

- Patron Saint of Animals and the Environment
- The founder of all Franciscan orders.

~ The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. ~

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where therer is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned.
and is it in dying that we are born to eternal life.



That's one of my favourite prayers. The story of his life is really inspiring and I recommend you all to read this: The life of St Francis .

God bless.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-08 19:35:33

At 11/7/04 09:39 PM, CapnJack wrote: I think you're wrong about that. I'm studying Hinduism at the moment and they believe that we are reborn on earth until we reach spiritual enlightment, then we can become one with "Brahman" or the World's Soul. Buddhism is simiilar in its beliefs.

I thought about that before including those religions in my previous post. The reason that I included those two religions in my list of religions that believe in purgatory in one form or another, is that according the beliefs in Hinduism and Buddhism earth 'could' be considered a form of 'Purgatory'. If you take a moment to think about it, it makes at least a little bit of sense.

I hope this clarifies what I what trying to say. ^_^

So how are people seperated from Heaven, Hell and Purgatory.

I believe that Heaven and Hell are each connected to earth through Purgatory, which is connected to earth.

What I mean is.. If to enter Heaven you need to be pure, and to enter Hell you need to reject Jesus, what kind of souls go to Pugatory?

The souls that go to Purgatory are the souls that are not pure enough to enter Heaven, but at the same time are not 'impure' enough to enter Hell. Basically those souls remain in Purgatory while the 'impurities' of their soul are removed, making that soul pure enough to enter Heaven.

Oh and by the way, what did you think about Hell being in the center of the Earth like the "Lake of Fire" link in DivineCrusader's name suggests?

I am not entirely sure if that is where Hell is located. What I am hearing God tell me right now is that, "Hell is not a physical location. At least not in the traditional sense anyways."
That means that Hell could be in the center of the earth, but on a different plane of existence so that it is safely sepparated from earth.

I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-08 20:22:31

Today's advice from Ramiel:

It's hard to give up something that you love most. Focus on other things rather on the same one.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-08 20:52:56

At 11/8/04 07:35 PM, Paladin_X wrote:
I thought about that before including those religions in my previous post. The reason that I included those two religions in my list of religions that believe in purgatory in one form or another, is that according the beliefs in Hinduism and Buddhism earth 'could' be considered a form of 'Purgatory'. If you take a moment to think about it, it makes at least a little bit of sense.
I hope this clarifies what I what trying to say. ^_^

Yes it does, I thought that is what you meant, but I just wanted to make sure. Anyway, at some points in my life I believed that our God is the God behind all Gods. In a sense, all religions believe in the same underlying God, but we have different interpretations of him. This would lead the Hindus, Buddhists, Native Indians and others to salvation. What's your (and anyone else's) take on this idea?

I believe that Heaven and Hell are each connected to earth through Purgatory, which is connected to earth.

And I'm assuming you mean connected, but on a seperate plane? Even though that's something hard for us to conceive...

... making that soul pure enough to enter Heaven.


... Hell could be in the center of the earth, but on a different plane of existence so that it is safely sepparated from earth.


Need to get back to my homework, take care.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-08 21:14:21

At 11/8/04 07:35 PM, Paladin_X wrote: I am not entirely sure if that is where Hell is located. What I am hearing God tell me right now is that, "Hell is not a physical location. At least not in the traditional sense anyways."
That means that Hell could be in the center of the earth, but on a different plane of existence so that it is safely sepparated from earth.

Thats an intresting idea. I guess I could buy that. But I still think that Hell is in the center of the earth.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-08 21:55:00

At 11/8/04 09:15 PM, Tal-con wrote: Oh my gosh, this is NO FAIR. I did this exact same club idea, i called it the Romans 10:13 club, and no one ever posted in it !!

Sorry dude. If I had seen it I would have joinned it.

Sounds fun. Just remember we're not certified priests/ministers, so they probably won't have all the answers, and they can't make up any answers either,

Of course, we just answer the best we can

plus it would get confusing since there's alot of different Christian religions.

There sure are, but we all worship the same God so we get along real well.

Yay for the NG Church !! And yay for God !!

Indeed, do you plan on joining?

Response to NG Church 2004-11-08 22:08:21

yay for Hell!

Response to NG Church 2004-11-08 22:15:34

At 11/8/04 10:08 PM, eyeofthebeholder wrote: yay for Hell!

I know, because of it, many people won't have to deal with you :-P.


Aww, no comments on that prayer? Did anyone even read it? lol, it's my favourite prayer.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-08 22:15:50

At 11/8/04 10:08 PM, eyeofthebeholder wrote: yay for Hell!

you wont be saying that when your there ^^ sorry dudes m such a slacker been a while...i guess our forums our dead no one goes anymore....well i'll check back w/ ya'll when find necasary

God Rocks w00t!

Response to NG Church 2004-11-08 22:34:16

At 11/8/04 10:15 PM, CapnJack wrote: Aww, no comments on that prayer? Did anyone even read it? lol, it's my favourite prayer.

Sorry about that, I meant to post on it but I forgot. I like it alot, however I prefier St. Micheal to St. Francis. But other than that that I really think its a great prayer. I'm going to put it on my list of prayers to remember.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-08 22:36:45

At 11/8/04 10:15 PM, Decoy-Octopus wrote: i guess our forums our dead no one goes anymore....well i'll check back w/ ya'll when find necasary

I think it's important to focus on this forum before we shift everything somewhere else. As soon as this place gets lively we'll have enough people get the other site active. It's just so much more convenient here at Newgrounds. And a lot of people check these forums...

God Rocks w00t!

Yeah lol.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-09 01:33:03

At 11/8/04 10:34 PM, LindsayLohan wrote:

DC..Oops, I mean...LL... what the hell? I'm shocked. I am teh sexxxy girrrl? What is all this? Why the sudden change?

Response to NG Church 2004-11-09 15:58:34

At 11/9/04 01:33 AM, CapnJack wrote: DC..Oops, I mean...LL... what the hell? I'm shocked. I am teh sexxxy girrrl? What is all this? Why the sudden change?

I got a sex change. . . Not really. I'm just messinig with QuikFox. Or I will be as soon as he see's that I did it.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-09 16:29:43

Huh? DivineCrusader/Lindsay Lohan.... did you see the answer to your earlier question on "The Lord Is My Shepherd"?

Response to NG Church 2004-11-09 16:42:54

At 11/9/04 04:29 PM, DrunkenPenguin wrote: Huh? DivineCrusader/Lindsay Lohan.... did you see the answer to your earlier question on "The Lord Is My Shepherd"?

I did, I thought I had responded to it.
But it seems I didnt. So I will now. Thanks for posting it up for me. Thats one of my personal favorites, but I couldnt remember how it went.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-09 16:55:17

Today's Random Bible Quote:

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
Romans 8:1,2

Response to NG Church 2004-11-09 20:14:48

At 11/7/04 05:08 PM, AngelisNoctum wrote: Hello, everyone [I know]. Joic, I can see you're in here, too. And Hello, RabbidDog.

Yep I'm the NG Churches official satanist I love the place.
And I think Divine has some problems considering his gender lol

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Church 2004-11-09 20:21:48

At 11/9/04 08:14 PM, Joic wrote: Yep I'm the NG Churches official satanist I love the place.
And I think Divine has some problems considering his gender lol

I'm pulling a Dobio or a QuikFox. Which ever you want.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-09 20:53:38

At 11/9/04 08:21 PM, LindsayLohan wrote:
At 11/9/04 08:14 PM, Joic wrote: Yep I'm the NG Churches official satanist I love the place.
And I think Divine has some problems considering his gender lol
I'm pulling a Dobio or a QuikFox. Which ever you want.

...hmmm let's just call it a DobFox shall we

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^