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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-05 17:24:28

At 10/5/04 05:07 PM, dsmking wrote: Thats old news....... But if you are truely great you dont have to tell yourself that

Your brain tells you that you are great, but you don't confirm it, you dont think about it, you don't ask yourself "am I really great?".

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-05 17:35:40

At 10/5/04 05:00 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: I will not take sides because neither of you are right or wrong...

Nah, the behavior and being you talk about is actually pretty close. The way you behave against others, that way will people know you. And that's what matter.
Cause what's it worth if you're a good guy, but act like bully or pain in the ass towards everyone you know?

That's a matter of opinion. I say that killing is wrong under all circumstances and another guy say it's OK, he think's i'm wrong, I think he's wrong.
The world is based on sensitive balances of Yin Yang.
Everything from the fact that atom's electric energy needs to be neutal to the fact that there is good and wrong.
All these opinions are shattered and we gain perspective on things depending on what impressions of the world we create and recieve. Beautiful, in a way.
But you will never find two identical people who lived the exact same life with exactly the same events during the exactly same time.

I'm not trying to be a pain in the ass by being all literall about what you say, but we may argue back and forward, but whatever you're argueing for, i'm not argueing to be right or wrong.
I'm just trying to get some insight and get some enlightenment and wisdom from talking to other people. I enjoy it.
Enlightenment is knowing yourself.
Wisdom is knowing others. I can't gain any wisdom from never argueing or never asking.

I'm not asking you to take sides. You don't have to.
But i'm always interested in hearing what you have to say ^_^
At least you don't have to worry about me making it something personal or offend you. I'm not trying to be right either. If I get new perspectives on things, i'm just glad.
The more the merrier.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-05 19:02:13

At 10/5/04 05:35 PM, Letahlity wrote: But you will never find two identical people who lived the exact same life with exactly the same events during the exactly same time.

Actually thats not true. Twins who are seperated at birth often have things like that happen such as getting colds at the same time, getting hurt, even spouses names... But that is besides the point

Im getting a little tired of that arguement and all it has been is us telling the other about our opinions. Here will be my final statement

Every person has the ability to be great at one thing or another. However, if you call yourself great you limit yourself since most people when they think they are great get very lazy and end up being their own fall hence no longer even being good. I say this be modest keep aiming at being better and thats all you can do

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-05 19:19:25

O ya and i did some stuff to the site..... Long live the mac

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-05 22:19:12

I run Four Martial Arts Schools, 15 years, Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido, I belive we were suppost to say what kind of Martial Art we study, and our years and rank, ect. I dont get how I was coming off with an Attitude. My business partners are 6th Dan and 5th Dan, my former Master lost interest and shut the school down 5 years ago, hence the fact that I start a martial arts school. In 5 years my school has grown into 4 schools and 700 students, if my program was junk, I would not have 700 students, second off, I dont mean to brag but I earned my rank through years of hard work and determination, I have been studying martial arts for 15 years, and teaching for 10. As for the the comment about being 5th dan to run a school? I do not agree, I belive it is the mentality and the willingness to teach and learn of the black belt that is most important. I do agree that there are alot of bad martial arts schools and martial artists (the im so great tough guys), but they usually fizzle within the first year or so, My school has earned its place amoungst the martial arts community, along with the community, seeing as how my schools are very community oriented, we fund raise for chairtys, ect.

In True Martial Arts, there is peace of mind.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-05 22:22:15

Oh and by the way, If were getting on the subject of who knows who, I know alot of 10th Dans, 9th Dans, 8th Dans, 7th Dans, ect, ect ,ect ,ect. Wisdom can be gained from our elders, but bragging about knowing our elders is not Wisdom, it is ego

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 09:13:00

At 10/5/04 07:19 PM, dsmking wrote: O ya and i did some stuff to the site..... Long live the mac

Link plz.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 09:47:18

At 10/5/04 10:19 PM, Scottsm23 wrote: I run Four Martial Arts Schools, 15 years, Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido, I belive we were suppost to say what kind of Martial Art we study, and our years and rank, ect. I dont get how I was coming off with an Attitude. My business partners are 6th Dan and 5th Dan, my former Master lost interest and shut the school down 5 years ago, hence the fact that I start a martial arts school. In 5 years my school has grown into 4 schools and 700 students, if my program was junk, I would not have 700 students, second off, I dont mean to brag but I earned my rank through years of hard work and determination, I have been studying martial arts for 15 years, and teaching for 10. As for the the comment about being 5th dan to run a school? I do not agree, I belive it is the mentality and the willingness to teach and learn of the black belt that is most important. I do agree that there are alot of bad martial arts schools and martial artists (the im so great tough guys), but they usually fizzle within the first year or so, My school has earned its place amoungst the martial arts community, along with the community, seeing as how my schools are very community oriented, we fund raise for chairtys, ect.

In True Martial Arts, there is peace of mind.
Oh BTW, If were getting on the subject of who knows who, I know alot of 10th Dans, 9th Dans, 8th Dans, 7th Dans, ect, ect ,ect ,ect. Wisdom can be gained from our elders, but bragging about knowing our elders is not Wisdom, it is ego

^_^Hmm... Now we're getting somewhere. First of all, when you said
You run 4 Martial Arts Schools, I thought you meant you were the Leader of 4 Martial Arts Schools. You had me worried for a little while with that...

Secondly, Most people come here, post 2 lines, and never post again. My statement about "5th Dans and higher should be the only ones running dojos..." was only a test. I hoped you would type out against it, or at least respond to it. My first Sensei was a 3rd Dan.
Although, I'm against blackbelts who rebel against their masters, and make their own dojos, for their own selfish reasons...

Lastly, I wasn't trying to make a "look who I know' statement. I honestly don't care who you know, what your rank is, or how long you've been a martial artist. All we'd really like to know is: What style you take, how long you plan to be in martial arts, and what you've learned during your time as a Martial Artist.

Anyway, I'm just glad you responded, unlike so many... Welcome to the Club, if you wish to join.

BTW, do your dojos have a web site?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 10:36:04

Well, i'm done with the "great"-argueing, thinking that we actually agree on most points, dsmking.

My first teacher was... a red belt with 3 black lines and a blue belt with a red line.
In the next group I have a 1 Dan and two 3 Dan teachers who takes places teaching class.

Err... you guys do realise that this starts another discussion.
The eternal "whether the belt matters or not".
Originally, the belt was a way to measure skill and so on, but it's very difficult to maintain such a thing, unless you are in a very strict school.
I'm very tired, so forgive me if I don't write very much.
I'll come back to the subject once I got myself some rest.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 11:31:25

Well, belts are a status symbol as well as a proof of your skill. The problem with the belts is that some people brag about it. "Oh I have a black belt so I can kick your ass" And unfortunately it works for the most part. In my opinion belts tell very little of whether you know how to use what you have learned. At least in TaeKwon Do, I mean, what's the practical use for patterns? Or Hi-kick? Or breaking? Sparring.. well if fall to the ground your dead..

Thank god we wrestle from time to time.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 12:15:14

At 10/6/04 11:31 AM, amplefied wrote: Sparring.. well if fall to the ground your dead..

Thank god we wrestle from time to time.

Nah, not at all.
Just because you are a taekwondoist, it doesn't mean that you're like a hammer in water if you go to the ground.
All groundfighting is messy as hell, and I tell you, some really dirty tricks could easily eliminate groundfighting. Biting, for one. Eye-poking. Attacks against the more sensitive lower regions on a guy... Such.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 12:24:31

At 10/5/04 07:02 PM, dsmking wrote: Actually thats not true. Twins who are seperated at birth often have things like that happen such as getting colds at the same time, getting hurt, even spouses names... But that is besides the point

I just have to ask...
Are you living in the real world?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 12:40:06

Sorry for this post, but does anyone know the "little red fist" it is a shaolin series of moves. Well if you do know could you post the real name, since the translation in "little red flood" but that makes no since. The closest I've done with martial arts is spening a week training with 2 shaolin masters in Deng Feng, a city in china with 56 schools kung-fu, 30,000 + students, which is 5% of its whole population

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 14:02:19

Finally someone who is interested in what it is a martial artist does and not his rank, I intend to be in martial arts for my entire life, I live, sweat, eat, drink, sleep martial arts, as for a post, I try to reply to every portion of a post, even the 5th dan comment :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 14:10:07

At 10/6/04 02:02 PM, Scottsm23 wrote: Finally

Why can't I view your profile? I don't get it...

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 14:15:56

At 10/6/04 02:10 PM, amplefied wrote:
At 10/6/04 02:02 PM, Scottsm23 wrote: Finally
Why can't I view your profile? I don't get it...

He is a vagrant

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 14:23:30

At 10/6/04 02:15 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote: He is a vagrant

A what?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 14:37:56

At 10/6/04 02:23 PM, Letahlity wrote:
At 10/6/04 02:15 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote: He is a vagrant
A what?

I'm not sure, but they appear in gray instead of orange like most of us, and are not NG members...I can't find exactly what they are.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 14:42:31

At 10/6/04 02:37 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:
At 10/6/04 02:23 PM, Letahlity wrote:
At 10/6/04 02:15 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote: He is a vagrant
A what?
I'm not sure, but they appear in gray instead of orange like most of us, and are not NG members...I can't find exactly what they are.

Sorry for the double post, but I was just told that Vagrants are just users without profiles, because you can choose to make one or not. Ozcar is a vagrant and a mod...with no profile

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 14:44:15

COOL! I wanna be one! How do you do it?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 14:46:27

At 10/6/04 02:44 PM, amplefied wrote: COOL! I wanna be one! How do you do it?

I quess you will have to make a whole new account, but you will loose all of your earnings.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 14:51:39

At 10/6/04 02:46 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote: I quess you will have to make a whole new account, but you will loose all of your earnings.

Damn, I think I should e-mail Wade asking him to add a new feature to the gold account menu.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 15:35:23

To the fifth dan guy i totally agree with you about rank. Rank means shit ive been taught this and i live it.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 16:42:44

Ok, for everyone who doesn't know what vacants are people who choose to remain completely anonymous. To become a vacant, you must delete everything in your user profile or never fill it out.

Lethality, since your the best person here I know to start an argument or conversation with, why don't you pick a base topic for us. Please don't make it too religious.
*looks around cautiously and whispers* We don't want to make dsm cry... again... j/k

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 17:13:58

At 10/6/04 04:42 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: Ok, for everyone who doesn't know what vacants are people who choose to remain completely anonymous. To become a vacant, you must delete everything in your user profile or never fill it out.

Aha! So they're mystery people!

Lethality, since your the best person here I know to start an argument or conversation with, why don't you pick a base topic for us. Please don't make it too religious.
*looks around cautiously and whispers* We don't want to make dsm cry... again... j/k

Haha, true that. He'll hold a fuzz about it for years :D

Allright, how about tradition.
Traditional martial arts vs. modern martial arts.
Wich one do you prefer?
Long time ago, martial arts was alot more focused on combat, because surviving was a part of their everyday life, especially when the big asian countries (Korea, China, Japan, Okinawa, Mongolia etc. etc.) were in war with eachother.
Before the firearms were applied in warfare (wich I believe Korea was the first country, or at least the first eastern country to use firearms in war) skill was on a whole diffrent level.
Skill by hand-to-hand combat. Skill by weapons. By the sword and bow and so on.
That's when I like to believe that martial arts blossomed and grew great. When martial arts were for survival, not for the spirituality and inner peace we so dearly talk about these days.

It's also written in asian history that when the countries were not at war, their martial arts schools started focusing alot more on technique and forms training (kata, poomsae, talou).
It was also written that many sword arts from japan became temporarily used only at ceremonies, demonstrations and show, as a way to keep culture and history alive.

Now. That was tradition. A long, long time ago, in a era far, far away. The styles that survived the new era of firearms and bombs are basicly the ones we hear about today. Karate is very old, for one.
But so many of the techniques that are still used have no purpose. The reason and the real use of those techniques were forgotten.
Don't you sometimes think for yourself "what the hell is this move good for...?" when you're learning a new kata/poomsae?

So, I will not blabber too much about that. I'll keep that for later.

Now, modern martial arts.
You could focus on self-defence, tradition, fitness or whatever reason your wild imagination can come up with.
Alot of the techniques used are a bit more... practicial and effective, don't you think?

I would like to state here that I say that I practice modern martial arts, in a traditional manner.
The inheireted will, to be able to truely dedicate yourself to martial arts without having to worry about money, work, job and all that... it's abit of a dream to me.
Back when the "warrior"-class still existed, it was no problem.

What way, or manner do you like?
Tradition or modern perspective?
How do you feel about traditional techniques?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 19:58:30

At 10/6/04 04:42 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote: *looks around cautiously and whispers* We don't want to make dsm cry... again... j/k

That hurt now im going to go cry. jk. BUt i will kill you nontheless. And sides he usually doesnt start a debate just by starting it. I have to disagree with him about something and then it starts silly rabbit

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 20:13:13

My view on the topic is modern. Should have seen me before tae kwon do. .... eh. But then traditional is alot of fun. Alot harder makes you feel good the next day after the next day. I cant make heads or tails of this but traditional is going to play a big part of my life for a couple of weeks cause of personal reasons

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 21:13:08

At 10/6/04 05:13 PM, Letahlity wrote:
At 10/6/04 04:42 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote:
Haha, true that. He'll hold a fuzz about it for years :D

Isn't it though. :)

Allright, how about tradition.
Traditional martial arts vs. modern martial arts.
Wich one do you prefer?

Now this sounds interesting...

Long time ago, martial arts was alot more focused on combat, because surviving was a part of their everyday life, especially when the big asian countries (Korea, China, Japan, Okinawa, Mongolia etc. etc.) were in war with eachother.
Before the firearms were applied in warfare (wich I believe Korea was the first country, or at least the first eastern country to use firearms in war) skill was on a whole diffrent level.
Skill by hand-to-hand combat. Skill by weapons. By the sword and bow and so on.
That's when I like to believe that martial arts blossomed and grew great. When martial arts were for survival, not for the spirituality and inner peace we so dearly talk about these days.

It's also written in asian history that when the countries were not at war, their martial arts schools started focusing alot more on technique and forms training (kata, poomsae, talou).
It was also written that many sword arts from japan became temporarily used only at ceremonies, demonstrations and show, as a way to keep culture and history alive.

Now. That was tradition. A long, long time ago, in a era far, far away. The styles that survived the new era of firearms and bombs are basicly the ones we hear about today. Karate is very old, for one.
But so many of the techniques that are still used have no purpose. The reason and the real use of those techniques were forgotten.
Don't you sometimes think for yourself "what the hell is this move good for...?" when you're learning a new kata/poomsae?

That's the beauty of my style :D. All the techniques used in "traditional Isshinryu" Have their own "known" function and purpose, kata or otherwise. how many styles can truly say that?

So, I will not blabber too much about that. I'll keep that for later.

Nonsince, go on...

Now, modern martial arts.
You could focus on self-defence, tradition, fitness or whatever reason your wild imagination can come up with.
Alot of the techniques used are a bit more... practicial and effective, don't you think?

Hmmm... True, but many styles are becoming Americanized and are combined with gymnastics. Some styles have become more of a form of entertainment, than a form of self-defense.

I would like to state here that I say that I practice modern martial arts, in a traditional manner.
The inheireted will, to be able to truely dedicate yourself to martial arts without having to worry about money, work, job and all that... it's abit of a dream to me.
Back when the "warrior"-class still existed, it was no problem.

Hmmm... quite an interesting concept... My style is very traditional, yet, it's been modernized to fit the times, and to add more challenges.

What way, or manner do you like?
Tradition or modern perspective?
How do you feel about traditional techniques?

I guess you already have my perspective. :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 21:18:03

At 10/6/04 09:13 PM, Semi-Shinro wrote:
At 10/6/04 05:13 PM, Letahlity wrote:
Haha, true that. He'll hold a fuzz about it for years :D
Isn't it though. :)

guess what i thiniking in my head. Just guess.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2004-10-06 21:25:23

What is it called when you thrust your palm into some one's sternum?

I think its from kung fu, or tai chi.. or something...

BBS Signature