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NG Mafia

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Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-07 22:25:07

At 9/7/05 10:15 PM, blinkybabe101 wrote: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a good fence for jewels these days!?

Actually, there are a lot of pawn shops on the outskirts of Columbus.

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

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Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-07 22:27:35

At 9/7/05 09:57 PM, SadicSchoolgirl wrote: Go play with dress up dolls in the Mature section if you want nudity.

Nah, they're not hawt. And I barely remember your face (from the infamous referee pic, and that bikini top one too. Yeah, I saw that one!) so forget what I said. Still, boobs.

You have no idea how much that annoys me.

I do. But that's ok, I'll just use it on RG, M'kay?


Don't talk back.<3

sig by Marsupial, copyright 2008 all rights reserved

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Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-07 23:30:59

At 9/7/05 10:19 PM, Zen_Gaijin wrote: Heh I'm amazed at how cool that picture is.


Heh, now were you the tied around the head kinda girl or was it like on an arm or something?

Head. And leg, if I had two bandannas.

I'm still trying to figure out why he said that.

The answer is in RG General yes.

At 9/7/05 10:19 PM, luu_kang wrote: ok im fuckin lazy (and kinda illiterate) whut do we do and how do we join?

You need 50 intelligent posts to join.

Basically we just hang out here and embody our own awesomeness.

At 9/7/05 10:27 PM, Fragment wrote: Nah, they're not hawt. And I barely remember your face (from the infamous referee pic, and that bikini top one too. Yeah, I saw that one!) so forget what I said. Still, boobs.

Um yay.

I do. But that's ok, I'll just use it on RG, M'kay?

Just don't at all.

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-07 23:35:14

Raven/Sadic you have some ass to kick in the who wants to marry me thread in General.

You'll see when you get there.

"The worst kind of coward is one that is only brave enough to show his face in the dark...."

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-07 23:45:03

[busts into club he's not a member off one last time]

Duuuuuuuuuude. You're killing me. *Joins the Internet Witness Protection Program*

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

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Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-07 23:49:11

At 9/7/05 11:42 PM, FBIpolux wrote: Ha ha, you traitor :P

Pure_Lionheart will not like you after he reads this :)

He liked me before?

"The worst kind of coward is one that is only brave enough to show his face in the dark...."

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-07 23:50:29

Pure's used to the abuse. ^_~

I can't count how many times Quisty's burned his face off with acid spray, or how many times I borrowed that for the express purpose of doing so.

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-07 23:50:57

At 9/7/05 11:49 PM, Zen_Gaijin wrote:
At 9/7/05 11:42 PM, FBIpolux wrote: Ha ha, you traitor :P

Pure_Lionheart will not like you after he reads this :)
He liked me before?

I have/had nothing against you. Where did you get the idea I did? Man, you seem pretty nice but damn are you ever uptight.

"The rod up that mans butt has a rod up it's butt."

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-07 23:56:06

At 9/7/05 11:50 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote:
At 9/7/05 11:49 PM, Zen_Gaijin wrote:
I have/had nothing against you. Where did you get the idea I did? Man, you seem pretty nice but damn are you ever uptight.

"The rod up that mans butt has a rod up it's butt."

Wow your the only person to say that. I'm just really protective of my friends. Nothing personal.

"The worst kind of coward is one that is only brave enough to show his face in the dark...."

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-07 23:59:35

It seems that whenever I post in a thread, it tends to slide towards the bottom of the BBS.

I have the magic touch of death. Woohoo.

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 00:02:13

At 9/7/05 11:56 PM, Zen_Gaijin wrote: Wow your the only person to say that. I'm just really protective of my friends. Nothing personal.

It's cool. Always nice to meet one of the few nice people on the site, but you just kinda came off that way. What can I say? I suppose I didn't come out with the best ice-breaker. :-P

It's a good thing he doesn't know half the things I've said to Sadic or he'd be borrowing the Acidic Pepper Spray. :-/

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 00:09:42

At 9/7/05 11:35 PM, Zen_Gaijin wrote: Raven/Sadic you have some ass to kick in the who wants to marry me thread in General.

You'll see when you get there.

lol Alts its funny cuz i happen to be one, Guess Who this is

Yes I am an alt of amember of the Mafia, Just pimping it out

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 01:30:52

At 9/7/05 10:15 PM, blinkybabe101 wrote: !!!! *WHACK!* Well what did you THINK a diamond ring means? *digs elbow into the back of your neck* Ya don't offer a dame something like that unless your serious- and if ya ain' thent cash is perfectly fine! Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a good fence for jewels these days!?
*continues to abuse*

ouch, *smaked* fine *smaked* I'm sorry! here, instead of a diamond ring let's go get any piece of jewelry....*applies ice and pain killers*

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 02:05:16

At 9/8/05 01:30 AM, _Ghost_ wrote: ouch, *smaked* fine *smaked* I'm sorry! here, instead of a diamond ring let's go get any piece of jewelry....*applies ice and pain killers*

*stops abusing* Weeeeeellllll..... okay! *super smooch* Oh- and thatll get you... oh, a long weekend or so.

Oh my! You look like you're in pain... who on earth did that to you!?

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 02:36:15

I think I'm going to change my name to Mr. Pink. Who has an opinion?


Don't talk back.<3

sig by Marsupial, copyright 2008 all rights reserved

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 03:51:57

At 2/17/04 05:43 PM, _Ghost_ wrote: i got an offer you can't refuse (well, in a way you can) any ways this is the NG Mafia a group that will help out anyone needing help, a favor in a way.

so as the godfather i'm looking for some good men, trust worthy people. also if you want you can make suggestions what this club can do if you want.

ill join... only cause ive got no crew

Free Asian Porn

I told you Obama can't change anything

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Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 04:15:04

Story 2- Urgent Annoucment- scene one

As we look in another day in the Mafia We see FTB,Joic and TBT(me) gathered around the Boobtube looking for something to watch


Joic-Nah to many reality Shows


Me-How About NO FUCKIN' WAY, how about Comedy Central

FTB-Tryed and Nothing, How about Family channel

Joic-are you out of you're Fucking MIND give me the remote

FTB-Okay Fucker its yours

*Joic take the Remote and starts flipping trough channels*

Joic-No, No, no, NO NO Nothing No No NO AH FUCK IT

*Joic Throws the Remote into the TV breaking it*

Me-Nice Going You Moron

FTB-The TV Not The Fucking TV

Joic-It was an Accident....Fuck it Lets go and listen to The Brian Peppers Show

Me-Alright Brian Peppers always makes me Smile When Shit Happens

*We Leave the living Room and enter the Radio Room of the Mansion where we see Sadic, Scary dead girl and blinky chilling by the radio*

Sadic-What are you Guys doing Here?

Me-We wanna Listen to the Brian Peppers Show....

SDG-Okay Thats fine

FTB-.....And Joic Broke the TV

Blinky-Figures Joic ends up breaking shit if hes left alone with it

Joic-*twitch Twitch* i sense some ones Balls will be removed Shortly

Radio-Buzz Buzz Coming up in 1 minute the Brian Peppers Broadcast Live From The Revird

Me-The Revird?

Joic-Yeah Doesn't he Broadcast From Newgrounds Now

Radio-Now Brian Peppers LIVE (Brian's theme song Detacable penis starts playing)

Brian-Thank You This Is Brian Peppers,In NGs News i cant Go there this is why im at the Revird but lets Back up, Hostile Rabid and Completeley Stupid N00bs have teamed up with the Barney Bunch, The Starsynticate, Clocks,glocks, locks and all other retarded Groups and Have Kidnapped Tom,Wade and Liljim. Forcing Many Mods Into hiding. Josh Bend Is Back at Retrogade scared to go to NGs and LIVE we have NGs BBS Mod and Irregular show Host Shok, Hello Shok

Shok-Hey Brian, This whole N00B thing Is Fucked, You are On revird For the reason Of the Idiots Running wild its kind of scary i wanna help but i Have to many Sites to run and it is kind of scary to go back there with those Dumbasses there and the mods theat havent been forced into Hidden that i know of Ramagi, Maus ,Osama, RON and Mary if i get a chance i will help but basically the NGs Users Who aren't Idiots are Basically On there own this Is Shok visit My Show Peace

Brian-Words Of Wisdom from shok, I agree with Him 100% and time is almost done here so Any NGers out there still On Be Careful out there This Is what i Call the LOLLERCAUST death of the Internet My come some....This Is Brian Peppers signing off

*We Turn Off The radio and Hear a bunch of N00bs Rioting Outside the Mansion*

End scene

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 13:49:55

I drew this out before I got a million requests.
Trivia, sadic, and others are in the works. The yays
Too lazy to write demolitions or whatever in the banner....

NG Mafia

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 14:17:56

At 9/8/05 03:51 AM, maxc16 wrote: ill join... only cause ive got no crew

I'm sorry, but applicants must have at least 50 intelligent posts.

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 14:26:36

At 9/8/05 01:49 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: I drew this out before I got a million requests.


Trivia, sadic, and others are in the works. The yays


Too lazy to write demolitions or whatever in the banner....

WHAT???!!!I can't hear you, I've got TNT in my ears!!!

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 14:26:51

Close up of me because I rock :)
Sadic's pic is almost done too.

NG Mafia

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 14:32:16

At 9/8/05 02:26 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: Close up of me because I rock :)

now I so want to have sex with you XD

Sadic's pic is almost done too.

a'right, when you're done with all of em, can you make me one?I want a solo one

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 14:37:06

At 9/8/05 02:32 PM, DivineJoic wrote: now I so want to have sex with you XD

You and everyone else *rolls eyes* Aren't you the funny boy today.
And give me back my smiley people keep trying to steal it XD XD XD XD
IT'S MINE! MINE I TELLS YA!!! *foams at mouth*

a'right, when you're done with all of em, can you make me one?I want a solo one

Yes yes

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 14:42:13

At 9/8/05 02:37 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: You and everyone else *rolls eyes* Aren't you the funny boy today.
And give me back my smiley people keep trying to steal it XD XD XD XD
IT'S MINE! MINE I TELLS YA!!! *foams at mouth*

*raises eyebrow*
You dare to challenge me?
*pupils go small, foam starts running out of his mouth and lot's of it, starts growling*

Yes yes

YaY!I shall show my gratitude by an ancient cermony.

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 15:33:18

At 9/8/05 02:42 PM, DivineJoic wrote: YaY!I shall show my gratitude by an ancient cermony.


*beats Joic senseless with random passer by's pet poodle*

NG Mafia

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 16:55:51

At 9/8/05 03:33 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote:
*beats Joic senseless with random passer by's pet poodle*

lol, you two are the most entertaining couple of people i know.


Wow, well i wouldn't mind if that was my last sight before i died, i'll say that much.

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 18:12:18

At 9/8/05 01:49 PM, ScaryDeadGirl wrote: I drew this out before I got a million requests.
Trivia, sadic, and others are in the works. The yays
Too lazy to write demolitions or whatever in the banner....

What Joic is White Hah he is crazy so i would expect TNT in his ears but thats just what i think Nice Pic though

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 19:41:34

I must say, the pics are amazing. Even though I haven't got my own yet, I thank SDG for the Sadic pic and her close-up :-d (it means *licks lips*)


Don't talk back.<3

sig by Marsupial, copyright 2008 all rights reserved

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-08 23:38:23

I for one would like to thank SDG on behalf of everyone she takes her time to do these drawings for us so we gotta show our gratitude somehow.

*builds ScaryDeadGirl Shrine*

"The worst kind of coward is one that is only brave enough to show his face in the dark...."

BBS Signature

Response to NG Mafia 2005-09-09 01:03:15

i remember the first picture of me. he, that was the best ever. whenever you get a chance do another one. mostly because they kick much ass.

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

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