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The Audio Forum Lounge

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Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-26 20:55:37


And in many cases, after the judging and before the prizes....

I yell into a microphone and do a Radiogrounds broadcast. (Depends on the contest lol)

At 1/16/12 03:08 AM, Xyresic wrote: EchozAurora: The SEXY Audio Mod. (2019 edit lol not anymoar)

Check out soundcloud.com/echozaurora for more recent songs and DJ mixes!

BBS Signature

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-26 21:17:34

At 5/26/09 09:15 PM, Chronamut wrote: so SBB.. once you become a vegetable, what is gonna stop me from raping you? :P


Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-26 21:28:10

At 5/26/09 09:17 PM, Khuskan wrote:
At 5/26/09 09:15 PM, Chronamut wrote: so SBB.. once you become a vegetable, what is gonna stop me from raping you? :P

That sir, was a good one.

Wide Layout
So... It appears the consensus is split 50/50 of people who like or dislike the new wide layout for flashes. I hope we get something cooler for audio... but it will probably never happen ;)

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-26 21:32:33

Wide Flash Layout

Ew when did this happen? This is going to make my voting-on-but-not-watching-5-a-day just that little bit harder and more time consuming.

But it does look nice. And wow is it huge.

They should make it so when we go to the audio portal everyone's speakers get bigger, until the point it totally ruins their room and blows their ear drums.

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-26 22:09:19

Wide layout

I for one like it, but I do find it slightly buggy, there seem to be empty frames EVERYWHERE, including one that is obscuring the menu bar at the top of NG for whatever reason.

Then again, newgrounds has always been buggy on this network, occasionally I won't be able to run any of the java-script powered parts of the site actually making it impossible to view movies - the way the movies are embedded into their pages is a great workaround for that problem, which I cannot fix in any other way!

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-26 22:31:01

Wide layout

I hate it. Because I have to scroll down to see the submission information, vote, read author comments, and it's new (HAET NEW!) But it's fine I guess. Also I'm glad I have the screen resolution for it, I feel sorry for those who don't. But the extended banner's pretty cool. I see they sort of recycled the winter theme :P

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-26 23:19:20

At 5/26/09 11:15 PM, LaForge wrote:

Wide Layout

Who's fucking idea was this?

Tom's, Bob's, PsychoGoldfish's, and Liljim's.

It's idotic. How fucking stupid. Godamn it's irritating.

Indeed. It will take a while to get adjusted to this new layout, but I guess it's not all bad.

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-26 23:42:40

At 5/26/09 11:33 PM, LaForge wrote: I wonder how many more useless renovations will be implemented to the flash side of NG before a worthwhile one gets implemented on the audio side.

Only Tom knows. Something tells me that they'll have the Literature and Art Portal completed before they even do anything for the Audio Portal.

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 00:02:59

At 5/26/09 11:33 PM, LaForge wrote: The thing is there wasn't anything lacking in the previous layout. A pop-up button was placed directly below "play", so you could quickly access the flash's maximum size. Simply pressing "play" would black out the background for comfort of the eyeballs. The only thing that's changed is where the buttons are.

They sat around and one of them probably said "Hey guys, let's make it like Hulu!"

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Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 01:46:56

I personally stopped watching flash here regularly a long time ago. I come for the AP now.

Considering the improvements that are constantly made, I guess I backed the wrong horse.

What we need is the Star Syndicate back. They always made me laugh, them and their shitty antics.

If you think you might have secret information listening to me, you're lost.

~Morton Feldman

Click on ROGA'S for a good time.

BBS Signature

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 01:48:01

Oh, and the idea of being FORCED to watch a Star Syndicate flash just strikes me as one of the most hilarious things to ever happen.

If you think you might have secret information listening to me, you're lost.

~Morton Feldman

Click on ROGA'S for a good time.

BBS Signature

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 02:10:19

At 5/26/09 09:32 PM, DexterPowercrush wrote: But it does look nice. And wow is it huge.

Oh yeah

sexual innuendo all over the place

BBS Signature

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 08:19:14

Newgrounds Javascript

Has anyone else ever had problems with the Javascript parts of NG randomly not working? It seems to go through phases for me where I can't get a metric fuckton of the sites features to work - at the moment I can't even vote or review on anything on any web browser I have on any of my three operating systems, or any other computers on this network. I'm sure it's a network problem (which I can do nothing about on account of being on a massive university network), but it seems weird that NG is the only website effected by the issue and how the problem seems to come and go...

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 08:23:25

Cute yet evil

I cant help but love this flash. The hamster is so cute yet does these really evil deeds just the idea makes me want to laugh out loud XD

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 13:01:54

Taking Alt Accounts for a Walk
Do you guys ever have the need to post something on your alts? I don't mean accidental posts you make when you forget to log-in your real account, I mean actual posting on your alt for the sake of it.

I kinda feel that I should use this guy a little more often. Otherwise, he might get sad. :(

Sig by jackAtack

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Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 13:16:57

Taking Alt Accounts for a Walk

At 5/27/09 01:01 PM, UltraMan-7 wrote: Do you guys ever have the need to post something on your alts? I don't mean accidental posts you make when you forget to log-in your real account, I mean actual posting on your alt for the sake of it.

I kinda feel that I should use this guy a little more often. Otherwise, he might get sad. :(

I have no idea what you're talking about really. It's just an account, why would you take it to post with it?
One thing I know... just never use it to post when you're banned. That might result in BAD things happening. ^^

yes you all know who I am.


Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 15:28:57

Where I come from on the internet, alt accounts are considered bad and stupid.

I carry that sentiment over to here. Why you would need a huge conversation between yourself and your alts is beyond me. This account is as good as any.

If you think you might have secret information listening to me, you're lost.

~Morton Feldman

Click on ROGA'S for a good time.

BBS Signature

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 15:50:06

At 5/27/09 03:28 PM, EmperorCharlemagne wrote: Where I come from on the internet, alt accounts are considered bad and stupid.

I carry that sentiment over to here. Why you would need a huge conversation between yourself and your alts is beyond me. This account is as good as any.

I don't have alts for having conversations with myself, unlike some other people. You can se what the purpose is of my alt, on there. (XorGate)

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 16:40:23

MICHhimself I will kill you (No in a bad way)

My dear sir. WHY? Why did you turn the IRC channel off? Answer me please!

I am not mad, just kidding arond :D

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 16:48:24

At 5/27/09 04:40 PM, MrSaint wrote: MICHhimself I will kill you (No in a bad way)

My dear sir. WHY? Why did you turn the IRC channel off? Answer me please!

I am not mad, just kidding arond :D

what. I did not turn off the IRC channel :s
Maybe there's a netsplit, and the server you're on is not connected to the one where I and all the other people are on..
It happens.

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 16:49:39

Wide Layout

We should have the wide layout for audio submissions.

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 16:59:46

Wide Layout

At 5/27/09 04:49 PM, SineRider wrote: We should have the wide layout for audio submissions.

I thought about that too.. But what would be made wide then?
A HUGE visualizer? I mostl turn the visualizations off anyway :p

Got myself a nice 19 inch TFT screen. Fl studio = win on that baby, compared to my 15.4 inch laptop screen.

The Audio Forum Lounge

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 18:22:41


At 5/27/09 04:59 PM, MICHhimself wrote: Got myself a nice 19 inch TFT screen. Fl studio = win on that baby, compared to my 15.4 inch laptop screen.

If this was Facebook. I would like it.
But it's not... so I don't >:C

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 20:18:48

New Layout

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1064 610

If you don't like the new Flash layout, you can now go back to the classic layout! Only difference is, it'll be wider than before.

I'll stick with the new layout and see if I can get adjusted to it. What will you guys do?

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 20:19:17

At 5/27/09 06:31 PM, Chronamut wrote:
At 5/27/09 04:59 PM, MICHhimself wrote: EPIC NEW SCREEN
Got myself a nice 19 inch TFT screen. Fl studio = win on that baby, compared to my 15.4 inch laptop screen.
I gotcha beat - 24 inch wide screen monitor

I bought a 28in Wide Screen a few months ago adding on to my 19'' Square in a dual set up.

...Enough being elitist...

I don't think the wide layout is to bad, but I think they should make a "wide" navbar.

BBS Signature

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 20:49:21

At 5/27/09 08:37 PM, Chronamut wrote: I wouldnt mind a widescreen mode that filled up my entire screen :P

With my res at 1950x1200, the flash would have to be huge...

BBS Signature

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 22:05:20


I just deleted my normal account.

Now I only have the 3 music ones left. God damn. I need to focus on one thing.

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-27 22:20:51


3 music accts? What the hell? That's why you just have one NG acct, and one Myspace account like me! That way I can put my more pro-sounding shit on my Myspace page, and then ALL of my shit on my NG acct. See how that works?

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-28 13:15:08

Never actually thought of getting one, I must say. Is it worth trying? Like, at all?

I doubt I'll be doing it, but some info can't hurt.

BBS Signature

Response to The Audio Forum Lounge 2009-05-28 13:57:35


Uni don't hurt me, uni don't hurt me, no more.
I finished my last assignment to-day, and I'm pleased as punch. End of semester, and I've only got one exam, which should be a piece of piss. Last classes are tomorrow, and I'll probably have a drink at the uni tavern in between classes, why? Because I spent the last 6 and a half hours (7 PM to 1:30AM) editing together film and audio for a 3 minute film. And I made the soundtrack ^__^__^__^ Hey!

But now I can't sleep because my parents are going to stay with me for a week starting this afternoon. I have to clean, and then maybe get a little sleep and then go to uni and then chillax.

Then I've got work over the next three days.

Real life can suck sometimes, but the small victories are the ones that matter the most.

^Thought for the day.

READ: "A Fear of Great Heights" and other forthcoming adventures right HERE

Signature Picture by: Spartan204

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