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Reviews for "BentTV: Crack Iraq's Back"

THat was brilliant!

please make more! It actually made me laugh and applaud! more!!!

very good

That was really good. and to lenin1928: just bcause this person doesn't share your political views doesn't mean he should go to hell, oh and Gore got the popular vote, not Bush. Bush got in office because the area where I live (West Palm) accidentally voted for Buchanan (the comunist bastard).

Who CARES???????

I personally don't give a rat ass what you think about my president, your probably some foreign dumbass who has seen way to many CNN reruns in his small 2 and a half world country.

And why the hell is it that all you god damn commie pinko faggots always say the word Bush as if he's our prime minister. WE DON'T HAVE A PRIME MINISTER!! The american people wanted this war, thats why George Bush was elected.

So go ahead and cry me a damn river, scream until you explode, I don't care. Everytime I see someone like you I am going to tell them they can go to hell and so can you.

pyropymp responds:

If the American people wanted this war, this flash would not exist.

Nice Michael Jackson tease....

Ok first off you are not a "pinko commie faggot who supports Saddam and terrorism". Nor do I think anyone should be called that...unless they really are one. But anyho. Great graphics, sound, and good humor. Although I do support the troops (and some of Bush) I am just wondering. Why don't you support Bush? And do you think that he knows things that he couldn't tell the US because of security. So that is one of the reasons for the war. But anyho...good show mate.

pyropymp responds:

I support the troops too, because I feel sorry for them risking valiant lives fighting for a goddamn moron. There are many reasons I don't support Bush, mainly it's because his sense of diplomacy is about as mature as a 5-year-old with sever ADD. Answers are everywhere, and it seems most Bush supporters just refuse to see it.

that was some funny shit

what amazes me is that most of the people who say this is crap is because they are all pro-slaughter of innocents.... They have no idea what is really going on... Its people like these who crack down on dissent that are ruining this country! pretty soon that numb nutts of a president is going to have a dictatiorship...The problem with modern war is that the victims are not the combatants but the CIVILIANS... oh and by the way use spell check if you want to sound intelligent... GREAT ANIMATION anyone who likes this should check out http://indymedia.org/

pyropymp responds:

Seeing some of these reviews, I feel the royal obligation to piss the living hell out of them... hey, it's not like they're going to listen to reason, so why not :)