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Reviews for "BentTV: Crack Iraq's Back"

Good flash work but...

It seems you have a lot of hate for Mr. President Bush. But you must remember he is JUST the President. Thats all he is. More or less just a public face. He doesnt decide anything himself. His administration does. He has an uncountable number of people under him. And these people help his (make his)decisions on issues. Because we dont live under a Dictatorship. The President isnt shit. He isnt a god or a king, he is just doing his job. Which is being a face for the public to associate the government with.

Do you really think you know what exactly is going on in the government? The government isnt going to tell the american people everything it does. Watching CNN doesnt make you a war expert, and preaching to people on Newgrounds doesnt make you a savior either.

Also Sir, you need to realize something. Nothing gets done in the world with words.At least not in this one. Making war with another human being is as old as history. And its a natural thing of any animal on this planet. This country was born of war and ill bet it will die of war also. I myself am debating on whether i should join the Marines next year. I really need their help to pay for college, and i dont mind fighting for a country that has given me so much. But if I knew i had to come home to people like yourself, who would mock the Troops and the U.S. i would rather die in some third world country overseas.

pyropymp responds:

1. Bush has become as much of an icon as Hussein himself, he is the face of his administration, so I think I'm bashing the Bush admin equally :)

2. Watching CNN does not make you a war expert: that's exactly one of the main point that I'm trying to show with this work.

3. If you haven't noticed, I am not preaching to NG, I'm expressing my views. If I'm preaching, then look at all the kill Saddam kill-anyone-with-a-turban flashes out there, what are they?

4. Humans evolve, and war is a thing of the past. Because it was done in history doesn't justify doing it. It seems you do not have enough knowledge of war to justify it as a means to solve problems.

5. I have no problems at all with anyone fighting for his/her own country IN DEFENSE. It is their duty. In case you haven't noticed, I do not bash the troops. because I support them since I feel sorry for them having to fight for a group of goddamn morons. The military should be held in honor because they are defending their own country, but when it is abused to the point of invading another country for the stupidest reasons, risking world peace, it should be questioned.

Pretty damn good.

Adding the Lone Gunmen was a nice touch.

Fo shizzle.

Gangsta Hussein made my day. This is some fly flash work, fo sheezy! In fact, it's off tha heezy!

Awesome work.

Your a filthy commie saddam loving pinko

Its hillarious someone would ever even say that.
They proboly sleep with McCarthy and J edgar hoover in between prosecuting army dentists. Great Job. Top Notch work like always. I look forward to more


incredibly well animated. (like: i loved how the moderator fools around with his glasses :)

good points too.
what else can you want? i love it.