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Reviews for "BentTV: Crack Iraq's Back"


Anything that shows the real Bush, his natural moronic idiotic bastardly self, is top-notched in my book! Your news intro was very well done, very realistic in fact, and the scroll text was fun, though a bit hard to follow when you want to watch the movie. MJ was a fun addition, although not really important.


Yes, yes, of course

It's nice to know that the President that you like to call an idiot is actually doing something to prevent another terrorist strike while Ol' Billy sat on his ass and bombed laxative factories.

If we had a decent President during the 90's, who responded to acts like the Embassy bombings, or the bombings in Riyadh, or the USS Cole, hell, went after Osama bin Laden FOUR YEARS AGO, maybe 9/11 could've been limited or possibly been permitted to happen at all.

You probably think this is about oil, too? We could pump all the oil we want out of Iraq and it would be a footnote to the $300 billion bill to take out Saddam and help rebuild the country. Let's not mention the fact that we could've just invaded Saudi Arabia (which as a lot more oil and is a lot less defended) for oil, anyway.

It's obvious that your opinion is founded, but is based on mis-information. You still have a chance to redeem yourself from your generic 'Bush is an Idiot, This war is for Oil' cardboard liberal standpoint.

pyropymp responds:

If preventing terrorists means labelling them as plain "evil" and killing them is the solution, there would have been no terrorists attacks. If you really think terrorists and suicide bombers attack because they love killing you're a fool, and a tool. And you also got to be a fool to think that the second largest oil resource in the world will only be a footnote to $300 billion on the war, which could very well have spent on its own domestic welfare, and better education system so we will have less illiterate sheeps that follow whatever is told to them through TV by the president.

This was great...

Gee that GW Bush is a real moron. Whenever he has briefings, he has them read for him, instead of reading it himself. He also considers Africa to be a country. And to the people that think he's sooo smart for getting a MBA from Harvard, i give you this for consideration. When he was in high school, before going off to college he was getting some damn shitty grades. Also most of the applicants to Harvard for the year he started school there had better grades then he did. His grades throughout his term there were attrocious, and he's been quoted as saying "Even C students can be the president" when giving a graduation ceremony speech. He didn't get into the school of his own accord, he got in just on his name, and the connections his family of idiots.

pyropymp responds:

You forgot $$$$$$$$$$$$$


What information can you stand credible to this? You are just venting anger out from what the people have to say from the anti-war party. Everyone loves to poke the finger at Bush, but let me ask you this. Already Saddam's people live under a tyrant's hand. Political torture, gassing of a village, invading Kuwait, and failure on complying to 1441 when he was removed from Kuwait.. these are just a few reasons and I have a whole list that keeps going. So lets say if we didn't go to war to remove Saddam? Then who will remove him? Already 12 years of UN politics have gone by, and yet there is no changes at all. As for the people having distaste of US troops; looks whats going on at the moment. Looting, and chaos. Of course they are gonna be mad at us when we are trying to restore some order to chaos already at hand. I am quite glad that someone took initiative to remove Saddam and his regime from office. Of course, the transition will take time as with anything. Yes, I have problems with certain aspects about Bush, but he seems to have the iniative to change the situation at hand. I don't see many other nations stepping up to bat, so to say. And as for blaming bush for deaths of civilians and destruction of property.. Saddam has been parking his troops in towns. Why didn't he try to block off the troops from coming in at ports, and station troops strategically near the borders to keep invaders out? And even Saddam's own armies are giving up on him, which shows you how much faith they put in their leader.

Enough about my own opinions, I ranked you as a 5. Everything you have done so far is very professional. The art is very well drawn, voice acting is perfect, but the humor is a 3 because I don't like people slamming bush without any credible information for backing.

I will not be scared to voice my opinion either. As a respectable student, I will not let slander take root and corrupt the information at hand.

pyropymp responds:

Saddam needs to be toppled, no doubt, but now is neither the time nor place to do so, especially with the recent slumping economy and terrorist attacks. But wait, oil can restore that. US invades Saddam based on alleged WMD, so far they found none, sides some pesticides. Saddam is in no way connected to international terrorism, and is most definitely not supported by Osama because Osama denounces his secularism and tyranny towards his own people. Things are very multifaceted and it is disgusting how the Bush admin simplifies things - "axis of evil", very easy for good Christian America to say such things, it is easy to unite against evil when evil "seems" so irrefutable. US generally don't give a shit about global wellbeing unless its in some way advantageous to them, if they really care about dictatorship and tyranny, they better start making plans on countries in South America and Africa; if they care about human rights, they might as well start planning to invade China; if they want to get rid of WMD, start with North Korea, or even with themselves. But why not these other countries? Because they are not profitable (no oil) and they probably have higher technologies that allow missiles to actually not malfunction and fire over the Israeli border. Saddam had to go no one doubts I love seeing him blown to bits as much as the next person... but when US can't even take care of its own domestic problems, it has no right threatening the world. Unless pro-Bush people can prove to me 100% that Bush's "tactics" will improve world peace and prosperity with no hostilities and repercussions, I will keep stating my opinions about his utter stupidity, and the stupidity of his admin in foreign policy.

best damn news parody yet

it actually made me laugh a few times. thats fucking hard to do with flash movies