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Reviews for "Stranded on a Raft"

I died and respawned and tried to pick up my stuff but my inventory got filled with wood that was split up into individual inventory slots instead of stacked in one and then I couldn't pick up my tools :(

the keyboard controls really should be said in-game
i spent a lot of time blind as to what the touchs are
and i really wish there was a way to go back to fullscreen once you get out of it

i can't tell how much time i lost because all the info like the slots where hidden off screen.
especially the frogs that kills me instantly by shooting from offscreen so accurately theres no chance of dodging at all

also, things are VERY badly explained
a bucket can't be put down for example
or a fish you fished can't be eaten
so once you get a full inventory of crap you can't use its not said anywhere you can't use them, you are stuck permanantly

Hmm, bit mixed on this one! I certainly think it has a lot of potential: I mean, you pretty much just copied Raft's homework but hey, it's still a neat little 2D demake, and for the most part it feels intuitive and well put-together for a decent survival experience. I was certainly excited at first to build up my raft and all the various facilities!

However, while it definitely has a solid foundation, my first impression left me feeling hopeless, confused and frustrated. There were a lot of aspects, but the worst was that certain resources like dirt and stone were very annoyingly rare as they only seemed to come from random crates which left me bottlenecked for long periods of time. This meant that, despite me wanting to get simple things like swords, pickaxes or food, all I could do was wait and hope to get lucky, all the while starving to death while getting attacked by frogs and sharks and rocks crashing into my raft erasing huge amounts of progress without anything I could do.

I mean, if I'm being charitable, I'd say it's just trying to be challenging: in theory, there's nothing wrong with a survival game that takes some time to get going and keeps you engaged by threatening to erase some of your stuff and force you to rebuild. I like a lot of hardcore games like this and it could be interesting! But I just think it's not executed well here in my opinion: it just felt a bit too hopeless and pointless, I wasn't sure what I was building towards and it didn't feel like I could do anything to help. I mean, when you've got a game where it's better to commit suicide to refill your hunger meter, you've lost it.

To sum it up, I think it has potential, but could use some considerable tinkering to the variables and design to get a better flow and sense of progression. Best of luck!

Solid game. Would like more crafting options. Perhaps didn't play enough but only the open seas and enemies get a bit stale, perhaps add locations like islands for people to visit?

It's a really fun game! But there are a few glitches. The most common one I ran into was my stuff transforming when I died. I saved & quit and logged back in and everything was fine. Loved the cosmetics too :DD!!