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Reviews for "EOFS - Super Trouble"

idk whats happening but i loved it lol

First time watching EOFS. Had zero context going into this so I'll try and give my thoughts as cleanly as possible.

- Quality Brazilian shitpost material
- Some of the more humorous bits are solid and you don't shy away from it- instead you lean into it. The little girl with the insanely deep voice. The "kkkk". Little things like this.
- Great for when you need to watch something to turn the brain off a bit.
- The static shots, backgrounds are rather well done
- In tandem with my previous point, various objects (e.g. the cars) look like they're all higher quality pre-mades which make for a nice/interesting juxtaposition to the characters
- It showed pastel, which is tasty as fuck and now I'm hungry for one... Damn.
- The lip-synch on the characters is VERY good. Easily one of the best I've seen in a while.
- The little details such as shadows are a nice touch.
- The little boxes explaining context for some of the references are a nice touch (reminds me of AMPEG's sub of Ebichu which explains a ton of things)
- Titties

- The character designs are obviously anime inspired but they're made to fit the shitpost more than the shitpost is made to fit the characters. A handful of generic archetypes are baked which is okay but no one really stands out in a way that makes them characters I would remember fondly.
- I get what you're creating is done entirely by yourself, which is great- but there's more static shots than there is animation as a result- and the few times that there is more active animation it's almost a bit jarring rather than fluid/natural.
- This is more of a personal preference issue- but I really don't care for gore. Goreporn (e.g. horror movies that are less about the thrill or establishing a good plot/story) is something I've never cared for. John Carpenter's "The Thing" is one of my favorite movies of all time and does gore WELL. There's function to it. It's not something like "Hostel" which is a glorified gorefest. It seems as if you employ gore in a fashion that falls into the latter. While this isn't always necessarily bad as sometimes it can remain surprisingly functional (e.g. "Cabin in the woods"), I had a hard time being convinced it was for anything more than making the viewer uncomfortable or for spectacle. It really puts me off from wanting to view more EOFS as a result.
- I am probably digging a little too much here, but, the audio feels like it is lacking. Not because of the amateur style recording here and there (e.g. echo, etc)- just that the cuts are sometimes so varied and go from "dead silence" to light ambient noise, like birds, etc, and a bit of music here and there, again making for a very jarring experience. The music levels are good, but the peaks for some sounds and voice clips are brutal. I would have been fucked if I was listening to this on a headset.

In summary.... It feels like a good shitpost, but not a series I would watch constantly. I am not from Brazil so there's probably a lot being referenced here which simply flies over my head.

Keep at it,

TheMiamiDeSantos responds:

yo, thanks for the review! Great one indeed, thanks for the pros specially the lip sync one hehe i felt honored indeed. Yeah, the character design are all very simple, but i honestly like them, i like complex detailed designs like we got on touhou as well simple designs like in sailor moon, maybe if you give them one or more chances you will like my daughters. HAHA everybody is hating the stationary parts jeez i must be the only one already used to that (the creator of the cartoon is the only one used to it lol). Yeah the gore and the violence is for trying to shock the viewer or something, i'm heavily inspired by extreme metal, grindcore music, there is a lot of violent front covers, heavy lyrics and such.
Once again thanks for your review!

I am new to this series so I can't speak for the past episodes just yet, but I will admit there are a lot of things I like about it and a lot I have to infer.

First the writing and animation is actually good, surprisingly good. This episodes simple plot is the girls are hanging out and the small one accidentally kicked her ball at a car, the nurse kills the woman from said car and then dragons show up, a shootout ensues and one of them retreats safely. The animation is great, the lip sync is well done and the deaths are entertaining too. The style is an entirely different story, I can tell the eyes are anime inspired, and all the characters have pretty massive breast sizes, which is fine but a lot of the characters look way too similar. For example at 2:02 when the scene changes the two characters look identical except for the slight difference in voice and hair style/color. I gravitated more towards the simple circle-pupil single-colored eyes the characters sometimes have. Gelly Ann is my favorite character, because she has the thick eyeliner you can tell which girl she is, and her voice is quieter than most of the others. I'm hoping you flesh the characters out more with slightly differing designs and shape language to make them stand apart.

Speaking of the voices, all the characters are voiced by guys, and if that's part of the charm I hope you up the quality of the mics eventually. The volume of the lines are sometimes too low, and the music is about the same volume as the lines so native speakers won't be able to hear them. Another thing I wasn't a fan of was the random images that popped up during some of the explanations, I can see what you're going for, the contrast of the girls with something gross or "disgusting" looking is funny, but because they are live action (the roaches the rooster in the grocery store etc.) it takes me out of the cartoon a bit. Same thing for the guns, the flat photos of the guns looked like crap, whereas the scenes where they are loading them and they are drawn at an angle looked great. I wasn't sure why you didn't keep the guns drawn the whole way through unless it was to save on time. I noticed you animated the guns very accurately and I appreciate that, most animators would not show the hammer being pulled back from a pistol.

One thing I did like was the explanations for the text lingo the characters used in Brazilian culture, it was interesting and provided the context I needed to understand it. The english subtitles were on point for the most part, with some occasional grammar issues here and there. The sound effects were good, I think some of the gunshots sound like cap guns. Even if these recordings are real firearms they don't sound real or impactful enough in the animation. I can't complain about the backgrounds either they fit the style of the characters.

I didn't like the other shortcut I noticed the whole way through which was when the characters appeared in the scene (like at 3:02) they spring up instead of actually being animated, whether they are standing, crouching or entering the scene. The ending was bombarded with the memes popping up which was unnecessary, until I noticed the "Biggest EOFS fan" meme which was funny because it had to do with the show. I think those would be best to put on a different platform like twitter or something.
I know this review is a bit of a roller coaster so for the footnotes version,

-I loved the writing, jokes, detail, backgrounds and animation.
-The characters need more diversity.
-The voice acting needs improving.
-The mics are poor quality (and surrounding area might need padding)
-I love Gelly Ann...
-Imagery needs to match the style. (no irl pics)
-Edit the audio a bit so the voices are heard clearly.
-Needs better gun sound effects.
-It could do without the 'spring up' shortcut.
-No more piles of memes. (pls)

TheMiamiDeSantos responds:

wow great review! thank you a lot! hehe, i voice every character. I repeat a lot of stuff like characters and gun sprites in order to save time as i do everything myself. I did gave some special attention to the gun parts detail cuz i love guns. The gunshots sounds are all real, on the youtube description there is proper credit for everything, including the source of the gunshots, being the 32 long, 25acp and 22 long rifle closer to real life recordings, people are used to those hollywood/videogame gun sounds and i tried to make small calibers (25acp, 22lr) sounds quieter than the bigger calibers (38spl, 32long), but that's a good suggestion indeed i think i will try to edit those small calibers sounds to make them sound cooler. Hehe, the meme things is cuz i'm getting some popularity on some facebook underground shitposting scene, i didn't know what to put at the ending so i put that outro with those memes i had saved on my memes folder as a little tribute to my shitposting buddies lol. I'm really glad you did love gelly ann, she is one my best characters indeed, once again thank you a lot for your review!

best episode yet, the animation quality has improved a lot, it could still be better but that comes from experience

funny visuals, cool action, and it wasn't 40 hours long like some of the previous episodes

I also appreciate how you explain references to Brazilian memes and stuff in the subtitles

(I watched about 11 minutes of episode 5, but honestly found it pretty boring, most of the same criticisms of the beach episode apply there)

TheMiamiDeSantos responds:

Thanks! this one is based on most of the feedback i did receive by can be summed by: shorter and more animations.
This one is meant to be the eofs business card (until i can make a better one on the future). I always wanted to make a gunfight scene. The explanation of brazlian stuff is like how the subbed animes has explanation of japanese stuff, thank you a lot dude, those reviews were great!
haha yeah, the episode 5 is boring as shit indeed, i tried to do something explaining a little more of the characters, lore and shit, ended up looking like a stupid weird soup opera, thankfully i won't need another episode trying to explain shit, how some say "the hardest part is the beginning" i think even the boring part of the beach ep is better than that one haha boring eofs is like funeral doom death metal but on animation, thanks dude, you're awesome, hails from brazil

He gave me dm asking to review this so I'll give a fully honest, detailed review. I think the animation could be more "fluid". For most of it the characters are stationary. Their mouth moves and they blink. This can make it a little boring after a while. Look that's a lot of work, and I can see you know how to animate like that, mostly on the tits. Speaking of tits, as I often do, I think showing the tits out of the shirt is mostly just a way of justifying the rating as M, to get more attention. Without that I can definitely see this as T. Swearing isn't too big a deal.

Maybe not. Maybe you just like nips. Me and you the same buddy. As Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said: "When life gives you pencils, draw boobs" (too soon?) The voice acting being just you in various very deep Brazilin, though somehow sounds very Russian am I the only one who hears it? is very funny at the start; hearing a little girl talk in one the deepest voices I've heard, but it can get maybe a little tiresome after too long.

I do love how there's a wholesome religious message after the most fucked up shit. The last thing I want to mention was the ending. It was shit funny, but on a site like Newgrounds I can't ignore its laziness. Anyway overall pretty good and pretty funny, though sorta drags itself out.

TheMiamiDeSantos responds:

yo, thanks for your review! i love the honesty. Yeah the stationary characters saves me a lot of time as it is a lot of work indeed specially by doing everything by yourself. the ng automatically put it M while i was putting the things it asked "has violence?" me "lots" "has explicit audio? me "lots", etc, i think it as cartoon for adults it's not suitable for teenages
yeah i love the nips and the tits fuck yeah. Hehe i have saw people calling portuguese "the spanish's weird brother". Some people don't like the death metal like voice action, guess it takes some time to get used to the metal vocals i remember when i started listening to metal some bands i couldn't stand the vocals but i got used to eventually.
Haha yeah i was very lazy on the ending, i didn't know what to put there, so i did put some shitpost memes as i'm getting some popularity on an underground facebook shitposting scene
Once again thanks for your review!