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Reviews for "goldilocks"

Style over substance

This piece of work resembles a snippit from an explotiation flick. You obviously have a lot of talent artistically and a few moments exude grand style. Ok stuff I like: THe creepy vocals, the artwork, the blur effect when the hand points. Stuff i didn't like: No point. No message. Exploitative without a cause. Dwelling on the corpse for a little to long really killed the impact of the image. YOu could have cut a few seconds and made it way more disturbing. Obviously you have the talent to pull off this kind of stuff, you just need a little more substance. I look forward to when that time comes.

Was Bollocks

I'd expect stuff posted on the main page to be bloody sweet, but that sucked dick.

Really wasn't that great if you ask me. Shit like like that is only scarey in the dark on a huge screen when everything looks reaistic.


(i was being generous)

Pornographic garbage.

Hey, I'm all in favor of violence when it is used to convey something. Whether it's artistic violence(A Clockwork Orange) or funny violence(Monty Python and the Holy Grail), if used well it can be very effective.
This is an example of violence for the sake of diplaying something shocking and difficult to watch. I am reminded of those fucked up Hentai sites that show women ripped open with rusty meat hooks to sexual deviants.
I did not find this artistic or entertaining. I found it gruesome for no reason. It shows two graphic and horrific murders for no reason other than to show them.
I'm sure the author thinks this is "Avant-garde." It's not. This is nothing more than tripe passed off as such. I cannot believe so many have been fooled into thinking they've witnessed something meaningful. If you think that anything I've said is off in any way, respond HERE.


Aww, was somebody ignored by mommy as a child? Or maybe the females don't take a liking to you very much. Scary it was, issues you have. It was well constructed and the music worked but on the whole i think this is to be viewed under clinical supervision. There are enough people who enjoy the dark stuff, not me however, but it seems like you're venting rather than creating. You have great potential, please don't waste it.


There are some real wussies on this forum

Come on, has 90% of the forum never seen an R-rated movie? Go watch American Psycho, or A Clockwork Orange. Shit, go watch a Jason movie. This is just a movie with no worth while dialogue, no transition, and no cohesion whatsoever. The only reason it's got notoriety is because it seems like any measure of gore that is shown in a style other than black humor brands someone a psycho nowadays. Leave your weak hearts and pseudo-psychological analyses at home, kiddies, and get over a couple bloodstains.