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Reviews for "Forest Shack ( Prototype )"

great game short simple can't wait to see what else you do

HatiValcoran responds:

I'll be making a news post about that shortly! Thank you for playing, I'm glad you liked it.

Love the look. Foreground could pop a little better!
The concept is cool, I do feel like i dont understand some things tho, e.g. bandaid minigame confused me, hit and damage feedback is really lacking. Controls feel needlessly scattered, why not mouse entirely?
Anyway, cool project, keep it up!

HatiValcoran responds:

The controls were chosen to increase engagement a little, so it didn't feel too much like an auto-clicker!

I hope the controls image in the game description helped solve any doubts you had.

And thank you, I will aim to.

the game has a somber atmosphere with perfectly harmonized degrees of suspense, the atmosphere contributes so that even if you have a way to defend yourself you feel weak in the face of the unknown, i won't talk about plostwist because of the spoiler but congratulations your game is amazing

HatiValcoran responds:

Thank you, doorofhell, most of my efforts went towards crafting the atmosphere. I hope that when the second comes along, you enjoy it just as much.

The atmosphere here is spot on great job

HatiValcoran responds:

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.

Pretty interesting game. Dev did really good job, i'd like to see the continue of it.